Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3723: This slap in the face really hurts

The scene was a little dumbfounded now. This situation was not in the script. The program team had indeed investigated this little guy Ye Ming.

As for child stars, in fact, there is no need for any in-depth investigation. Every move he made before was reported in detail by the media.

It is very easy to collect reports about child star Ye Ming. However, that was when he existed as a child star. As a result, after Yanming quit the entertainment industry, what did he do in those years? There is no one here. Investigated.

Anyway, it is said that Ye Ming has gone abroad. I don’t know why he went abroad. The program team did not conduct an in-depth investigation into what Ye Ming did after going abroad. After all, it would be more difficult to go abroad to investigate some information.

At that time, Ye Ming was indeed studying at the Yale High School, and he was a wild card to participate in the International Olympiad Physics Competition. Although the quota was considered domestic, he attended a high school in a foreign country after all. Although he was in It is a one-year intensive class at Yale University, but after all, it belongs to the Yale High School, and it is not a famous high school in China.

So, when it comes to reports on the World Olympic Physics Competition, Ye Ming is placed at the end, and not many people pay attention to it.

Moreover, the staff of the program team who collected intelligence only said that they had collected some news from the entertainment industry. As for the news about the International Olympic Physics Competition, they didn't care at all, not to mention that Ye Ming only said that he would occupy the last part of it. Short paragraph.

If you didn't deliberately go to the audience, you wouldn't pay much attention to the fact that the gold medal winner Ye Ming is the child star Ye Ming.

Who could have imagined that at this time, Ye Ming had quietly completed his studies at two famous foreign universities and won such a gold medal in the International Olympic Physics Competition.

Our country's physics competition is actually a competition selected for the International Olympic Physics Competition.

Winning a gold medal in China can only be said to be qualified to participate in the International Olympiad Physics Competition. It does not necessarily mean that you can get any ranking in the International Olympic Physics Competition. If you can get a medal, you will be the elite among the world's high school students. Among the elites of elites.

Those who get the gold medal are the elites at the top.

They are really the kind of winners selected from thousands of international high school students.

At least among high school students around the world, these students who have won gold medals are considered world-class.

It can be said that Ye Ming and the guests from the red team are not on the same level at all.

Yes, at most it will only be recommended to a domestic university, but if you get a good lecture in the International Olympiad Physics Competition, with such a score, you can basically choose any university in the world. It was a scholarship, a full scholarship.

The scene is so embarrassing, so at this time, the host's role in teasing you is revealed. Are you teasing me? As a host, you must be thick-skinned, and you must have a mechanism that can effectively control some of the atmosphere at the scene.

Only one who can mobilize such a warm atmosphere among the guests, audience, etc. can be regarded as a qualified host.

Now it's quiet? Then now he has to stand up to tease you? This is his responsibility.

At this time, my daughter was indeed in a state of not being surprised by changes. She laughed and said, "Did Ye Ming win the gold medal in the International Olympiad Physics Competition? I really didn't know this. It turned out that he got it by studying abroad."

If we have to go abroad to get information, then the cost of our program team will be high? The TV station will not reimburse the round-trip air tickets, right?

So what now? I want to ask the leader for instructions in front of the camera, should I be specially approved for a fee, and then? Let me go abroad to inspect a period of time. When our program team collects information, something like this will happen. Mistake, classmate Ye Ming is actually a graduate of Yale University and Harvard University? And he is the gold medal winner of the International Olympiad Physics Competition? We didn't get such an important situation? It really shouldn't be the case.

I think no matter what, you have to approve 20,000 yuan of funds for me and let me go abroad to check the situation, right? Does this count as a trip at public expense?

I think the leader should approve it for me, right?

How about a little sponsorship? I'll give you more advertising later. "

It's a very awkward atmosphere, but it can be covered up quietly even if it's a joke like teasing you.

Just kidding, as a qualified host, of course he knew very well that Ye Ming would never dare to lie in front of the camera, in front of so many viewers and those in front of the TV.

Because for people in any industry, honesty and trustworthiness are very important. For example, he graduated from Yale University and Harvard University, and then won the gold medal in the International Olympiad Physics Competition, and this gold medal was incidental. When I was studying in the intensive class at Yale High School, I got this thing by participating with a wild card.

It's like buying some souvenirs while traveling. Don't be too relaxed. In this case, if Ye Ming dares to brag, his personality can break him at any time, and he doesn't need to be in the entertainment industry. .

Therefore, the host is teasing you and I believe that such a paragraph was definitely not made up by Ye Ming.

But at this time, in fact, Tease You Xinzhong is constantly collecting information from the complaining program team. Such an ability is indeed lagging behind.

I didn’t care enough to check what this guy Ye Ming was doing abroad. Good guy, he’s been learning this stuff in the past few years and it’s a bit too confusing. I almost fell into it.

Good guy, this show was trying to trick the three members of the blue team, but in the end it almost didn’t trick the host and the whole team like Red from the red team.

After covering up this embarrassing situation, the host Officer Zheng immediately said: "Ye Ming, I'm a little curious about that, right?

No wonder we can't receive any information. It's really hard for us to find out about you studying and living abroad.

I didn't say it was to show off to reporters. If someone else had such a result, I guess it would have been known to the world. And you are indeed a senior high school student in Baihua City's experimental class now, right?

Now you say that you are a graduate of Yale University and Harvard University, but I want to ask a question: since you have graduated from college, why did you go to high school again?

