Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 181 Re-editing [Jing Ke]

Ye Ming thought for a moment, seeming hesitant and hesitant to speak. Kadokawa Liyan immediately understood what was going on and said immediately: "Don't worry, Director Ye. I will never let you do this in vain. In this way, you will help edit the ten-minute clip first. Once it passes the appraisal, Well, the word money seems too tacky. The company under my name has just bought a courtyard house in Beijing, near the Forbidden City, over Beichizi, worth more than 1.5 million. You helped me edit this movie, Then the courtyard is yours."

Ye Ming pretended to meditate for a while, but in his mind, he directly asked the question system [About the movie "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin", is there any editing method? I mean it is very comfortable for professionals to watch, but for Western audiences The kind that doesn't buy it no matter what. 】

The system immediately upgraded and said [there are three ways, one can protect the capital, one can recover the investment of 50 million, and the other can recover the investment of 40 million from abroad. If we say that according to Chen Kaige's editing level, it is possible to earn 30 million with hard work, and the probability is about 40%. 】

Twenty million, such a price, actually made Ye Ming not very satisfied. Therefore, he immediately asked, "If it is comfortable to watch, but the box office is only more than ten million, is there anything that can be done at a level similar to this?" 】

The system prompts [The host has finally understood the true meaning of how to become a superstar. In this industry, one can only rise to the top by stepping on others. Therefore, the host's understanding has increased by half a star. 】

This result made Ye Ming really happy. At this moment, new data was re-displayed in Ye Ming's mind [Host: Ye Ming. Age nineteen, acting skills: 719, singing skills: 588, popularity: 630, force value: 400, understanding: two and a half stars. Function: Artist training, props store. Inventory, stamina potion, stand-in puppet, classic movie signing card].

At this moment, Ye Ming's heart seemed to become more transparent. Understanding, it turned out to be like this. Others can figure out a line of dialogue in ten seconds, but you can do it in seven seconds. This is understanding.

Ye Ming nodded and said, "That's no problem. Where is Mr. Dong's editing room?"

At this moment, Kadokawa Liyan seemed very surprised. His eyes widened and he said, "Director Ye, don't you need to be ready to start editing tomorrow? I heard that editing is a technical job."

This made Kadokawa Ritsuko doubt that Ye Ming was too arbitrary. He simply said that he did not regard the work of director and editing as the same thing. Ye Ming waved his hand with a smile and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Kadokawa, you are an expert in business, but when it comes to movies, I still have a say. Half an hour is enough to edit a ten-minute film, of course it is a rough cut. , after all, this is just a proper modification and it won’t take too long.”

At this time, Ye Ming was actually pretending to know what he was doing, and he was indeed able to fool some people, especially laymen like Kadokawa Ritsuyan.

Ye Ming followed a Huayi staff member to the editing room with the film. At this time, Dong Ping looked at Kadokawa Liyan with suspicion and said, "Mr. Kadokawa, do you mean that you just believe in Ye Ming? A courtyard house is like this." Then sent it out?"

Because some of Poly Huayi's industries are also developing towards internationalization, Dong Ping believes that establishing a good relationship with Japanese businessmen like Kadokawa Ritsuke will also be helpful to the company's development. After all, the Japanese film market is Asia's. An important market, and under such circumstances, Kadokawa Ritsuyan joined here, but he never expected that Zhang Yimou and Ye Ming both decided that the movie was basically hopeless, at least. This is such a thing in China.

However, it seems that if it is re-edited, it will not completely lose money internationally. This is a bit difficult for Dong Ping to accept. After all, he has lost real money. At this time, Kadokawa Ritsuyan had no reason to be dissatisfied. If he sold it to Poly Huayi for 13 million, and then got some from the international copyright, even if it was a loss, it wouldn't be too much, right?

At that moment, he was very satisfied with the result and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Dong Sang. In fact, I have also said that I want him to pass the appraisal of my experts and say that there are no problems. My two experts, There is a person who has been a judge at the Cannes International Film Festival for many years, and he has very accurate judgments about movies. Therefore, under such a situation, I think that once my filmmaker passes, At least we can get back some investment. In this case, giving away a house worth more than one million yuan is nothing."

Kadokawa Li said that this guy is a pure businessman. Ye Ming is right. He doesn't know much about movies, but he knows how to do business and how to make money. That's enough.

The wishful thinking in his mind is that once he gets the approval of the two filmmakers he brought, it will almost mean that he can still compete at the Cannes International Film Festival. In this case, once he gets some awards, As a result, if you fool the film distributors in Europe, America, and Southeast Asia, there is absolutely no problem in selling the copyright for 20 to 30 million.

Even if my movie is incomprehensible, it is still an award-winning movie at the Cannes Film Festival, right? In fact, this is how business is done. As long as you can fool the publisher with a name, nothing is impossible.

