: The three little ones also want to play games

Di Lieba coaxed the little guy.


Then Di Lieba said again:

“Give the money to Mom, and Mom will keep it for you.”

Little Dudu blinked her big eyes and said:

“Will Mom give back to Dudu?”

A black line appeared on Di Lieba’s forehead.

The others laughed.

The little guy is really against the sky.

When other children are at this age.

I don’t think about whether my mother will return the money.

But either they don’t want to.

Or just give the money to mom directly at 26.

Di Lieba said helplessly:

“The money will be used to buy things.”

Little Dudu immediately patted the chubby hand and said:

“Buy delicious food.”

Di Lieba laughed and said:

“Well, buy something delicious.”

The little guy is happy.

Give the money to Di Lieba.

But she didn’t know.

The delicious food in her mouth and the delicious food in Di Lieba’s mouth have different meanings.

The little guy’s delicious food is those snacks.

And Di Lieba’s delicious food is the ingredients.

The three little guys all gave the money to their mother.

They didn’t look unhappy either.

There was even some joy.

I’m thinking about delicious snacks.

Ye Mo couldn’t bear to tell the three little guys the truth.

Otherwise, Di Lieba and the others will be angry.

There was no whole fish feast at night.

I only ate at noon.

If you eat it again, you will get tired.

But I also made a few fish-related dishes.

Although they are all ordinary domestic fish.

But as long as you cook well.

Even ordinary vegetables can be cooked deliciously.

Let alone meat.

Huang Lei’s cooking skills are indeed not bad.

I’ve been working on culinary art, so I should have some real cooking skills.

I had dinner.

The three little guys clamored to help wash the dishes.

Di Lieba and the others agreed.

Now they all agree, and the three little guys help wash it once a day.

But more than this number of times.

The three little guys were very happy.

Then the three little guys played and played again in the kitchen.

and Di Lieba and the others’ helpless voices.

They didn’t come out of the kitchen until half an hour later.

Under normal circumstances, it doesn’t take so long to wash the dishes.

But who made the three little guys have fun playing with bubbles.

Everyone came to the yard.

As the weather slowly began to heat up.

Chatting in the yard at night is more pleasant.

Huang Lei suggested that everyone come to play activities.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s singing, dancing, or playing games.

Singing and dancing have already been done before.

Then let’s play games.

The three little guys also clamored to play games.

Di Lieba pinched their little fleshy faces.

“Why do you have everything? Can you play games?”

The three little guys, um, 090 nodded their heads.

“We are very smart and know how to play games.”

He Jiong smiled and said:

“Dudu and the others are really smart, we really may not be able to play with them.

This sentence is touting the three little guys.

Although the three little guys are indeed smart.

But if it’s an adult’s game.

It is difficult for the three little guys to understand the rules of the game.

Let alone playing.

But the three little guys took He Jiong’s words seriously.

Hmm, nodding her head.

They look like they are very smart.

The audience in the live broadcast room also posted bullet screens one after another.

Let Dudu and the others play games too.

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