:test was successful

If it weren’t for the program team telling them repeatedly.

Neither the program team nor Ye Mo will intentionally hurt the three little guys.

Ye Mo and the others love the three little guys more than anyone else.

None of these people wanted to catch snakes.

Little Dudu couldn’t wait to open the cage.

The professionals were taken aback.

Di Lieba and the others were also taken aback.

Now I see the poisonous snake so close.

Their previous idea of ​​letting the three little guys test it.

It went out again.

Little Dudu waved his chubby hands and said:

“Dudu won’t be bitten by a snake. Snake wants to play with Dudu.”

“Snake also wants to play with Xixi.”

Xiao Xixi also spoke in a milky voice.

Xiao Duoduo also followed up and said:

“I also want to play with 26 Dodo.”

Finally, a test was carried out.

First, there are non-venomous snakes.

The chubby hands of the three little guys reached into the cage.

The snake immediately wrapped around the chubby hands of the three little guys.

Then she lay quietly on the arms of the three little guys.

It didn’t look like they were attacking the three little guys at all.

At this moment, professionals stretch out their hands to catch non-poisonous snakes.

The non-poisonous snake immediately raised its head.

want to attack professionals.

This is obvious.

These non-venomous snakes will not attack the 3 little ones.

Then the three little guys played with these non-poisonous snakes in various ways.

These non-venomous snakes are very quiet.

Still didn’t intend to attack the three little guys.

The professionals watching were amazed.

Said that this was a situation they had never encountered before.

They were very curious about why this happened.

Generally speaking. Non-venomous snakes are less aggressive than venomous snakes.

Next is the venomous snake whose venom glands have been removed.

Although the poisonous glands were removed.

But the aggressiveness still exists.

Professionals should try first.

The venomous snake that had its venom glands removed immediately wanted to attack.

The results of tests by several professionals are the same.

Then there are 3 little guys.

These venomous snakes responded the same as the previous non-venomous snakes.

See here.

Even Di Lieba and the others.

I have also initially believed it.

The snake will not attack the 3 little ones.

But the most important thing is that the venomous snake test without the venom glands removed.

This kind of venomous snake is more aggressive.


The scariest thing was the venom.

This time the professionals did not dare to try it with their hands.

Instead, he took the snake fork to test.

The poisonous snake immediately attacked Shecha.

Di Lieba and the others looked terrified.

They didn’t want the three little guys to test again.

The three little guys are more interested in these poisonous snakes.

And patted the chubby hand and said excitedly:

“Wow, what a powerful snake.”

At this time, professionals put on full-body protective 043 suits for the three little ones.

Even a giant king cobra cannot bite through this kind of protective cover.A professional also puts on protective clothing.

Then he reached out to catch the poisonous snake.

The poisonous snake is still attacking.

This can be proved.

Wearing protective clothing or not does not affect the attack of poisonous snakes.

At the same time, it also proves that snake bites do not wear protective clothing.

Di Lieba and the others are relieved.

So it can be tested.

Little Dudu couldn’t wait to stretch out his chubby hand to catch the poisonous snake.

The poisonous snake is also wrapped around the little guy’s arm.

Lazy look.

It’s completely different from the ferocious attack just now.

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