: doubt life

So these old people are still calm now.

But they were soon shocked again.

Because Xiao Duoduo also caught a fish.

It must be luck.

These old people continued to think like this.

After more than a minute.

Xiao Xixi also caught fish.

These old people are already a little suspicious.

All three little guys caught fish.

Are you so lucky?

It must be because the three little guys are all little angels.

It’s just luck.

These old people continued to think like this.

But now they are also a little anxious.

Because they haven’t caught any fish yet.

It’s a bit embarrassing.

Then in the next 10 minutes or so.

These old people went from being shocked to being 26 and doubting their lives.

Because the three little guys kept catching fish.

Altogether, 8 fish have been caught.

Although they also caught fish in these 10 minutes or so.

But there are only 2 fish in total.

And their number will be one more than the three little guys.

In other words, there are three of them.

More seriously.

The four of them are senior fishermen.

It cannot be said how powerful the fishing technique is.

But it’s definitely okay.

But the three little guys looked like they were two or three years old.

Even if you start to learn fishing from the womb.

The fishing experience is only a few years.

They have decades of fishing experience.

It’s actually not as good as the three little guys.

The difference between 2 fish and 8 fish is too big.

It can no longer be called luck.

So they are doubting life.

Are children nowadays so good at fishing?

Let’s talk about playing with mobile phones.

They admit that children are better at playing with mobile phones than they are.

One or two-year-olds can play mobile phones proficiently.But fishing was also compared.


The audience in the live broadcast room was once again shocked.

“Damn, Dudu and the others once again caught many fish in a short period of time.”

“I’m sure, Dudu and the others are very good at fishing.”

“That’s right, those old folks only caught two fish, only a quarter of Dudu’s. The gap is huge.”

“I can’t call it luck now.”

“It can’t be luck. The above performance can’t be luck. How can there be such terrible luck.”

“After Dudu’s performance in the morning and now, and Li Shi’s comparison with these old people.

One conclusion can be drawn, Dudu and the others are quite good at fishing. ”

“What a good guy, how old are Dudu and the others, and they are so good at fishing.”

“I’m going to cry. Dudu and their fishing skills are even better than mine. Am I ashamed to call you a fisherman?”

“Now Dudu and the others should be able to catch 077 except those big fish, and other small fish should be fine.

“There’s no way around this. Dudu and the others are not strong enough, and big fish will escape if they take the bait.”

“Anyway, Dudu and their fishing skills surpass many fishermen.”

Xiaodudu tilted her head and looked at these old people.

Then the milky voice and milky air said:

“Grandpa, let’s have a fishing competition.”

These old people blushed.

Before they rejected 3 little guys.

It’s because the three little guys are playing around, how can they know how to fish.

But now.

The fishing skills of the three little guys seem to be even better than theirs.

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