I think the audience at the scene and in front of the TV, as well as our expert guests, etc., all want to know the outcome of such a thing. "

If at this time, the host directly asked from his own position, it would be a bit abrupt. However, this host is teasing you very much, and he obviously wants to ask very much.

However, he did not say that he wanted to ask but directly asked the audience, guests and experts on the scene. This means that everyone wants to know, everyone has this question, I am not the only one who wants to know, so I said Well, I am asking such a question under the pretext that the law does not blame everyone.

So, this means that Ye Ming must answer this question. It is impossible to cover up the past by making haha.

If Ye Ming cannot answer this question well, being on this show may lose his points.

But Na Yeming said calmly: "For the ideal, right? I am also for the ideal. In fact, for me, whether it is exam-oriented education or quality education, it is relatively easy.

Just like that university course, what others learn in two, three, or four years, I can learn almost in a little more than a year at most.

Anyway, if you earn enough credits by then, there will be no problem in graduating. At that time, I was too lazy to waste time. After I got my diploma, I did not continue studying for a doctorate or a master's degree. I felt that as long as I graduated from a university, this kind of academic qualification was enough for me.

A diploma from Harvard University or Yale University should be a good stepping stone for me to work in any international company.

At least it proves that I can thrive in exam-oriented education. This also proves that I am not unwilling to go to exam-oriented education, but that if I go, I can easily get a diploma, and then go on to study for a doctorate. A master's degree is meaningless, and I have no intention of pursuing such a career in academia. It’s a road that goes all the way to the end, so after graduation, I thought about continuing to work in the entertainment industry, because at that time I felt that I had accumulated enough. My own experience, my own knowledge, at least, I was working in the entertainment industry. As for the entertainment industry, I think it is enough to meet my needs in the entertainment industry.

If I continue to hang out in those universities, I feel that I am wasting my time. Besides, my youth is gone, right?

If I don’t return to the entertainment industry, look at me, I will be 20 years old soon. Actors are young people, so they have to become famous as early as possible. If you don’t become famous as early as possible at this time, then you will wait until you are thirty or forty years old.

It’s not that it’s impossible, but it’s indeed very difficult. So, you have to become famous as early as possible. I think I still have a chance to try in the entertainment industry.

So, I came back. After I came back, I felt that since I had proven myself in exam-oriented education, I should strengthen myself in a professional aspect like the entertainment industry.

Singing is a hobby for me.

So, I thought about strengthening my systematic study in acting, so the Film School, the Drama School, and the Shanghai Theater Academy are the three most professional schools for learning opera performance. A school.

So, the best one I want to enter is to study acting. My goal is the acting department of the film school.

So, I went to high school again. I didn’t go to high school to participate in exam-oriented education. I went to high school to be able to enter the film school system and learn superficial knowledge. Because I think if I stay in the entertainment industry for a longer time, then At this time, I think it is very necessary to enter film school. "

The people at the scene were even more complaining. Good guy, you have already graduated from college, and you graduated from one of the world's most prestigious universities. You went back to high school last year just to go to film school to study acting. How much do you like acting? You still need to be free and panic, but now whether it is an expert or a guest of the red team, it is difficult for him to say anything. This is after the status changes, everyone's attitude towards you will also change, for example Now Ye Ming is not someone who can be offended casually.

After all, I am a graduate of Yale University and Hanfa University. If we talk about exam-oriented education, I can say that I have found the pinnacle of exam-oriented education. If I go on to take the master's and doctorate exams, it is for academic research.

Anyway, no matter what, Ye Ming’s Orange Heart killed everyone in the red team in an instant. Now the students in the red team are at most a top three-star student in the country who has just graduated. They haven’t gone to college yet, and they are the same as their classmates. If you compare Ye Ming with his age, it can't be said that he is weak, but there is no comparison.

After all, if you ask a college graduate, and a graduate of a prestigious university, to compare with a high school student, it would be a bit bullying. Moreover, Ye Ming once won the gold medal in the World Olympic Physics Competition.

With such a result, not all kinds of people would dare to stand up and challenge it, so that's why. At this time, although everyone felt that Ye Ming's words were a bit pretentious.

But if you object, it’s hard to say, because if you object, you have to find enough evidence. After all, in front of so many people at the scene and in front of the TV audience, if you can’t say it, then there are many experts who object to it. You still need to have some face, after all, people rely on face to make a living, and there is no legitimate reason for people to oppose this kind of experts for the sake of opposition. There are experts, but they are very few.

Most experts still have a certain bottom line, and this bottom line is face, because they rely on face to make a living. Even if someone openly opposes it, you have to find out the reason for the objection.

But now no one can find any reason to oppose Ye Ming. The core idea now is that exam-oriented education is good. Most of us are in the team. Exam-oriented education is good. Whether it is the red team or the two experts, So true.

However, now that Ye Ming has reached the academic pinnacle of exam-oriented education, and now you say that Ye Ming, a has-been child star, is a negative example, this is a slap in the face, and it is a slap in his own face.

Fortunately, the atmosphere at the scene has been adjusted to the right track after being teased just now. Although at this time, Ye Ming said that he went to high school in order to enter the film school and study acting, but what? , this cannot be refuted.

At the critical moment, the host stood up again and said: "Of course, we will not support us. Today's young people have pursuits. After all, it is good to have pursuits."

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