: riding a big bull

The three little guys quickly ran to the cow.

First, he greeted the cow owner politely.

Then she asked in a childish voice.

Can they play with Da Niu Niu?

The owner of the cow said yes.

But he also said that he was afraid that Da Niu Niu would hurt them.

The three little guys waved their chubby hands and said.

Da Niuniu will not hurt them.

Then the three little guys asked about the cow.

Is that so? Then a surprising scene appeared.

The cow actually nodded.

Many people who watched were stunned.

Good guy.

This cow understood what the three little guys said.

She even nodded her head.

The owner of the cow is the most cowardly.

293 At the same time, I still feel a little sour in my heart.

He didn’t raise cattle to plow the fields.

Nor is it to sell beef.

Instead, cattle are kept as pets.

He has liked cows since he was a child.

So now a cow is specially raised.

He thinks he has a good relationship with cattle.

Niu also listened to him very much.

But now I see this scene.

he thinks.

Niu still listens to the three little guys more.

At least he couldn’t make the cow nod.

Or the cow couldn’t understand what he said.

This is really strange.

The words spoken by the three little guys are clearly Chinese (cgcg).

Why can cows hear it?

He usually speaks Chinese with Niu.

But Niu just can’t understand.

The cow lay down.

Then the three little guys excitedly climbed onto the back of the bull.

The three little ones walked along according to their age.

Of course the one at the front is Little Dudu.

Next is Xiao Xixi, and the last one is Xiao Duoduo.

The owner of the cow looked terrified.

He was very afraid that the three little guys would fall off the back of the bull.

The height of his cow reached one and a half meters.

It’s quite a high altitude.

No matter how you fall, you will be injured.

And if you hit a stone on the back of your head.

If it doesn’t work out, people will die.

The owner of the cow quickly looked at the staff of the program group.

The staff also couldn’t make up their minds.

At this time, Di Lieba and the others had a video call.

Di Lieba and the others have been watching the live broadcast.

When they saw the three little guys climbing on the back of the bull.

I’m also very worried.

They disagreed with the three little guys sitting on the back of the bull.

There is no small danger.

The three little ones saw Di Lieba and the others on the screen.

She called mother in a childish voice.

Di Lieba and the others let the three little guys down immediately.

The three little guys are of course unwilling.

Di Lieba and the others’ tone became severe.

The big eyes of the three little ones were condensed with mist.

It looked like they were about to cry again.

But Di Lieba and the others remained unmoved.

At this time Ye Mo spoke.

He proposed a solution.

It is to install a saddle on the back of the ox.

It’s not the kind of saddle for a horse.

It is the kind of saddle that is commonly used in elephants to carry passengers.

That kind of saddle is safer.

Children can sit.

It’s unlikely to fall off.

But Di Lieba and the others asked Ye Mo.

Where does this kind of thing come from.

Ye Mo said that this kind of thing doesn’t need to be done very well.

It can be made with ready-made materials.

It’s still quite simple.

But Di Lieba and the others are still puzzled.

Even if it is quite simple.

Then who will do it.

Those who can do it are not in Taoyuan Village.

Do we have to wait until tomorrow?

The three little guys can wait.

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