Entertainment Empire System

Chapter 3531 Not Afraid

To be honest, Ye Ming can really break the rules this time. At least on the surface, everyone can be justified. You just flipped the table and left everyone without food.

Wang Xiaoshu called him. It was a relatively mild warning. Of course, it was already a warning. In fact, there were also punitive measures. After all, Ye Ming had cut off many people's financial resources. In such a situation, naturally There will be people who are dissatisfied. If they are dissatisfied, he will take revenge against Ye Ming. In fact, the real revenge came in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, Ye Ming had just finished filming a scene and told everyone to take a break, because filming is a high-intensity physical activity anyway. Don't think that filming is very simple. Filming is a combination of intelligence and physical strength. Watch a The level of a person's acting skills is actually one aspect, and the person's physical strength is also another aspect. Why are there so few martial arts stars?

One is that martial arts stars need arduous and hard-working action training to achieve. Another aspect is that martial arts stars must have at least good physical strength.

There are very few stars who can still film action movies in their fifties and sixties, with the exception of course the veterans of The Expendables. Including the Kung Fu Emperor of China, they are all considered old people.

Let’s not talk about Lao Li’s personal life. At least he was considered an old man when he was filming The Expendables.

Why are the movies produced by these old people so successful at the box office? One reason is nostalgia, and the other reason is that there is no successor to what the younger generation of Hollywood can do.

Including Chinese and Hollywood Kung Fu superstars have actually stopped filming.

If Huaxia hadn't produced Jing Ge later, it would be a bit unconvincing to expect the strongest Dan in the universe to succeed the Kung Fu superstar.

The same is true in Hollywood. None of the young kung fu superstars are good at it.

So a group of veterans came up with the Suicide Squad to comfort the audience.

These old guys were an exception, and what he shot later were not action movies, just gunfight movies.

The same is true for Fang Silong. Basically, after the age of 50 or 60, you don't make real action movies very much. Even if you make action movies, they are just on the sidelines. They say they are action movies, but they are actually action comedies.

Therefore, an action star's true peak period should be before the age of 50. At that time, his physical strength and martial arts skills have reached a very high level.

At that time, if you met a good script, it was very easy for an action star to shoot classic works.

Why are there so few action stars in the entertainment industry? Action stars have a very high status. Basically, among action actors of the same level, there are at least half a level of actors who receive such preferential treatment.

A second-line action actor who performs well is basically equivalent to a first-line actor, because there are so few action actors.

There are even fewer action stars.

Therefore, filming is also a physical job. Shooting action scenes is a physical job and shooting ordinary scenes is actually a physical job. If the physical strength cannot keep up, it will be impossible to complete the high-intensity shooting task.

This is also a loss for the crew. If the filming progress is slowed down because of an actor's lack of physical strength, then this is not worth the gain.

So why older actors usually make cameos? It’s because their physical strength can’t keep up with high-level filming.

Another thing is that the crew is afraid of trouble. If after high-level filming, something happens to the older actors, it will be even worse.

In fact, even young actors need to take a break after a period of high-intensity filming. Not only the actors, but also the staff. During the filming process, the actors need to concentrate, and the staff need to concentrate even more on lighting, sound, camera, etc. Wait, everyone has to go all out to shoot.

Therefore, after shooting for a while during the shooting process, you need to take a certain amount of rest time, about 10 to 20 minutes to go to the bathroom, drink some water to replenish your fluids, etc. These are very necessary.

So Ye Ming told everyone after a high-intensity shooting session so that everyone could take a break.

During this break, Yaya came over with a document. She said regretfully: "Boss, the TV station in the north said that the cooperation with us will be temporarily postponed for a while. As for the TV station in the north, Didn't a satellite TV station say it wants to collaborate with you on a variety show?

The plan is to start filming after this year. Originally, we have already discussed these things and the contract has been signed, which means that you can start shooting once you confirm a shooting time after the year.

But the current situation is that there has been a small change in the northern satellite TV. It means that their upper-level leaders have some concerns about this program and may have to suspend the filming of this program. As for when they will restart filming , it’s hard to say.

They didn't give a specific time. They just said that if they restarted filming, they would notify us in advance. Don't you think this is bullying?

He clearly wanted to break the contract. He said he wanted to suspend filming. I think he wanted to break the contract, but he didn't want to bear the responsibility for breach of contract, so he said he wanted to suspend filming. So I think his style name is aimed at us.

The boss is a little bit contemptuous of people. I don’t think we can just let it go. If we just let it go, I think other people will look down on us.

Good guys, when the time comes, those who have signed a contract with us will be able to think freely. Then after others sign a contract with us, who will take us seriously? A contract that can be torn up at any time will not be taken seriously at all.

I don’t think we can settle this matter like that. "

Ye Ming looked at the fax document in Yaya's hand, and then said with a smile: "This may be because after my words were broadcast yesterday, some people wanted to retaliate against me, but it turned out that he could not directly target me. In retaliation, they did some tricks on my program. I think it should be a warning to me by those people. What can I say about the Zhejiang Satellite TV in the north? It was once brilliant, but now it is just a housekeeper. Dog, it’s no big deal.”

Although Yaya was very dissatisfied with Zhejiang Satellite TV's breach of contract, thinking that it would be a casual breach of contract, and simply did not take his boss to heart. For such a thing, he believed that he should fight back fiercely.

But at this time, he also knew that as a satellite TV, it should actually be on the strong side, so at this time, Yaya said curiously: "No matter what you say, boss, although this satellite TV in the north is not very popular now, right? , there is no ranking at all in all satellite TV rankings, but it is a provincial satellite TV after all, right?

What do you think of others? You don't take others seriously at all. I think it's not good to do this.

You need to fight back. If you say something harsh, it will offend people. "

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Actually, it's not a big deal, right?

