Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3200: There is a legend about me in the world

Ye Ming paused for a moment, and it was obvious that this memory was not a very happy one, and he continued: "It's not a very pleasant memory anyway.

However, if you want to continue in the entertainment industry and become famous and turn yourself around, it will not be easy. I was actually young and energetic at the time, and I offended a lot of people.

As for quitting the entertainment industry, there is no such thing, because I didn’t say anything at all. I can only say that I quit the entertainment industry. I just said that I was temporarily retiring. I just said that I wanted to enrich myself temporarily. I considered that at that time My strengths, and my weaknesses.

My shortcoming is that I have no background. When I became famous at a young age, it really has a bit of youthful frivolity. So, my accumulation is not enough for me to control. In other words, my fame in the entertainment industry is It may be said that it is the kind of virtue that is not matched, and there will be consequences if the virtue is not matched.

So, this was the issue that I was most worried about at the time. In addition, some other accidents happened. At that time, I just left directly. I thought at that time, let me take it easy for a while. right?

Let me slow down for a moment and let everyone forget about me. It’s not that the entertainment industry forgets someone very quickly. After you left, everyone still missed you, but said that there would always be another artist to take your place.

So, over the years, I have been concentrating on myself and studying hard, including when I want to take the film school entrance examination, which is the same. I am also constantly enriching myself and constantly learning.

Of course, I have participated in the children's program you hosted on national television a few times. As a colleague, I also participated a few times at that time. But besides Teacher He and you, how many other people in Chongqing do you remember? wrong?

Let’s not talk about anything else. How many people do you remember about Mr. He’s role in a children’s program on national television?

Therefore, the entertainment industry is changing very quickly, and it is not as beautiful as everyone thinks.

In fact, the entertainment industry is a very cruel place. If the entertainment industry does not need you, it will forget your true hope for society. It is not that you are not good enough, nor that you have done anything wrong, but entertainment. The circle no longer needs you, reality is so cruel

Tolerate. "

Teacher He said very curiously at this time: "So in such a situation, you quit the entertainment industry. At that time, you completely quit the entertainment industry and engaged in your own studies. That means that you had clearly seen the entertainment industry at that time. There are some things that few people can do when they are celebrities, especially if this person is already a first-line star. At that time, you were at least a first-line star in the entertainment industry. You can give up these things. It is very difficult to achieve fame and fortune and then go to school directly.

Even if it is an adult asking them to do this or that, it is not particularly easy. What were you thinking at the time?

In fact, a lot of people are asking me, that is, why you want to quit the entertainment industry. However, you quit too cleanly at that time. You left very freely and did not allow others to contact you. Although you have such an opportunity, We have done some programs on the TV station and have collaborated before, so our relationship can be considered okay, right?

At that time, many people in the entertainment industry thought that we were good friends, especially some directors. They thought that it would be a pity if you didn't do it. They hoped that I could contact you and let you come back to the world. You must know that we were of the same mind at that time. It can be said that there are almost no people who are more popular than you.

So, many directors are looking for me to do this kind of thing. However, it is a pity that I could not contact you at that time. At that time, I also thought, this is such a pity. What kind of mentality motivates you? Have you quit the entertainment industry? "

At this time, Ye Ming thought for a while, and then said: "First of all, I was tired. I felt a little tired. At that time, there were endless movies to shoot, endless announcements to make, and endless interviews to answer. My whole body was exhausted. Exposed under fluorescent lights, there was no personal privacy. Although I was not old, I could feel my tiredness at that time, the kind of tiredness deep in my heart. This kind of tiredness did not mean taking a short rest for a day or two. It can be done in a week or even a month or two.

Otherwise, I directly said that I would not accept any announcements within a month or two, and then I would just go and rest. OK, then I can continue to work in the entertainment industry, but at that time I don’t think I have such ability. I won’t be able to recover in a month or two. Also, I feel that I have reached my limit at that time. In other words, I feel that I have been squeezed dry by the entertainment industry.

It's like a sponge with no water in it.

Another reason is the issue of transformation. You must know that as a child star in the entertainment industry, you cannot say that you will be a lifelong star. When you were a child, you were not a child star. Then, when you grow up, you can go on to become a big star. It is almost rare. It’s good to have one person do this in poetry.

So, many colleagues in the past were like this. When he was a child, he seemed to be very smart. He had endless announcements, endless movies, etc. There were many such situations. , but when they grow up, they end up losing their aura.

In other words, the roles they performed failed to leave a deep impression on people. From then on, they fell from the first-tier stars, and the third- and fourth-tier stars returned to play supporting roles in some movies and TV series, and in the entertainment industry It is so dispensable to hang out. This is a situation that many child stars have to face. Of course, there are some child stars who can be reborn, but they are very few.

So I have been thinking about this problem. If I really lose my spiritual energy, then, how can I get involved in the entertainment industry? I am waiting for the entertainment industry to abandon us. This question was actually always before me at that time. Yes, so I have been thinking about this question.

At that time, should I continue to be in the entertainment industry, just like other people of the same sex, like most other people of the same sex? When the time comes? I didn't have any good roles, and I didn't have any good results. Then, I slowly became a third-, fourth-, or even fifth- and sixth-tier starlet, mixed into some supporting roles, and then, everyone slowly forgot about me. What remembers me is just some of the roles I performed when I was a child. Is this kind of life what I need?