For example, in China, Poly Huayi was able to be deceived by relying on Chen Kaige's reputation. Thirteen million, this also recovered some investment. Otherwise, Kadokawa Liyan's position as manager will be lost after he returns. It might be dangerous.

Thinking of this, Kadokawa Liyan couldn't help but look at Dong Ping secretly and proudly. Half an hour passed. In fact, under such a situation, regarding such an issue, Kadokawa Tateyan was still very nervous. He almost said that a deficit of 60 million yuan would be huge if converted into Japanese yen. Almost billions of yen, this is a figure that he cannot afford.

Next, Kadokawa Tieyan found two experts he brought over. One had white hair and the other wore black-rimmed glasses, looking like a scholar. After the two people watched the movie edited by Ye Ming, they respectfully said to the gray-haired filmmaker with black-rimmed glasses: "Senior Kitano, please."

In Japan, there is a strict hierarchy in the entertainment industry that is beyond ordinary people's imagination. At this time, as long as there is a senior, the other person must show enough respect. For example, say it once.

The filmmaker with black-rimmed glasses didn't dare to say anything.

Kitano Wu is the leader of Japan's new generation of directors. In the post-Akira Kurosawa era, Kitano Wu was called the new emperor of the Japanese film industry.

He is not very tall, but sitting there, he naturally has a majestic mountain-like temperament. The suppressed Kadokawa Ritsuyan and the black-framed middle-aged man are a little breathless.

Kitano was silent for a moment and then said: "Mr. Kadokawa, I think this editing cannot be achieved according to your first requirement of maintaining capital. However, if it is based on your second requirement, in fact, this The movie is very much in line with the Cannes style, so it’s normal for a movie like this to win one or two awards, because it fits the style of Gan Ah very well.”

Cannes style? Kadokawa Tateyan couldn't understand this, but in fact he didn't need to understand such a problem. As long as he could ensure that one of his goals could be achieved, then there was really no problem with it.

At that moment, Kadokawa Tateyan said respectfully: "Since Mr. Kitano said so, I guess there is no problem. Thank you Mr. Kitano, thank you Mr. Tsukamoto, you two, I have already made arrangements for you two at the Hilton. Room available, please.”

At this time, when he sat in the car, Tsukamoto finally couldn't help but ask: "Senior Kitano, I actually think that this movie is a bit weird after it has been re-edited. Almost every shot is The connection is all to please the judges. There is no problem if professionals watch it, but what if the audience watches it?"

He didn't say this clearly, but the meaning was still very obvious. This thing actually meant that the box office was not very good, at least it was not far from Kadokawa Ritsuyan's hope.

When Kitano came up, he said: "I understood in the second minute that this editing was for the competition. There are not many directors in China who have this ability. I heard that Kadokawa hired Zhang Yimou in order to keep his position.

Could it be that Zhang Yimou took action? "

Tsukamoto immediately said: "I just heard from Mr. Kadokawa's staff that it seemed to be a young director Ye Ming, the director of [Crazy Stone], so I was surprised that a new director would edit something like this." The movie is quite different from [Crazy Stone].”

Mr. Kitano said with some surprise: "Isn't it Zhang Yimou? That's a pity. I thought it was Zhang Yimou's style, which is very similar to Zhang Jun's style. It seems that Ye Ming deliberately wants to trick Kadokawa Ritsukai. Take it."

At this time, Tsukamoto said doubtfully: "Mr. Kitano, why don't we take action? If Mr. Kitano wants to take action, it will definitely be much stronger than the current version."

Mr. Kitano said with a smile: "In terms of technology, Ye Ming's editing skills are already very smooth. Even if I take action, I may not be able to do better technically. Of course, in terms of story, it will definitely be better." If there are changes, the box office will increase internationally, but don’t you know why none of the directors in Japan dare to take action?"

Tsukamoto suddenly realized and said: "Senior Kitano is saying that Mr. Kadokawa invested in Chinese movies, which made some people in Tokyo unhappy, right? So, you want to teach him a lesson?"

Kitano nodded and said: "Otherwise, what do you think is going on? With Kadokawa's relationship, there is no problem in finding a suitable director in China to re-edit it. Why would you come to China to find it?" Someone has to edit it. In fact, Kadokawa also realized this and went to China to find someone to help with editing.

Ye Ming, Tsukamoto, you have to be careful about this person in the future. Do you know why you can't succeed? You don't know how to please those people at the International Film Festival, but this Ye Ming, even ten of your methods can't match him. "

At this time, Kitano Wu received a call, and his face suddenly turned pale. He was so surprised that he even dropped his phone. Tsukamoto had never felt that Director Kitano was so unable to control his emotions.

He asked curiously: "Senior Kitano, what's wrong?"

Kitano Wu looked in the direction of Tokyo and said: "The former is hospitalized, and it is said that a critical illness notice has been issued. The driver will go to the airport immediately."

Who can be called a senior by Kitano in Japan?

Tsukamoto immediately realized who it was.

The Japanese film industry is about to be turned upside down. (To be continued)

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