Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,020 Superb Acting Skills

You have to go through a lot of relationships before you can find the one that suits you. There are many unforgettable scenes in between, which is a waste of time. Maybe this is a test of life.

In repeated trials, we slowly grew up, slowly learned to be cunning, and slowly learned to betray our innocence and our original dreams.

In the swamp of life, it slowly degenerates into a piece of vulgar fallen leaves. Slowly, after a burst of autumn wind, it falls into the dust of time, and slowly turns into a touch of vicissitudes of time.

Tearing off famous brands is actually the same situation. You have to waste a lot of energy to meet someone you want to meet. Maybe you meet someone and you may not be able to tear her off immediately. A lot of effort in the middle will also be wasted.

The two physiognomists Xu Zheng and Huang Bo were in the same situation. Under such a situation, they were hesitant to tear Xu Qing away.

All decisions were made in a blink of an eye. Just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, the murderous intent on Xu Zheng and Huang Bo's faces disappeared without a trace in an instant. As an actor, you have to control your emotions well.

On this point, Huang Bo and Xu Zheng did a very good job. A moment ago, I was thinking about whether to kill Xu Qing and tear off Xu Qing's name brand directly, but now I am thinking about how to form an alliance with Xu Qing.

Because they know very well that Xu Qing is a kind of literary and artistic woman, therefore, in such a situation, it is best for Xu Zheng to be the first to negotiate with Xu Qing. Therefore, Xu Zheng immediately walked over and said frankly: "Sister Xu Qing, has Wang Baoqiang been torn apart by the boss?"

This question was asked very skillfully, and it revealed Xu Zheng's goodwill. I'm here to get information, not to tear off famous brands.

The second one is that in such a situation, asking Xu Qing clearly why he was panicking showed goodwill. This goodwill will be the basis for cooperation in the future.

Xu Qing is a very assertive person. If it offends her, then Xu Qing may be in alliance with Ye Ming and can tear them apart by turning around.

Therefore, negotiating with Xu Qing at this time requires certain skills.

If Xu Zheng wasn't very accomplished in drama and expressed his emotions very well, then he might not be able to negotiate with Xu Qing in such a situation.

Xu Qing nodded in shock. After seeing Xu Zheng, a panicked expression appeared on his face subconsciously. However, seeing Xu Zheng and Huang Bo standing there obediently without doing anything, Xu Qing was a little calm at this time. I felt a little more relieved.

At this moment, she calmed down her fearful mood and said: "I was on the first floor just now, thinking about ambushing Ye Ming, because I felt that according to Ye Ming's character, even if he wanted to tear off the famous brand, it would be too easy. The ones on the first floor were killed.

Sure enough, I guessed the beginning of the story. Therefore, I will directly pull Wang Baoqiang into my team at the beginning.

Because I think that if someone can cooperate with me to tear off your boss's name brand, then Wang Baoqiang's skills are very good. As a result, I met your boss and guessed the beginning of the story, but I didn't guess the end of the story.

Wang Baoqiang was originally a fishing bait, and I wanted to lure your boss into taking the bait. Then I directly ambushed your boss, but unexpectedly, your boss could see at a glance that Wang Baoqiang was a fishing bait, and he was not fooled at all. "

Having said this, Xu Qing was still a little aggrieved. Her plan was quite perfect. From her point of view, it was very perfect. She had her own wisdom and Wang Baoqiang's skill. But in a person like this, Under the circumstances, it doesn't mean that it is impossible to succeed if Ye Ming is persuaded.

But at this time, he was no match for Ye Ming.

At this moment, Xu Zheng and Huang Bo were also laughing, as if they were joking very happily. Xu Zheng resisted and did not continue to laugh, but it could be seen from his face that he might have done something silly.

Xu Zheng said helplessly: "Sister Xu Qing, you actually said you dare to use Wang Baoqiang as fishing bait.

In fact, a person like Bao Qiang is born to be two kinds of people, one is a killer, ruthless, and can kill with one strike, and the other is a comedy character, an honest farmer. These two characters are almost the same. He doesn't perform very attentively. He just stands there and performs in his true colors. But if you want him to make fishing bait, this is impossible.

Not to mention our boss, in fact, if it were any one of me and Huang Bo, you would not be able to succeed in such a situation. We can easily see through this that Wang Baoqiang is not suitable for fishing bait.

It's impossible for our boss not to see it. Since Baoqiang is said to have been killed, let's unite.

If we are fighting alone, then in such a situation, there is no way that any of us can go against our boss. "

This is very certain. When Xu Zheng said this, his expression was also very sincere, and there was no acting at all.

At this time, Huang Bo also said very happily: "Yes, it is hard to say whether the three of us can tear our boss apart if we join forces.

But I have to give it a try anyway, right? I haven’t enjoyed the fun of tearing off famous brands yet? "

Xu Qing said with a bitter look on his face: "Actually, I think now, we have no fun at all in this matter, tearing off name tags. I personally saw Wang Baoqiang's name tag being torn off by Ye Ming, with that stinging sound , as if it tore my soul directly apart.

In such a situation, I ran away because I knew that facing Ye Ming, even if I went up, the team would be destroyed. "

Facing Ye Ming directly, even if Xu Qing and Wang Baoqiang were to unite, there would be no possibility of victory at such a time.

Therefore, regarding such a matter, Xu Qing felt a little guilty at this time. Expressing the nervousness he felt at the moment.

Huang Bo immediately said: "But if we don't cooperate, then there will be no way to play this game. Without any idea at all, the boss will catch us one by one and tear us apart."

This is the most important thing, and this is also the basis for Xu Qing's cooperation with them.

