:Bubble Machine

These bamboo shoots need to be washed first.

Of course the three little ones clamored for them to come and clean them.

Di Lieba and the others did not refuse either.

The most important thing is for the three little ones to have fun.

However, it is impossible for all three little guys to clean them.

After all, there are too many bamboo shoots this time.

Except some bamboo shoots for lunch today.

The rest must be dried in the sun to make dried bamboo shoots.

Ye Mo and all of them cleared the “20Zero” wash bamboo shoots.

After cleaning.

Huang Lei and several others took some bamboo shoots to make today’s lunch.

And the rest of the people cut the remaining bamboo shoots.

Then use it to dry.

Of course, the three little ones clamored that they also wanted to cut bamboo shoots.

But this is obviously impossible.

Three little guys are only this big.

It is very possible to get it right.

The three little guys are not very happy again.

But Di Lieba and the others let the three little guys play.

You can even play with water and bubbles.

The three little guys are happy again.

They were holding dish soap.

Then put it in the water.

Then you can play with bubbles.

Ye Mo watched the next 3 little guys playing with bubbles.

Said to Di Lieba and the others:

“I think Dudu and the others should be given a bubble machine.

This way you can play with bubbles better. ”

Di Lieba and the others rolled their eyes at Ye Mo.

“It’s good for them to play like this now, there’s no need to use a bubble machine.”

Ye Mo laughed and said:

“The bubble machine can be completely self-made, and they can make one after lunch.

What else can Di Lieba and the others say.

Anyway, Ye Mo, the super daughter slave, has already made his decision.

It’s just a bubble machine.

It’s nothing.

After cutting the bamboo shoots.

Ye Mo and the others found a place.

Put the dustpan with bamboo shoots on it.

Di Lieba laughed and said:

“We will pay special attention to the weather in the future.

If these bamboo shoots are drenched by rain, then these bamboo shoots will be wasted. ”

Ye Mo smiled and said, “I’ll rush back at superhuman speed when the time comes.”

Generally speaking.

Ye Mo and the others will not let the staff do this kind of thing.

The staff will not ask the staff to help take away the dried bamboo shoots.

Instead, Ye Mo and the others came to collect it themselves.

That’s what makes it interesting.

The weather here now…

It’s true that it might rain at any time.

Although these days are sunny or cloudy.

But if it really rains.

It’s a very normal thing.

Di Lieba laughed and said:

“If we are on the mountain, you can still come back with superhuman speed.” Ye Mo said with a smile: “Then we have no choice but to admit that we are unlucky.” Di Lieba said: “I still want to eat it myself Dried bamboo shoots in the sun. Stir-fried bacon with dried bamboo shoots tastes amazing, God will show me some face.” Lunch is not ready yet.

Ye Mo sees that there is still time.

Just make bubble machines for the three little guys now.

Don’t wait until after lunch.

A bubble machine is easy to make.

Children can do it.

Of course 2.6.

This is not the kind of bubble machine that blows bubbles automatically.

But I have to blow it myself.

But it’s still interesting.

The raw material of the bubbles is of course detergent water.


Ye Mo made 3 bubble machines.

Let the three little ones come over.

The three little guys ran over immediately.

She asked in a childish voice, “Dad, what’s the matter?”.

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