: The bet between Ye Mo and Wu Jing

Wu Jing said loudly:

“Director Ye, you are going too far. Let me work as soon as I come.”

Ye Mo laughed and said:

“Come here and yearn not to work, do you want to be beautiful?”

Wu Jing rolled her eyes, looked at Gu Li Nazha and Zhao Liying and said:

“Then Director Ye, do you let Nazha and Li Ying work?”

Ye Mo said:

“Of course they also have to work, no one is an exception.”


Ye Mo doesn’t even take pity on beautiful women.

Wu Jing can only work.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to work.

The interaction with Ye Mo just now was just for the effect of the show.

Ye Mo is a person with a much higher status than him.

In Yearning, I always abide by the rules of the program.

How could he play big cards?

What’s more, he is not the 26ers who like to play big names.

Gu Li Nazha and Zhao Liying also joined in.

Wu Jing and the others also dug a hole.

Digging a pit is very simple.

There is no skill at all.

Wu Jing and the others are not idiots either.

I watched Ye Mo and the others dig a hole.

I know how to dig a hole.

The 3 little guys still put chili seeds.

This time, three people joined Wu Jing.

So the speed of the three little guys has also sped up a bit.

Keeping the balance again.

Ye Mo asked the three little guys if they were tired.

The three little guys shook their heads and said they were not tired.

Ye Mo looked at the foreheads of the three little guys.

Not sweating.

She shouldn’t be tired.

The three little ones were still playing happily.

In their eyes.

Sowing chili seeds is just playing.

Around 11:00 am.

Huang Lei, He Jiong, Peng Peng, and sister Zifeng went back first.

They are making lunch.

The others continued to work.

Working in this weather is actually the best.

The sun is very warm, not hot at all.

It’s like basking in the sun.

It was almost 12 noon.

Ye Mo and the others also stopped.

Most of land No. 1 has been planted with chili seeds.

If you continue in the afternoon.

That must be done.

But there will be a fishing competition in the afternoon.

It is impossible to continue working.

Ye Mo smiled at Wu Jing and said:

“You don’t seem to know how to fish. You’re going to lose miserably in the fishing competition this afternoon.

Wu Jing smiled and said:

“You also don’t seem to know how to fish. I may not catch fewer fish than you.”

Ye Mo shook his head and said:

“I must have caught more fish than you.”

Wu Jing raised her eyebrows:

“Then let’s make a bet. ”

The three little guys quickly raised their chubby hands and said excitedly:

“We also want to make a bet.”

Wu Jing quickly said:

“I won’t bet with you, you are too good, you will definitely win.

Three small families and 120 people are happy.

They thought that Wu Jing was also praising them.

Di Lieba and the others looked funny.

The three little guys talked to Wu Jing about a bet.

It must be to get praise.

Ye Mo nodded and said:

“Okay, what do you want to bet on?”

Wu Jing thought for a while and said:

“If I win, beat me on the back.

The world’s top director beat me on the back, and I think it’s beautiful when I think about it. ”

Ye Mo laughed and said:

“No problem, but if you lose, you wash my feet.”

Wu Jing was immediately stunned.

Then shouted:

“It’s not fair, you are beating your back, how can I wash your feet, you have to change it to beating your back.

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