Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 1,393 No Way Out

【I am just a stranger in a foreign land, and no one will shed my tears when I leave. Poor peach blossoms are inherently pure, who would be the one to bury the flowers? --Excerpts from Autumn Meng Yin]

Alexander said helplessly: "Mr. Ye, you have to think carefully about this matter. Hollywood has its own rules of the game. Sometimes, you can't be so stubborn. If you do this, it will also be detrimental to your future development in Hollywood. ."

This is not a threat, but a small piece of advice. Ye Ming said very definitely: "I know this, Alexander, if I were an American, then maybe I would abide by these unspoken rules, but I am a Chinese, so there are some unspoken rules like this It just doesn't suit me very well.

If Americans compromise on their own, they will be regarded by their colleagues in Hollywood as being tactful and experienced in doing things. In our words, this means knowing the overall situation and taking the overall situation into consideration. But if we Chinese, or even foreigners, do things like this in Hollywood, then there will be some issues that are difficult to address.

We are outsiders, so many of our compromises will be considered synonymous with weakness, which will be very disadvantageous for us. If I give in this time, then in the future, our brilliant film and television will also invest in some Hollywood movies. By then, if someone wants to break the rules, what do you think we should do?

Should I agree? If I say yes, then we won’t have to play in Hollywood anymore. This is the first time that I have seriously invested in and starred in a Hollywood movie. This time I must maintain my tough attitude. If it is said that I cannot do this on such an issue, , then my future path in Hollywood will be difficult. "

Ye Ming naturally has his own concerns, and this is actually the case. If Ye Ming compromises this time, it will give people the illusion of being weak and can be bullied in such a matter. You must know that Ye Ming controls large companies such as Huihuang.com and Huihuang Film and Television. Why should he file a lawsuit with the White House? It's not that he has nothing to do, but he must maintain a tough attitude.

If he cannot maintain his tough attitude on such an issue, then it is not certain that Huihuang.com will be divided up by American capital on such an issue. Therefore, the same is true in the entertainment industry. Sometimes you have to maintain a tough attitude to scare everyone.

Alexander was cold for a moment, and then said with emotion: "Maybe, in fact, RB and Koreans have learned to compromise relatively well in the United States. Isn't this the same way to make money?" This certainly makes sense, after all, the United States If our two little brothers are obedient, there is no problem in the United States giving them some benefits.

But Ye Ming is from China. He said without hesitation: "Do you think RB or South Korea have any status and dignity in the United States? They are just boys who follow the United States. If the United States really cares about RB, it will not I came across the Hiroshima Agreement, do you think this is the truth?"

Alexander said very decisively: "This matter is naturally impossible. You know, sometimes if the pigs are fattened, they will naturally kill those who eat the pork. This is very certain. RB has so much money. , if we say that there are no restrictions, it is simply saying that we are sorry for the cultivation here in the United States.

In fact, in the eyes of many Americans, both RB and South Korea are RB's wage earners, doing the work for the boss.

If a wage earner wants to surpass his boss, even financially, then this is unforgivable. "Americans have American calculations. There is no saying that the economic development of RB and South Korea is very good. But on an issue like this, good economic development does not mean that the status of the United States is high enough. .

RB Korea's status in the United States is equivalent to that of long-term workers, which is recognized by the vast majority of Americans.

But on such a matter, Ye Ming said very firmly: "Yes, if you can get it, you must have obstetrics and gynecology. The United States has the ability now, so it can naturally suppress RB South Korea, but we also did it back then." I used to be the suzerain country of RB Korea, so I know these two countries relatively well. In addition, I believe that in the near future, China will definitely rise rapidly.

Therefore, on a question like this, you Americans will know it soon.

Therefore, there is no problem in cooperating here, but if someone wants to suppress me, then everyone will just file a lawsuit. Of course, they must win against my legal team first. "Ye Ming has his own legal team, so at this time, if you are not convinced, you can file a lawsuit.

Alexander was a little speechless. If such a problem can really be solved by filing a lawsuit, then for such a matter, it means that Hollywood will not be said to be a combination of heaven and hell. But Ye Ming's lawyer Tian Na is one of the most famous legal teams on Wall Street. In a place like the United States, at least on the surface, the law must be followed.

A good lawyer is very good at appearance. And Ye Ming's group of lawyers have fought lawsuits with the White House, so there must be no problem with their combat effectiveness. And Ye Ming's move of filing a lawsuit with the White House is finally said to have played its due role.

Such a thing shows that Ye Ming likes to litigate and is a very tough person. This is a very beneficial result for Ye Ming's development in Hollywood. After all, when it comes to a matter like this, many Americans think that Chinese people are the kind of people who are willing to let things go and make big things happen. But in Ye Ming's eyes, they couldn't see any compromise.

That is to say, if it is an issue like this, if Universal really dares to take the money in the Fast and Furious account, even if it is misappropriation, it will definitely receive a letter from Ye Ming's lawyer. If he files a lawsuit, Ye Ming Chong has never compromised, at least not first.

This is a warning to the world.

Americans, in fact, are like this. They can be too soft to be too tough. Ye Ming understands this very well. If you are said to be very tough, then at a time like this, it will definitely cause a stir. Respected by Americans. At least, it will arouse Americans' scruples. In fact, Ye Ming almost wants this effect.

