: Interviewing 3 little guys is the best

There are two hosts.

A man and a woman.

She is the head host of a local TV station in Changde.

He is also well-known in the local area.

But compared to Ye Mo and the others.

Then there is no reputation at all.

So they were very nervous when they saw Ye Mo.

In particular, He Jiong, a top host in the country, is also there.

Neither of them wanted to host before.

Suggest to the above.

It’s better to be hosted by He Jiong.

But the higher-ups feel that this is not acceptable.

He Jiong is the guest of honor.

How can He Jiong be the host?

And the people above also talked to these two people~.

This is a good opportunity to be famous.

You don’t even want it.


These two hosts can only host today’s event-.

Of course, Ye Mo and the others also knew that these two people were nervous.

He Jiong is very good at handling such things.

So as soon as he came to power.

Let’s joke with the two hosts first.

Let the two hosts unknowingly relax.

Then the three little guys praised the two hosts.

Said that the male host is very handsome, and the female host is very beautiful.

The three little guys look cute.

Immediately made the two hosts more relaxed.

The theme of today’s event is actually bringing goods.


Just bring the goods.

There are still some good things in Changde.

And now it’s very popular to bring goods.

That’s why people from relevant organizations came up with the activity of bringing goods.


It’s not like you have to bring the goods as soon as you come up.

First, we need to conduct a regular interview.

Then perform a little more.

The next step is to bring the goods.

Then there are fan activities.

The end is the end.

The entire event lasted about 2 hours.

The host interviewed Ye Mo and the others.

Mainly to interview Ye Mo and the others about their feelings about Taoyuan Village.

The feeling of longing for this season.

This is of course a good thing to say.

Originally, I did not interview the three little guys.

The main reason is that I am afraid that the three little guys will jump out, and something embarrassing everyone will come.

But when the three little guys saw Ye Mo, they were all interviewed.

They also immediately clamored for an interview.

None of them have been interviewed yet.

I feel that only adults can be interviewed.

Now they are all adults too.

……. Ask for flowers••••

So I have to be interviewed too.

The host immediately looked at Ye Mo and the others.

Seeing Ye Mo nod and said to interview Dudu and the others.

The two hosts also obeyed Ye Mo’s words.

Pass the microphone to the three little guys.

The host asked the three little guys.

How do you feel in Taoyuan Village?

Is it fun? Is it interesting?


The three little guys nodded their heads.

It’s fun to talk about Taoyuan Village.

Then the three little guys listed what was fun.

Such as catching small fish, fireflies, picking flowers, fishing, playing with friends, mountain skiing, climbing, etc.

Even the king cobra and the wild boar were named out by the three little guys.

The two hosts were surprised.

The three little guys have spoken a lot.

And it’s all praise.

Compared with Ye Mo and the others’ kind of scene talk.

The words of the three little guys are more true.

more attractive.

It is best to interview the three little guys.

The audience in the audience also gave out very warm cheers.

These people are basically locals.

They are proud that the three little guys like Changde.

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