: The dance of the three little ones

The children’s barbecue is also good.

They gave the three little ones first.

And then they themselves.

These little kids want to respect the three little ones.

The three little guys are not welcome.

After receiving it, she began to eat happily.

Then he praised his friends.

Ye Mo and the others couldn’t help laughing again.

Because of the compliments from the three little guys to these kids.

It was very similar to their usual tone and demeanor when they praised the three little guys.


The three little guys are imitating them.

may be because.

The three little guys feel that they are adults now.

So you have to look like an adult.

The adult of the three little guys, the child form is Schrödinger.

It can be switched at any time.

For example, when the three little ones wet the bed.

They are just children.

Di Lieba and the others asked the three little guys.

Why are they adults now?

How could she still wet the bed.

The three little ones would say that they are children now.

Bedwetting is normal.

Then wait for the three little guys to change their pants.

They have become adults again.

The atmosphere tonight is still very cheerful.

Wang Zhengyu said that everyone can’t just barbecue.

I also have to show some talent.

or something else.

Anyway, it is to make the atmosphere more lively.

The three little guys are the ones who like to be lively the most.

Immediately patted the chubby hand to agree with Wang Zhengyu’s words.certainly.

This performance is not mandatory.

Everyone can perform if they want to.

If you don’t want to, you don’t want to.

Ye Mo and the others are stars.

The thing he is best at performing.

So Ye Mo and the others came first.

But the three little ones insisted that they come first.


There is still a fight for this.

Since the three little guys want to perform first.

Then they go first.

The three little guys immediately stood in the middle of the yard.

And then asked the staff to play music.

Then they started dancing.

The three little guys danced in style.

Although the movement is not very smooth.

Especially Xiao Xixi and Xiao Duoduo.

But their age must be taken into consideration.

This is already very powerful.

Di Lieba and the others usually teach the three little guys to dance.

So it’s really good for the three little guys to dance.

Di Lieba and the others also said it.

The three little guys are very talented in dancing.

If you choose the field of dance in the future.

It is possible to become a dance master.

The dance that the 3 little ones are doing now.

It is a folk dance of Xinjiang.

The 3 little ones are twitchy.

It looks pretty funny.

After the jump. Everyone immediately applauded and cheered.

The same is true for the audience in the live broadcast room.

But the three little guys were overjoyed.

I still want to do it again.

Di Lieba and the others felt helpless immediately.

The three little guys have such personalities.

But tonight Ben (had it) came to play.

Then let the three little guys dance again.

This time the three little guys danced a different kind of dance.

Don’t look at the young age of the three little guys.

But the type of dance they mastered.

Quite a lot.

It’s really a monster.

The three little guys danced again.

Everyone applauded and cheered again.

Di Lieba and the others saw 3 little guys.

She still looks like she wants to dance.

Immediately spoke.

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