: Scared a bunch of people

Ye Mo said something casually.

The attitude is really very casual.

It’s like saying something insignificant.

But in other people’s ears.

These are very explosive words.

Even Di Lieba and the others were a little surprised.

Ye Mo would say something like this.

But He Jiong and the others panicked again.

Ye Mo said these words.

Is it really still within the normal range?

Why do they feel that they are no longer there?

Their eyes subconsciously looked at Wang Zhengyu who was outside the camera.

And Wang Zhengyu nodded slightly to He Jiong and the others.

It means to tell He Jiong and the others not to panic.

Just continue chatting.

He Jiong and the others were always like this when they saw Wang Zhengyu.

Then there’s nothing to worry about.

And now they are also very interested in what Ye Mo said.

Because they don’t know about this either.

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more excited.

“Sure enough, it’s Ye Mo who is going to say it. This is too exciting.”

“Can these words really be broadcast?”

“The live broadcast signal has not been cut off so far, so it must be broadcast.”

“I didn’t expect Xiangxiang to be so courageous. Under normal circumstances, they should cut off the live broadcast signal now.”

“I definitely wanted to do this before, but now I may have the support of Ye Mo or the leadership of Mango Station, so I have such courage.”

“The longing for this season is really a treasure show. Dudu and the others are treasures in the world, and Ye Mo’s explosive words are also treasures.”

“Hey, I’m using my mobile phone and computer to open the live broadcast room of Yearning at the same time. One is on Ye Mo’s side, and the other is on Dudu’s side.”

“Me too, Dudu and the others are absolutely not to be missed.”

‘Speaking of which, will those people involved in Ye Mo’s explosive talk this time react, will they take revenge on Ye Mo? ‘

“Are you kidding? It’s fine if Ye Mo doesn’t mess with them.”

“I guess these people must be very nervous now. They are afraid that Ye Mo will mess with them, and they are also afraid that the higher authorities will mess with them.”

“Why are you afraid that the higher ups will mess with them?”

“Because Ye Mo has a good relationship with the higher-ups, some people will think that Ye Mo is blowing the wind for the higher-ups.”

“So that’s the case, but now except for Ye Mo, I’m afraid no one else can be sure whether Ye Mo is blowing the wind for the higher-ups.”

“I hope so, because this will straighten out the entertainment industry.”

“.・1•It is true that although the current entertainment industry has such a good side as Ye Mo Mo Ding Entertainment, there are more messes.”

Just as the audience guessed.

Those people involved in Ye Mo’s explosive words.

Now everyone is panicking.

They were all guessing whether Ye Mo was blowing the air for the top.

If it is true.

Then it would be a tragedy for them.

to be honest.

Any one (good Li Zhao) who is a bit famous.

There is no problem with anyone.

For example, the most common problems are tax evasion and yin-yang contracts.

Almost all celebrities are involved.

Don’t think that the higher authorities don’t know about these things.

It’s nothing more than a question of whether you want to do it or not.

If the higher-ups want to do it.

That would be bloody. These people watched the live broadcast with wide-eyed eyes.

I wanted to see what else Ye Mo would say.

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