: Everything is under control

The wild boar was subdued by security personnel.

Although this wild boar is indeed big.

But the security personnel are also well prepared.

The wild boar was killed in the end.

The crossbow brought by the security personnel was indeed as powerful as a bullet.

In the end, he was killed by a crossbow.

An anesthesia gun is basically useless.

They couldn’t break the wild boar’s defense.

Security personnel bring anesthesia needles.

Mainly for those animals whose defense ability is not so strong.

Animals like wild boars are better dealt with with bows and crossbows.

The requirements of the program group are.

Try not to harm animals if possible.

Try not to kill if you can.

That’s why 230 has an anesthesia needle.


Pheasants and rabbits are not protected animals.

And animals that can also be used for food are not included in this category.

The staff notified Ye Mo.

The wild boar has been dealt with.

Do you want to come back and see.

The three little guys immediately said yes.

They didn’t play with the wild boar just now.

Now the wild boar has been dealt with.

Of course they want to go and have a look.

Ye Mo also wants to go and have a look.

Such a big wild boar.

It was the first time for him to watch it.

Ye (cgcg) Mo went back with the three little guys in his arms.

The three little guys saw a big wild boar.

Immediately twisted her little body.

I want to come down to see the big wild boar.

Ye Mo put the three little guys down.

Freshmen, they have been praised by Ye Mo and his daughter just now.

So now they are all by Ye Mo’s father and daughter.

They were still very brave in freshman year.

Loyalty to protect the Lord.

The three little guys walked up to the big wild boar.

Blinking and watching with big eyes.

And he poked the big wild boar with his little finger.

“The big boar is dead.”

The three little guys said with regret on their faces.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also discussing this big wild boar.

“The program team is well prepared. Such a big wild boar was dealt with so quickly.”

“Of course the program team must be fully prepared. The guests are all well-known figures. If any guest has an accident, the program team must bear a very large responsibility.”

“Those security personnel just now were very cool, especially those who used bows and crossbows. They were so handsome.”

“It looks like a master at first glance. The program team must have paid a lot of money to invite them here.”

“The footage taken with a drone just now was shocking, so we can promote it well.”

“By the way, wild boars seem to be in groups. Why is there only one wild boar?”

“Yes, are there any other wild boars around?”

“It’s hard to say, but there are also a few wild boars that live alone.”

“I think for safety’s sake, Ye Mo and the others should leave the scene as soon as possible.”

“By the way, we should also remind Reba and the others to pay attention to whether there are wild boars.

“Yes,If the wild boar rushed out suddenly, it would be troublesome. ”

Worry about the audience.

The program team has already considered it.

Di Lieba and the others were followed by security personnel.

And also used a lot of drones to check the surrounding situation at any time.

It is impossible for wild boars to hide from the inspections of drones and security personnel.

For example, this wild boar.

In fact, it was discovered by security personnel in advance.

Everything is under the control of the program team.

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