Therefore, at this time, Xu Zheng was a little moved when he saw Xu Qing, so he immediately struck while the iron was hot and said: "Sister Xu Qing, look, we don't have much time for such a matter now. I estimate that if the boss rips off Wang Baoqiang, The only thing left is to go directly to the second floor to tear us apart. Actually, there is not much time given to us now.

In such a situation, if we are talking about Jiji Waiwai, then in such a situation, the possibility of being directly killed by the boss is very high. "Time waits for no one.

Therefore, in such a situation, Xu Zheng also wanted Xu Qing to make up his mind quickly.

Xu Qing's highly intelligent brain immediately thought of this matter, so he nodded decisively and said: "Okay, let's cooperate, hide first, and discuss the next plan."

Ye Ming is coming up soon. Such a threat is also very big for Xu Qing. Therefore, on such a question, Xu Qing directly agreed to such a request without hesitation. .

However, time waits for no one. Ye Ming and Wang Baoqiang said a few words and went upstairs directly. At this time, it was actually not five minutes yet. In fact, it was a half-hour game, but if it was according to Judging from the speed at which Ye Ming tore off famous brands on the first floor, it would be quite depressing in a matter like this.

This simply means that there is no possibility of escaping Ye Ming's punishment. Maybe this game will be available in less than fifteen minutes.

Huang Bo heard Xu Qing's words and did not follow him immediately. Instead, he said with a helpless expression on his face: "Sister Xu Qing, if this is the case, then I don't need to consider this matter. There is no need at all. Under such a situation, there is no need for us to discuss any countermeasures."

After seeing the expression on Huang Bo's face, Xu Zheng knew what happened without looking back. That is to say, in such a situation, Ye Ming came and his boss came. This is Very sure, after all, there are not many things that can change Huang Bo's color, but looking at Huang Bo's expression at this moment, it is very ugly.

There is actually only one explanation at this time, that is, Ye Ming is here.

This is very helpless. Xu Zheng is very helpless. In such a situation, no matter what the situation is, Xu Qing and Huang Bo are actually looking at the same direction. , at this time Xu Qing collapsed a little, frowned, and started to cheat and said: "I won't play anymore, I won't play anymore, this kind of game is not interesting at all, I can't tear others apart, it's not interesting at all, Ye Ming I feel very bad. Everyone is thinking about dealing with you, and we can't enjoy the game at all."

Only people like Xu Qing who are friends with Ye Ming can talk to Ye Ming like this under such circumstances. Otherwise, it is impossible for others to have such an attitude towards Ye Ming. Clearly.

At this time, Huang Bo and Xu Zheng were helpless and shrugged their shoulders, saying that such a thing had nothing to do with them. Ye Ming's pressure was so severe that Xu Qing couldn't bear it at this time.

Therefore, at this time, Xu Qing stopped playing. This is where Xu Qing's true temperament lies. If I don't want to play, then you can't force me to play games even if I sleep at this time. Xu Qing has the privilege of cheating.

And at this time, even Huang Bo and Xu Zheng felt that such a game was playing, and Ye Ming's oppression was indeed very great.

Xu Qing's performance was a bit broken. Ye Ming indeed put a lot of pressure on her. Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming suddenly said a sentence in Qilu dialect: "What are you doing? What are you doing? Why do you say it well? If you don't finish talking, you will stop playing. What a shame."

Funny, Ye Ming's expectations at this moment are very funny.

When Ye Ming said such words, what exuded from Ye Ming's body was not that powerful aura. Ye Ming has the aura of a powerful actor.

This momentum is a reflection of Ye Ming's acting skills reaching a certain level.

Therefore, in such a situation, Ye Ming may exude this momentum intentionally or unintentionally. It makes people feel very stressed.

But at this moment, when Ye Ming said such words, he acted like a tease, a two hundred and five.

It's basically like the performance of a passerby in a movie. Therefore, at this time, Xu Qing was sitting on the ground, just took a look, and kicked him out.

If Ye Ming is still the kind of actor who exudes powerful momentum, then at this time, Xu Qing will never have the idea to kick Ye Ming directly. A movie king is a movie king, and a movie king has the pressure of a movie king.

But at this time, Ye Ming acted like an ordinary fortune teller. At this moment, Xu Qing naturally felt that Ye Ming could be kicked. Xu Qing said very unhappily: "It's a broken game. It's not fun at all. Turn around and I'll tear off your name tag."

Tearing off name tags, the characteristics of this game are like this. If you watch others tearing off name tags, then this game is very exciting. Watching others being eliminated one by one, then in such a thing, it is It seems to be a very good and hearty way of venting.

When others are unlucky, it will make most of the people watching the fun feel happy. But if we are talking about people who had their name tags ripped off, then we cannot say that they are happy or unhappy at this time.

In such a situation, no matter what it was, Xu Qing saw with his own eyes his name tags were torn off when he went to an Internet cafe, and his teammates were torn off, which made Xu Qing suffer a great blow. Therefore, she wants to take revenge on Ye Ming.

At this moment, Ye Ming behaves like an ordinary person, the kind who can be easily bullied. Xu Qing, who has the temperament of a young lady, naturally wants to take revenge by tearing Ye Ming apart.

Now Ye Ming is acting so funny, which is very different from Ye Ming's style. However, Xu Qing likes it very much. She thinks that Ye Ming like this is Ye Ming.

Moreover, at this time, Ye Ming surprisingly turned around and said: "Tear it up, tear it up, what's so great about it? Isn't it just a famous brand? The relationship between the two of us will be torn off." No big deal.”

Shocked, Huang Bo and Xu Zheng were very shocked. (To be continued)

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