: The 3 little guys are going to be in danger

the other side.

The three little ones ate very happily.

Almost all of their rice bowls are filled with meat.

This made the three little guys very happy.

They like meat the most.

The three little guys ate big mouthfuls.

The surrounding elementary school students were all stunned.

The three little guys know how to eat better than them.

Praise the three little guys one by one.

This made the three little guys even happier.

The eating speed is even faster.

And he ate more with each bite.

The three little guys are always followed by photographers.

So the appearance of the three little guys eating was seen by the audience.

But the audience didn’t praise the three little guys for eating well.

oppositeBut very worried. “No, Dudu and the others eat too fast, too much, and they will easily choke.

“That’s right, it’s troublesome if you choke, you might suffocate.”

“Although Dudu and the others are very powerful, they are not gods, and they will be choked… Two

“Let Ye Mo and the others stop Dudu and the others, don’t eat like this, it’s very dangerous.”

“The staff of the program team, hurry up and inform Ye Mo and the others.”

“The photographer must be very close to Dudu and the others. The photographer should just stop them.

“Go quickly, don’t waste time, or you will be in trouble.”

The audience in the live broadcast room were very worried that the three little guys would be choked.

Because the three little guys ate too fast, too much.

And most of them are still meat.

Meat is more likely to choke than vegetables.

Although Dudu and the others performed very well.

But these viewers think.

No matter how powerful Dudu and the others are.

It’s just a little milk baby of one or two years old.

And Dudu’s power is mainly reflected in their minds.

It’s not that their physical fitness is no longer human.

So Dudu and the others will be choked just like normal people.

Although the program group must be accompanied by professional medical staff.

Even if the three little ones were choked.

It won’t be a big deal.

But the audience is still very worried.

They didn’t want Dudu to choke them at all.

The program group has been on the air since its inception.

Just keep arranging people to watch the live broadcast room.

Almost watching the live broadcast room all the time.

So the staff soon knew about the barrage.

Then they immediately went to notify Wang Zhengyu.

These are the staff who manage the live broadcast room.

Not in Taoyuan Primary School.

But in the tent behind the mushroom house.

A tent was set up behind the mushroom house.

It is for the staff to work temporarily.

The staff sleep in the village at night.

There are many houses in the village that have vacant rooms.

Therefore, it is very easy to accommodate hundreds of salary personnel.

The program team also gave money.

Wang Zhengyu wears a Bluetooth headset all the time.

It is convenient for people from various working groups (Good Qian Zhao) to contact him.

It is also convenient for him to issue orders to various working groups.

Now he heard what these staff members said.

There was no hesitation either.

Immediately ran to Ye Mo and the others.

Wang Zhengyu and Ye Mo are very close to each other.

His position has always been very close to Ye Mo and the others.

Basically, where did Ye Mo and the others go.

Where is he going too.

Ye Mo and the others’ expressions changed upon hearing this.

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