Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3436 Rejection

But at this time, Queen Yehenara did not hesitate and said without thinking at all: "You don't need to talk about this matter, there is no room for relaxation on Brother Hu's matter.

Do you know that the entertainment industry is just like this? If I give in this time, then next time there will be other celebrities who challenge my authority and kick my nose in the face. By then, any woman will want to bully me. If there is nothing wrong, just bully me, right? wrong?

So at a time like this, I wanted to maintain my authority. Actually, I had no choice. Of course, maybe I went a little too far at the beginning, saying that his songs were the kind of songs sung by lower-level people and KTVs. But he didn't just say this kind of thing casually.

At that time, I was in a hurry and I was angry. After all, he had blocked other people's way of making money, right? You still don't allow me to complain?

But this is not an excuse for him to contradict me face to face. After all, I am a senior, and I am not an ordinary senior. No matter what, I can be considered a top singer in the entertainment industry, right?

It’s not easy for me to get to this position after so many years. If you think about it, if I have reached this position, I still dare to have a junior to openly contradict me. If I don’t kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, then any junior may stand up in the future. Provoke me.

In a place like the entertainment circle, especially the music circle, it basically follows the rule that if you don't advance, you will retreat. If you don't think about progress and rest on your laurels, you will be eliminated by the music industry one day. The music industry is so cruel, even more cruel than the entertainment industry.

Even if you have a representative work, that won’t work. If it was a few years ago, such as in the 1990s or the early 20th century, OK, if you have a representative work, you can perform acupoints and so on, and you can sing in one song. This is fine for a lifetime.

Because at that time, communication was not that developed, and entertainment communication was not that developed either. Holding concerts and participating in commercial performances were relatively common ways of making money. Singers relied on acupuncture to hurt their eyes, but they could still maintain a decent life. of.

That time can be said to be the golden period of the music circle and record industry.

At that time, if you were a singer and had a masterpiece that could be recognized as a masterpiece, you could really sing for a lifetime. But it is different now. Nowadays, communication is so advanced. If you think about it, you still want to sing a song. For a lifetime, it is impossible to be a singer who is generally said to have masterpieces. Even singers like us, who are kings and queens, dare not say that we can rely on our own works for a lifetime.

So the current situation is that in the entertainment industry, if you don’t advance, you will retreat. If I don’t find a way to deal with Ye Ming, then there is only one result, that is, I may be eliminated by the music industry, or at least it will lay the groundwork for me to be eliminated. , such a thing is not what I want to see.

So, I am not willing to reconcile at all. If I reconcile, it means that I have given in. Such a thing is not what I want. Seeing that the position I represent now, I will not be allowed to do so. reconciliation.

In fact, I also know that many friends have many paths. If they are singers of the same level, then I may really give in. If the kings and queens of the same level have conflicts with me, this time, I may really give in. know. Otherwise, even if I give in, it’s not a big deal, right?

But Ye Ming has not reached this status. I admit that Ye Ming's popularity is very high now.

But this is not the reason for me to give in. He does not have such qualifications yet. He is still a newcomer in the entertainment industry, especially in the music industry. Think about it, I am a queen and let me admit my mistakes like this with a newcomer. If I'm scared, will I still be in the music circle in the future? right?

So in such a situation, I cannot give in easily.

That's how things are, so I understand your kindness. I don't have to think about this matter at all. There is no possibility for me to give in, and my position makes it impossible for me to admit it. Coward.

There is no way around this. If Ye Ming has any other means, just let him die. Anyway, in such a situation, I will not give in, and I have no reason. Give up.

Maybe you also have good intentions, but I can only accept your good intentions.

oh. Maybe I am one of those people who feel overwhelmed by high places. According to my current status, I have indeed reached the point where water overflows. I can only try my best to maintain my status and reputation in the music circle and try to avoid it. If he makes a mistake, if he makes a wrong step, it is not impossible that I will fall from the position of Queen of Heaven.

So if I give in this time, it will send a signal to others that I am easy to bully. I will never give it to everyone, so this time, we have no possibility of relief.

Of course, in this case, I may also know that I try to control it within a controllable range.

I believe that Ye Ming doesn't want to get out of hand, so in such a situation, I just want to think about it and see to what extent we want to argue.

How many hot spots should we compete for? Then, let’s talk about the fume toner cartridge. And this is also a good opportunity for hype. As a star, you always have to ensure your exposure, right? It doesn’t matter what you use to ensure your exposure. Exposure, anyway, as long as you have enough exposure and enough attention, it is also a very good thing for a star.

This time is an opportunity for us to speculate, but it is not impossible, so I will try my best to ensure that this operation is within a controllable range.

Ye Ming himself has a backup plan, so I'm not saying that he doesn't have any backup plans at all. Since I dare to say that I want to deal with him, it means that I may not necessarily be able to deal with him.

But, at this time, I also have a certain trump card to make him uncomfortable. Just hype it up. After all, idleness is idle, right?

Don’t you think there is too little news in the entertainment industry now? This is equivalent to adding some news material to the entertainment industry. Anyway, if we don't hype it, I guess there will be others who will. "

Hu Sandao was very surprised when he heard such an answer, but if he thought about it carefully, what Queen Yehenala said was indeed a fact.

As a star at the level of a king and a queen, it has indeed reached the point where it is overflowing, because this is already the top result in the music circle. If you sit in a position like a queen, if you cannot maintain enough exposure, , in fact, it is also possible to become angry.

