: Looking around

The three little guys are happy when they have meat to eat.

Whether it’s pork, beef, or fish.

As long as it’s meat.

After the three little guys finished eating.

Feed Xiaoyi and them as usual.

Then he stomped and ran out again.

After Ye Mo and the others finished eating.

also walked out of the mushroom house.

He Jiong smiled and said, “I wonder if our guest has come?”

Originally under normal circumstances.

The new flying guests should come in the morning.

But because Ye Mo and the others were going to catch fish in the morning.

So He Jiong talked to Wang Zhengyu last night.

Let the guests of the new issue come in the afternoon.

Huang Lei smiled and said:

“I don’t know if they will blame us for not making lunch for them.”

Di Lieba laughed and said:

“They can eat tomorrow’s lunch.”

170 He Jiong nodded with a smile and said:

“Anyway, when they come to us, they can have breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Peng Peng asked:

“The guests probably won’t call to order food this time.”

He Jiong shook his head and said:

“It’s hard to say, they can also order dinner.”

Ye Mo and the others rested for a while.

Prepare to go to No. 2 land to plant things.

They should try their best to plant all three plots of land within a month.

The three little guys didn’t want to go this time.

Di Lieba and the others curiously asked the three little guys what they were going to do.


The three little guys said they wanted to play.

Di Lieba and the others asked where to go.

The three little guys talked about playing around.

Di Lieba and the others didn’t continue to ask.

It’s just that the three little guys have to listen to the staff’s uncles and aunts.

It doesn’t matter whether the three little guys go to plant or not.

Anyway, the most important thing is for the three little ones to be happy.

Ye Mo and the others go to the secondNo. land.

The three little ones took the little one with them.

Start their adventure journey.

The three little guys have not been to many places in Taoyuan Village.

So the three little guys want to go on an adventure.

They bounced and walked along the road.

And not stop to catch butterflies, dragonflies, and other bugs.

She looks very cheerful.

walked for a while.

The three little ones saw a pond.

They immediately walked to the pond.

Blinking and watching with big eyes.

The staff quickly reminded.

The three little guys can’t catch fish.

The three little guys looked a little regretful.

They still want to catch fish.

Since they couldn’t, the three little guys didn’t continue to ask to catch fish.

They continued to wander around.

There are more than 10 staff members following the three little guys.

Among them was a photographer.

and a drone operator.

So there are a total of two cameras aimed at the three little guys.

The audience in the live broadcast room also followed the three little guys to enjoy the scenery of Taoyuan Village.

As expected, the name is Taoyuan Village.

The scenery of Taoyuan Village is indeed beautiful.

Many viewers are admiring the scenery.

It’s a pity that the three little guys still don’t know how to appreciate the scenery.

Now they’re looking for something they’re interested in.


The eyes of the three little guys lit up.

They felt that they had found something they were interested in.

So the three little guys left with short legs.

Teng Teng Teng ran towards a place.

The staff immediately followed the three little guys.

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