Ye Mo smiled at the three little guys:

“Dudu, in the afternoon, we will go to the village to find your friends.

There must be gifts for them. ”

The three little guys immediately asked:

“What kind of gift is it?”

Ye Mo said, “It’s a toy.”

The three little guys clapped their chubby hands and cheered.

: Send toys

Then they said they wanted gifts too.

Di Lieba and the others squeezed the little meat~faces of the three little guys.

“What more gifts do you want?-”

3 little guys – tilted their heads and said:

“We also want toys.”

Di Lieba and the others laughed and said:

“There will be gifts from you.”

The three little ones were very happy.

Then they kissed Ye Mo, Di Lieba and the others.

After lunch.

3 little guys wantPulling Ye Mo and the others to deliver gifts.

Ye Mo and the others asked the three little guys to wait.

Who knows if those children have finished eating.

So wait another hour.

The three little guys let out an oh.

Then play outside with the bubble machine first.

The toys that Ye Mo and the others asked Wang Zhengyu to buy have also arrived.

A toy with a small cargo compartment.

Huang Lei saw it and said with a smile:

“Old Wang is so generous, just come with a carload of gifts.”

Wang Zhengyu said:

“Gifts for children, of course, should be generous.” The pickup truck first drove to the village square.

Then Ye Mo and the others prepared to go there.

The children in the village have been notified by the village chief with a loudspeaker.

Said that all the children should go to the square.

Parents of children also know what it is.

They also watched the live broadcast.

So I wasn’t surprised by the village chief’s loudspeaker.

They took their children to the square one after another.

When Ye Mo and the others arrived.

All the children in the village have already arrived.

Playing around in the square.

The three little guys ran over immediately.

Join the frolicking ranks.

The staff opened the cargo compartment.

Then take down all the toys inside.

Most of the toys are packed in cardboard boxes.

So you can’t see the toys inside.

But there are also some toys whose packaging is transparent.

So you can see it.

Children playing around.

……. Ask for flowers••••

They all blinked their big eyes.

Look at these toys.

Although toys are very tempting.

But they didn’t run over either.

After all the toys are moved down.

Ye Mo and the others walked over.

Then let the three little guys come over.

Ye Mo and the others asked the three little guys to talk about giving them toys.

The three little guys immediately nodded their heads.

Then he turned to the children on the square.

Say loudly that these things are all toys.

To give them.

Come quickly and get the toy handle.

The parents of those children.

And let their children go there too.

One by one, the children ran over immediately.

Ye Mo and the three little guys started to distribute toys.

There are all kinds of toys.

From rag dolls to cars that can take people.

The toys prepared by the program group are all relatively expensive ones.

For example, it is also a car that can take people.

The car prepared by the program group has a stronger battery life.

The quality should also be better.

In terms of power, there hasn’t been much change.

After all, it is a car for children to play with.

Don’t make it too powerful.

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