The next day, after Lin Fan sobered up, he thought that there was still some time before the movie was released, so he decided to go home and rest for a few days, so he took out his mobile phone and planned to tell Bai Lu.

In order to live conveniently, Lin Fan and Bai Lu rented an apartment together before, and they would go home to live for a while when they had time.

"Lu'er, I plan to go home and rest for a few days, what about you?"

Bai Lu, who was resting on the set, got a little excited after seeing the message sent by Lin Fan.

"I don't have any scenes tomorrow, so I can take a day off. Can I go back to accompany you!"

Bai Lu thought that the two of them hadn't seen each other for almost a month, and her longing in her heart was about to reach the extreme. She wanted to fly to Lin Fan immediately.

"Okay, where do you want to go to play, I'll take you there!"

Lin Fan thought of the little girl's arrogant look, and began to plan tomorrow's schedule in his heart.

"No, I just want to stay at home with you!"

Bai Lu thought that the two of them finally had time to meet, and she didn't want to run away at all, so she wanted to stick to Lin Fan!

"Okay, I got it!"

Lin Fan couldn't help laughing when he thought of Bai Lu's coquettish and clingy energy.

When the chat was over, Bai Lu thought about meeting tomorrow and looked at her phone with a silly smile on her face!

"Sister, you really look like a silly dog ​​when you smile!"

When Ke Ke saw Bai Lu's sweet face, she knew without thinking that she must be chatting with Lin Fan again!

"Ke Ke, I have to go home tomorrow, do you want to come with me!"

After hearing this, Ke Ke rolled her eyes at Bai Lu!

"Can you keep your happiness to yourself? I don't want to be a light bulb!"

As time passed, it was soon time to go home!

As soon as Bai Lu got off the car, she saw Lin Fan waiting at the door and ran out of the car excitedly.

"Ah Fan!"

When Lin Fan saw Bai Lu jumping over, he reached out and picked her up.

"Did you not eat well? Your waist has become thinner!"

Lin Fan stretched out his hand and pinched Bai Lu's waist. He felt that he could hold it with one of his big hands. He asked Bai Lu distressedly.

"Yes, without the food you cook for me, I can't eat well. I can't sleep at night because I miss you. I have to be busy filming during the day. How can I not lose weight?"

Lin Fan carried Bai Lu into the room. After seeing her exaggerated acting skills, he couldn't help laughing.

"Little greedy cat!"

Lin Fan rubbed Bai Lu's hair and scolded her with a smile.

"You should feel honored! You have a little fangirl like me!"

Bai Lu thought of Lin Fan's good cooking skills, and her eyes were shining when she looked at Lin Fan!

"Yes, yes! My little fangirl!"

Bai Lu looked at Lin Fan's pleasing face, stood on tiptoes and quickly kissed Lin Fan on the face, and then wanted to run away quickly.

Seeing this, Lin Fan immediately grabbed Bai Lu who was about to slip away, and looked at her with a playful face,

"Where do you want to run to?"


A month later, the movie "SPL 2" will be released!

In this world, movie review is faster and there are not so many restrictions!

Lin Fan took advantage of Bai Lu's two-day vacation and bought two movie tickets to go to the cinema with Bai Lu to watch a movie.

When they saw the wonderful fighting scenes, everyone in the cinema got excited and shouted in the silence,


After hearing this excited voice, Bai Lu leaned close to Lin Fan's ear and whispered,

"This man is so handsome, luckily he is mine!"

Lin Fan looked at the smile that was about to overflow from Bai Lu's exposed eyes and held Bai Lu's palm tightly.

Bai Lu watched Lin Fan's performance in the movie seriously, and she was more and more surprised!

Especially when she saw Lin Fan being strangled to death by the tie at the end, she almost couldn't help laughing!

No wonder Lin Fan didn't tell me the ending of the movie when I asked him. This is really an unexpected ending!

As the movie ended, everyone was surprised by the ending and started to talk about it.

"Afan, I heard a lot of people praising you!"

Bai Lu raised her proud little face and said to Lin Fan seriously.


Lin Fan held Bai Lu's restless little hand and nodded calmly to Bai Lu!

This result was already expected by him.

After returning home, Lin Fan turned on his mobile phone and saw that many people in the crew group were tagging him, so he clicked in to check.

"Lin Fan, the Internet is praising you like crazy! They even gave your character a name, called the suit thug!"

"Yes, do you know that when the movie just ended, everyone was praising your fighting scenes for being worth watching, very durable! Especially the scene where you leaped into the air, it was so cool! "

"I saw a lot of people saying that the ending of the movie was very interesting and was one of the highlights of the movie!"

"Haha, why did I focus on the fact that so many people said you were a gentleman scum! Doghead!"

Lin Fan read the information in the group and responded to everyone's compliments in the group one by one!

After Bai Lu saw the hot search list on Weibo, she excitedly ran over to Lin Fan and said,

"Afan, look, the second, fifth, and tenth on the hot search list are all related to the roles you played. Your Weibo fans are almost up to 500,000! But it seems that many of them are girlfriend fans!"

After Bai Lu finished speaking excitedly, she became a little jealous.

"Why, jealous?"

Lin Fan stretched out his hand to pinch Bai Lu's face, and saw Bai Lu grinning at him, and couldn't help laughing.

"Lu'er, believe me, I won't let you down! "

Bai Lu listened to Lin Fan's solemn promise, and the panic in her heart gradually subsided.

"Be good, wait for me for a while!"

Lin Fan saw the smile gradually rising on Bai Lu's face, and emphasized to her again.


On that day, SPL 2 achieved a box office result of 75.35 million, and has the potential to become the annual hit action movie.

Lin Fan had already expected this box office result. Seeing everyone congratulating him in the group, Lin Fan also expressed his gratitude.

"Lin Fan, have you read the comments online?"

"Lin Fan, when I open Douyin now, it's the fighting scenes of the three of you, in addition, there is also a mixed cut of you in a suit!"

"Yes, the warden you played is really brilliant, everyone loves and hates you! ”


Lin Fan saw what everyone had said, so he opened Douyin and started to read it. After seeing the comments on the screen, he felt ashamed.

“It’s not good enough. He can fight so well even in a suit! He is my idol!”

“He is so handsome! I love him even if he is a villain just for his looks!”

“I have watched this action 10,000 times!”

“This suit is tailor-made for you! I have never seen anyone wear a suit so handsomely!”

“This feeling of being at ease and having everything under control is really immersive!”

“Brother, remember not to wear a tie next time you fight!”

“I agree with the above statement. He told us to remember to take off the tie first when fighting! Haha!”


Lin Fan saw everyone praising him, and a smile appeared on his face!

The more outstanding the role, the more scripts he can get, and

he has more room for choice!

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