You are like these companies in the south. I am also a mango station, a blueberry station, etc., etc., etc., all of which are interesting, right?

Basically, they have a double harvest of variety shows and TV shows, and their evening parties are also very impressive. It can be said that the top three satellite TV stations are all quite powerful. Although they are all rising stars, they are very impressive.

Everything is based on the market and the ratings. Especially on Mango Channel, whether it is a variety TV series or the variety show they run, it is based on the ratings. If the ratings are high, your program will be on and the ratings will be high. If the ratings are low, you can win them directly. This is the necessary conditions for TV stations like Mango Channel, Lychee Cai, Mango Channel, etc. to run programs, make TV series, or put on variety shows. If the ratings are high, you can win them directly. .

Everything is based on the market, so these are the top three satellite TV stations. They can make money and increase ratings. If they have ratings, they can attract more advertisers to place ads. In this way, the station can Earn more money to produce better programs and shoot better TV series. This is a virtuous cycle.

But this satellite TV station in the north has had its glory days, but look at what's going on now. The top three satellite TV stations are all based on the market. The market has the final say, and the audience has the final say.

But if you look at this TV station in the north, it is also a satellite TV, right? I originally thought that they wanted to create a Chinese show and they wanted to catch up, but as it turned out, the contract they signed was torn up so directly, and they said they didn't want to do it.

What does this mean? It shows that this TV station does not care about the ratings at all. Other TV stations may say that they are still in the top three based on the ratings. At least they do this.

Regardless of whether it is a movie, TV series or variety show, if it has a high ratings, it can be directly won with less food intake. If it is a low-rated TV show, it is ranked relatively high on Home TV, Good Guys and Northern TV. But in fact, if you look at this state, it is the leader. The final say.

People don't pay attention to ratings at all, right?

For example, variety shows, TV series, etc. People don't care about these ratings at all. Everything is decided by the leader. As long as the leader is happy, everything is OK.

But now the stomach is that if you want to develop, is it okay if your leader has the final say? What is impossible is that attention has the final say. Only with high ratings can you win more markets and more advertisers come to place ads with you. Only with more advertisers can your TV station make money. develop.

The more ads there are, the higher the advertising revenue will be. In the future, you can have more money and more funds to invest in TV series and variety shows. This is a virtuous circle. But look at this provincial satellite TV station in the north. Although it is now worth a lot , it does sound good.

But in fact, they are the leaders who have the final say, you know? If you can think about it casually after signing the contract, it clearly means that the leader has nodded.

From now on, they will dare to make social contracts casually, and everything will be based on the leader's preferences. The market economy seems to them to be just a piece of waste paper, so they don't care about tearing up the contract at all.

She and I have already signed a contract, but he actually said it could be suspended. So what's the use of the contract we signed?

There is no use at all, right? This kind of thing is actually just the same thing. There is no need for such TV stations to pay too much attention. They simply do not abide by the laws of the market and do not take the laws of the market to heart at all.

Therefore, their TV station cannot develop at all, and they cannot be seen in the provincial satellite TV rankings, at least not now. "

Yaya immediately said: "Boss, you mean not to take this matter seriously. If they want to tear up the contract, then they will tear up the contract.

I always feel that I am a little unwilling to do something like this. "

Ye Ming said with a smile: "Of course that's not possible. Although I look down on this Northern Satellite TV, a contract is a contract, you know?

Now is a market economy, everything is done in accordance with the contract. Since we have signed the contract, everything should be done in accordance with the contract. If they say it is suspended, it will be suspended. How is that possible? We have a contract.

Of course, generally speaking, an actor will not fall out with a satellite TV casually, but the premise of all this is that the contract shall prevail and be within the scope of the contract. Hello everyone, hello everyone. Well, that's all fine.

But if anyone wants a contract with the Four Conferences, then this matter needs to be discussed carefully. Although we are in a weak position, I admit that as a provincial satellite TV, although it is lagging behind now, it is a provincial TV station after all. It's a satellite TV, right?

It is indeed a strong side. But in such a situation, it does not mean that we will definitely be afraid of them. Our contract was carefully designed, and if they say they want to postpone it, just postpone it?

This is impossible. I asked professional lawyers to design this contract. Since they have signed the contract, everything must be done in accordance with the contract. It is impossible to say that they want to tear up this contract, then they will directly tear up the contract. This kind of thing is absolutely impossible.

Then tell them that if everyone continues in accordance with the contract, next year it will be before the contract stipulates, that is, before February. This is stipulated in the contract. If the program does not start before February, then all consequences will be at your own risk.

We have already signed contracts, so we don’t have to worry at all. What we should worry about now is the satellite TV. They told me that they want to suspend the program, so do we have to suspend the program?

It's impossible for you to tell them directly that I want to see this program launched before February next year. If this program doesn't launch, they will wait to receive my lawyer's letter. Just tell them clearly.

Don’t think that because they are provincial satellite TV, we don’t dare to litigate with them. Today is a market economy, let alone provincial satellite TV. Even if China Channel should litigate, it must still litigate. If they don't want to make things worse, they can just follow the contract together.

But if they really want to make things worse, we can file a lawsuit, and they will pay a huge amount of liquidated damages. In this contract, I have set a very high liquidated damages.

If they don't start the program, then we won't have to pay for the next movie ourselves. The compensation from this satellite TV will be enough for us to shoot our own company's next movie.

So if they fail to film the show as scheduled, it will be a very good thing for us. We will just wait to collect the money.

So you don’t need to take this matter to heart at all. Just tell them what I said directly. If they don’t act in accordance with the contract, they will be litigated. Then you just wait. "

Ye Ming is still very confident about this matter.

He has never been afraid of anyone in a lawsuit.

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