Seeing that Ye Ming was struggling, Alexander knew very well that Ye Ming's affairs were not easy to handle. The Fast and Furious crew has a lot of money, but if Ye Ming doesn't nod and sign, it won't be withdrawn at all.

Alexander glanced at Ye Ming thoughtfully and said: "With a temper like yours, either you will become famous in Hollywood, achieve unparalleled achievements, and establish another monument for Chinese people. Otherwise, you will fail completely. , was strangled in the bud by the alliance of capital. There is no other way, and there is no way for you to have a third way. Even if you want to retreat, it is simply impossible.

On an issue like this, no matter how much money is said, it is impossible for capital to make you retreat. "

Because the prospects of Huihuang.com are so good that it is impossible for Ye Ming to quit with the capital tied up in this company. If Ye Ming quits, then none of the patents of Huihuang.com will be left. Like this Something that no other capital could possibly watch happen.

The main reason why Huihuang.com has its current dominant position is that it is supported by Ye Ming's powerful patents. Technology is king, and this is the Internet. Of course, companies such as Quantum Fund also played a role in fueling such an incident, but they were definitely not the main role.

If it were not Quantum Fund, then even if other capital entered Huihuang.com, it would still be able to bring Huihuang.com to its current level. Therefore, it is impossible for Ye Ming to withdraw from Huihuang.com. And now, whether it is Quantum Fund or other capital, there is no objection that Huihuang.com belongs to Ye Ming.

After all, Ye Ming has mastered the patent. As long as Huihuang.com can help them make money, they will continue to support Huihuang.com. Therefore, who does Huihuang.com belong to? Basically, there is no such thing. There is nothing too many people are against. Therefore, Ye Ming has no way to retreat now. If he moves forward, of course there will be no one to restrain him, but if he wants to retreat, this is almost impossible. Ye Ming said very definitely: "Do you think that the Internet era has come to an end at this time, and there is no room for development at all?"

Alexander thought for a while and said: "It's not necessarily the end, but I think that human beings have already invented almost everything that should be invented. Going to the sky and the earth, entering space, the moon, and even launching probes to Mars. We have started to launch probes from outer space and so on. The Internet, phone calls, and video chats are not a problem. Is there anything else that has not been invented? Is it a time machine? Do you think time can really be reversed? I don’t think there must be something that hasn’t been invented yet. It’s probably a time machine.

We are living in a great era at this time. It can be said that as long as human beings do not seek death or kill themselves, then I think that even if this is not the pinnacle of humankind, it is still only a few steps away from the pinnacle. "

Alexander seems to feel very lucky about some things now. He is in a great era. Space shuttles, aircraft carriers, atomic bombs, telephone movies, Internet video chats, etc. are some shocking inventions.

Therefore, Alexander himself believed that he was in a very great era. Even if he was not the pinnacle of mankind, when it came to such a problem, it was almost similar to the pinnacle of mankind. Perhaps, if humans do not use nuclear war, then humans will basically be truly indestructible.

Think about it, it is indeed like this. Regarding such a thing, mankind is indeed in a golden age now, but it is not necessarily the best, and gold is not necessarily the most valuable.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Ming said without hesitation: "In fact, this matter may just be you thinking about it like this. No matter how you say it, on such a matter, we just just It’s just the beginning. The distance between us and the peak is just beginning. Even if we look up, we can’t see it.

For example, the Internet, and now computers, or artificial intelligence, and so on. Or who said something about dimensional space? Have you forgotten all of this? Therefore, we have just begun to enter the game circle. Even up to now, we people on earth are not even qualified to participate in this game. , and at times like this, we need to make more efforts. "

For example, the ********* system, such as rebirth, these are things that are fundamentally impossible to explain and impossible to do with current human science.

Therefore, at this time, only Ye Ming himself was very clear. Regarding such a problem, he could only develop to the peak of the system to see what changes would happen to the ********* system. Unless Ye Ming really can't do these things.

Of course, at this time, Ye Ming thinks he still has hope. As for what kind of changes will happen after doing it, what kind of situation Ye Ming will face, whether it is the legendary sea of ​​stars, it is difficult for Ye Ming to say.

Now it means to do what the system requires him to do.

Alexander said unconvinced: "These are all science fiction, Mr. Ye, have you watched too much of The Terminator? I know that you and Arnold have a good relationship, and Lao Ka also has a good relationship with you, but this is not You must endorse The Terminator. I admit that The Terminator is a classic science fiction movie, but a movie is a movie. As a Hollywood practitioner in such a matter, you must clearly distinguish the distance between dreams and reality. .

Cameron's own dream of being chased by robots does not mean that such a problem will actually occur in the future. At least it is impossible for now, and it is impossible to reach this point in a short time. Therefore, you are worrying too much. We live in such a golden age, what else is there to be dissatisfied about? "

Ye Ming knew that convenience was of no use at this time, so he shrugged and said, "Maybe, everyone has different ideas on this issue, but they are all the same. We must make progress and keep making progress, otherwise, we will always be eliminated, even the dominant humans are like this." (To be continued)

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