At that time, I kept asking myself. Later, I felt that this kind of thing was not what I needed. So, instead of waiting for everyone to abandon me, it would be better to say that I abandoned everyone directly and I wanted to start over. my own life.

Oh, in the entertainment industry, no matter how many people you watch in movies, TV shows, or how many good songs you sing, you are still likely to be abandoned. However, there is no point in saying that you are not capable of abandoning you. So, After my decision came out, I started going to school.

Obviously I did the right thing. Although I am not in the world, there is a legend about me in the world. Many people want to know why I quit the entertainment industry in the first place. This can be regarded as a mistake.

Facts have proved that I am more suitable for school. Obviously I am quite talented in mathematics. If I get it, I will continue to study in school. In order to avoid being disturbed by some unnecessary reporters, as for me, As you know, I also went abroad for a period of time. During this time, I was at Harvard, Cambridge and other universities. In fact, his mathematics is similar to acting, and it relies on that kind of talent.

Hard work is indeed indispensable, but it is more about talent. Sometimes, to solve a math problem, all you need is 1% inspiration. Everyone can do 99% of the hard work, but what about that 1%? Inspiration is the key.

For example, in a bowl of sugar water, the 1% sugar is the most important. The 99% water is not particularly important. It does not mean that the main reason for the sweetness of the sugar water is the 1% sugar, which is the reason for the sweetness of the water. One reason why it becomes sweet. The same is true for mathematics. Sometimes you have studied a problem countless times, but it is easy to solve it when inspiration comes. It doesn’t mean that 99% of the efforts can be discarded directly. There is no such thing as 99% of the sweat. I can't find the 1% of inspiration, but it is true that the 1% of inspiration is more important.

Almost everyone can do 99% of the sweat, but not 1% of such an inspiration can be done by just one person. Mathematics is like this. I just find my own joy in learning, so later on Winning those Mathematical Olympiad awards, Harvard's scoring honors, etc., these are just a means to me. This is a means for me to base myself on society.

I don't show off in particular. Those are all the options I left for myself. That is to say, if one day I can no longer survive in the entertainment industry, I will continue to go to school. That's it. I haven't been able to turn around or succeed in the entertainment industry, but I still don't need myself. It's no problem for me to get a teaching job in a school based on my own ability.

So now, in this situation, I just want to experience some things in life again. For example, at my age now, I am basically in high school or college. Of course, at this age, because when I was a child Entering the entertainment industry, my life experience may be slightly richer than others, right?

So, people think that many people of the same age as me grew up watching my movies. If they can recognize me, they will think, "Oh, I grew up watching your movies." In fact, we are about the same size, so that’s how I answer people.

What can I do? Sometimes it’s very painful for me to be recognized by my fans, so these three things encourage me to study harder, and it’s still the same now.

My hard study is the joy of my life, and it is the way for me to recover my lost childhood. If a person does not go to junior high school, high school, or college, and does not have such an experience, I feel that it is too much. It's more or less complete and immature.

But, you always have to go to junior high school and high school, and you must go to college if you have the opportunity, because college is one of the ways to prove yourself. Although I have proven myself in some aspects, I think That experience was beneficial to my growth.

It is helpful to the integrity of my entire life. So, I just want to go to college and I just want to go to film school. This is nothing, right?

Anyway, I have quit the entertainment industry after so many years. I don’t think of myself as a star. Now I think of myself as just a high school student. I don’t object to entering the entertainment industry again, but I don’t regard myself as a star. Look at it like a big star. "

Teacher He thinks that Ye Ming’s words are indeed very philosophical.

It's not like a person of his age can say it, but considering that Ye Ming has experienced a lot, it seems reasonable that he can say such a thing;.

At this moment, Teacher He also said thoughtfully: "If someone asks you to shoot a movie or TV series at this time, you won't refuse."

Ye Ming nodded quickly and said: "Of course I won't refuse. If there is a suitable role and a suitable opportunity, of course I will not refuse, right?

My current goal is film school. If I have such an internship opportunity, I will certainly not refuse it. Of course, the premise is that the school will not stop me from approving this aspect. I am OK with it.

This also depends on reading the script, the role, and whether the school is PKing you. If it can be solved, I don’t mind continuing to make movies, TV series, or even rap singing. Take a look at me. I am also relatively good at singing now. Interested in.

For example, in Water Margin directed by Hu Sandao, I also wrote his theme song Song of Heroes for him. I feel that if I had not quit the entertainment industry a few years ago and had no experience of going to school in this area, I would not have experienced it. This kind of life experience from peak to trough, I think it is difficult for me to be in such a state of mind to write a song like the song "Heroes". That’s how things are anyway, right?

Some things are not based on my own will, but I can control myself, I can't control others, I can't control this society, but I can control myself, I can make my own life By my will.

So I have grown up now, right? I am already a child, and I will enter film school soon, so it is OK for me to make movies and TV series. Water Margin, in fact, there is no role suitable for me. If there is a role suitable for me, I Maybe he will show up in Water Margin.

There are some things that cannot be forced, and I do not reject them. "

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