Even though a diva has reached the top position of a singer, it is not unheard of for a diva to pass away if she is not careful. It is just that if a singer reaches the level of king and queen and wants to completely get over it, it will be very difficult. It's not easy anymore.

But it doesn't mean that the hand will not be outdated at this time.

At this time, singers may indeed become outdated, so it is very necessary to worry about Queen Yehenala. It does not mean that all singers are qualified to provoke him. What he said is not wrong.

Ye Ming's behavior seemed to him to be a provocation. Even though Queen Yehenala initiated this provocation herself, Queen Yehenala also had to respond to the challenge and had to ensure that she was strong in the entertainment industry. image.

Because she was a queen, he couldn't get to know her, so Hu Sandao also said with great regret: "In this case, there is nothing I can do, right?

You should think about this matter more and see what you say about it. Anyway, it is still the same sentence. Try to ensure that this matter is controlled within a certain range. If it is too outrageous, it may be possible in the end. It’s the fisherman’s profit.

Such a thing has not happened before in the entertainment industry. So if you want to reconcile in the future, you can call me and tell me, and I can be the peacemaker.

Because I know both of you, and as far as our relationship is concerned, fellow villagers naturally want to help each other.

I'm definitely on your side. So even if you don’t want to reconcile this time, but in the future, if you feel that the hype has gone on long enough, that it is difficult to control, and that reconciliation is possible, then you can call me. "

It is true that Hu Sandao came back this time because of the crew's affairs, but after he arrived, he also heard about the conflict between Queen Yehenala and Ye Ming, because he and Queen Yehenala are fellow villagers and have a close relationship. Yes, he and Ye Mingna can be considered good friends.

Of course, according to his current point of view, of course he is on the side of Queen Yehenala. After all, they are fellow villagers, and their relationship has been for such a long time. Although he and Ye Ming are friends, they cannot be regarded as acquaintances, and they are not very iron-clad. kind of,

He and Ye Ming are basically just friends who appreciate each other, not acquaintances. So, under normal circumstances, he will still choose to side with Queen Yehenala, so When he came to the capital this time, he still came to see Queen Yehenala.

And he hopes that Queen Yehenala and Ye Ming can reconcile, because only bystanders like Hu Sandao know very well that with this kind of hype, it is basically unlikely that both parties will get much benefit. , of course it will maintain exposure, but it can easily get burnt.

Once the situation is messed up, it will not be easy to take it back at this time. Therefore, in such a situation, he knows that reconciliation between the two parties is the best option.

But now Queen Yehenara has not chosen to reconcile, so in such a situation, he is actually quite depressed.

Queen Yehenara is not the kind of person who cannot be persuaded. After hearing this, she nodded very gratefully and said: "Okay, thank you, Brother Hu. I know this matter well. I think Well, as for this matter, it is unlikely that it will be messed up.

After all, Ye Ming and I are not on the same level. There is a possibility that he is using my fame to promote things.

To use a popular term on the Internet, this guy might be a cheater. Although her current popularity is very high and she is at the top level, but he came to me to promote it, so he is not a cheater.

Maybe he wants to use my fame to get to the top. In other words, he just wants to step on me to get to the top. I don't know that, but I will never allow this to happen.

Even if I know that he wants to use my fame to rise to power, I will never allow such a thing to happen at this time. If it is true, let him accuse me casually and openly, and I will not respond in any way. , in that case it would give people an image that I am weak and can be bullied, which to me. This is a very fatal blow.

So it is inevitable that some of the hype or grievances between us will break out. Reconciliation maybe, maybe there will be reconciliation in the future. There are no permanent enemies or permanent friends in this world, there are only eternal interests.

This is especially true in the entertainment industry. I can’t guarantee that we won’t have any possibility of cooperation in the future, but at least if there are enough interests, we may cooperate. Now, it’s the two of us who provide the entertainment industry with At such a hot time, anyway, this time I want to have a good time with her. At least it means killing chickens and honoring monkeys to show those who don't respect us, the kings and queens, and offend us. Then It will definitely not end well.

Speaking of which, Ye Ming is also very talented, but there are so many talented people in the entire entertainment industry. It does not necessarily mean that every talented person will be able to make it. No, if a star, especially a singer, wants to be successful, he really needs the right time and place. If there is one less person and three conditions, it will be impossible to be successful. As for Ye Ming, at most he can be considered a celebrity in the entertainment industry. Dark horse.

He is a child actor who left the entertainment industry for such a long time and then came back. His body recovers so quickly. He is indeed a dark horse. However, this is not the reason for him to provoke me. "

In fact, it seems that Yehenala is still very sober now. Because he could clearly know that this might be Ye Ming trying to expand his influence quickly with the help of his fame.

But even if he knew that he would not react at all, after all, this kind of thing was Ye Ming's provocation.

So this matter was originally initiated by Queen Yehenala herself. So at this time, Queen Yehenala selectively forgot that as a woman, she can actually be unreasonable sometimes. This is also as a A diva has a natural advantage.

Moreover, Queen Yehenala is very good at taking advantage of such an advantage. For example, in this situation, Queen Yehenala would have ignored it, but Queen Yehenala took the initiative to publicly condemn Yehenala. bright.

So in such a situation, it is the prelude to the kind of drama in which Queen Yehenala starts a struggle herself.

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