After hearing what Chen Long said, Lin Fan nodded.

Then, another audience member stood up and looked at Lin Fan.

"Brother Fan, after watching the movie, I agree with your acting skills, especially the crying scene at the end of the movie, which makes people feel despair and pain, so real!"

After hearing this, Lin Fan raised his eyebrows. Could it be that he was going to let himself cry on the spot?

Although it is not impossible, it is a bit out of place in this scene!

Lin Fan was thinking about it when he heard the audience continue to say,

"Brother Fan, can you recreate the part where you fight with the team members because of rage?"

After Lin Fan heard this, the picture immediately appeared in his mind.

This is not to let him cry, but to let himself be beaten!

"Of course!"

Lin Fan looked at the enthusiastic look of the audience and really couldn't refuse his wishes.

Lin Fan saw that An Zhijie standing next to him was already eager to try,

his hands were also rubbing, and his eyes looking at Lin Fan were full of smiles.

"Lin Fan, are you ready?"

Lin Fan looked at Andy On and said to him with a smile, but the words sounded like "are you ready to be beaten?"

Lin Fan's mouth twitched a little. This guy must have wanted to do this a long time ago!

It's just that he just caught the opportunity!

"I'll come too!"

Seeing this, Nicholas Tse also came to Lin Fan actively and enthusiastically, with a smile on his face.

"You kid, why are you joining in the fun!"

Benny Chan saw Nicholas Tse's active and proactive look,

How could he not know what bad ideas he was up to,

So he laughed and scolded him.

"Sorry, let me correct it, it's not the part of fighting, it's the part of Lin Fan's performance after the fight!"

The audience explained anxiously, with obvious panic on their faces.

Hearing this, the smile on Nicholas Tse's face began to solidify.

This opportunity to fight Lin Fan was finally caught, but he missed it?

He hated it!

After hearing this, Lin Fan looked at the changes in the expressions of Nicholas Tse and Andy On, and he almost laughed like crazy!

He had already stretched out his fist, but he could only hold it back.

This feeling, in two words, is aggrieved!

Then, Lin Fan began to perform that part of the scene on the spot.

Facing everyone's gaze, Lin Fan was not at all flustered.

He showed Guan Zu's twisted and perverted personality to the fullest.

At this moment, Lin Fan is Guan Zu!

After Lin Fan finished his performance, the audience was still immersed in Lin Fan's actions and expressions.

After a second or two, they reacted and clapped their hands.

"Lin Fan, what level of perversion are you? It's really perverted!"

One of the audience was so excited that he shouted out loud.

Hearing this, not only the audience laughed, but also the actors in the crew laughed!

"Lin Fan, in short, you are a pervert!"

Nicholas Tse approached Lin Fan and whispered to him.

"Get lost!"

Lin Fan said silently to Nicholas Tse, and then began to answer the audience's questions,

"Guan Zu grew up in a long-term family repression atmosphere, his personality is not like ordinary people, in some aspects, he will do very extreme behavior!"

Lin Fan did not directly answer the audience's words,

but interpreted the character and successfully resolved this sentence.

Afterwards, everyone continued to interact with the audience!

An hour later, the premiere ended!

Lin Fan, Nicholas Tse, and Andy On sat in the same business car,

"Lin Fan, what level of pervert are you?"

Nicholas Tse thought of what the audience said just now, and teased again.

"Then you have to be careful, I might do it to you one day!"

Lin Fan's eyes began to become sharp, and the words he said were cold and threatening, which made people shudder.

"Lin Fan, why are you acting again? Stop it!"

Nicholas Tse said to Lin Fan while covering his eyes.

"You are so inexperienced and playful!"

Lin Fan said speechlessly after seeing Nicholas Tse's performance.

"He is just hovering on the edge of death!"

An Zhijie watched the interaction between the two and also teased them.

"Can you two talk? I am the one who creates the atmosphere!"

Nicholas Tse said faintly, with an expression that said, "Don't be ungrateful."

"You are probably itching for trouble!"

Lin Fan moved his wrist and looked at Nicholas Tse with provocation in his eyes.

"No, no, no, it's just a small matter.Don't hurt the relationship!"

"Try not to hit him in the face, or it will be too obvious!"

An Zhijie looked at Lin Fan's actions and started to joke.

"I am a big man and I don't care about the mistakes of small people. I won't bother with you. Go to sleep!"

Nicholas Tse looked at the eyes of the two people, and directly hugged his hands in front of him. He closed his eyes, but the words he said were still so irritating!

Lin Fan and An Zhijie saw Nicholas Tse's behavior, smiled similarly, and stopped their actions!

"Some people, who can't win the argument or the fight, will just lie aside and pretend to be dead! "

Lin Fan looked at Nicholas Tse's closed eyes and said casually.

Nicholas Tse ignored him and blocked Lin Fan's words.

Lin Fan saw that Nicholas Tse did not respond, knowing that he was pretending to be dead, so he stopped teasing him!

At this time, night was about to fall,

Lin Fan looked at the scenery outside the car window,

Thinking that he would be able to see Bai Lu tomorrow, he was already looking forward to it!

After returning to the hotel, Lin Fan called Bai Lu,

"Lu'er, I'm going back tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Bai Lu asked excitedly,

"When will I arrive?"

Lin Fan looked at Bai Lu's bright eyes and smiled.

"Around ten o'clock!"

After hearing this, Bai Lu's originally excited expression became a little sad, and said to Lin Fan,

"I still have some commercials to shoot tomorrow morning!"

"I can go back to accompany you in the afternoon! "

After hearing this, Lin Fan comforted him,

"We've been apart for so long, it doesn't matter if we stay apart for a while!"

Bai Lu nodded and continued to chat with Lin Fan.

At 9:30 in the evening, Bai Lu hung up the phone because she had to get up early to shoot a commercial tomorrow.

Lin Fan took a look at the night outside, and after washing up, he also fell asleep.

The next morning, after Lin Fan sent a message to the crew members, he planned to take a taxi to the airport.

When he walked to the door of the hotel, he saw Nicholas Tse driving a red sports car and stopped in front of him.

Lin Fan looked at Nicholas Tse in a cool suit, sunglasses on his face, and a very unique hairstyle on his head,

and teased,

"Does it need to be so grand to send me off?

After hearing this, Nicholas Tse rolled his eyes at Lin Fan,

"I'm always so cool!"

Lin Fan nodded perfunctorily and said,

"Yes, yes, even when I kicked you that day, your hairstyle was so good-looking!"

After hearing this, Nicholas Tse looked at Lin Fan with dissatisfaction,

"Brother, can you stop talking about this embarrassing thing?"

Lin Fan smiled and looked at Nicholas Tse, teasing,

"I'm just talking about the facts!"

"Do you think everyone is as out of tune as you?"

Lin Fan sat in the co-pilot seat and massaged his hands while looking at Nicholas Tse.

"I think you deserve a beating!"

Lin Fan looked at Nicholas Tse's fist as if he was about to swing it, and his face became serious,

"Drive quickly, I'm going to miss the plane later!"

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