Hearing Wu Jing's words, everyone shook their heads.

This made Wu Jing even more confused, and he looked at the two trucks that kept coming.

When the trucks kept getting closer, Wu Jing could see the person sitting in the car clearly, it was Lin Fan!

Wu Jing thought, what is this kid doing again? !

When the car stopped, Wu Jing walked forward and saw Lin Fan jumping under the car in a cool and handsome manner.

"Junior brother, what are you doing?"

Lin Fan smiled when he saw Wu Jing's puzzled eyes.

"It's not that the weather is too hot, I want to buy some cool food for everyone, and add a snack by the way!!"

At this time, the truck driver opened the door of the truck,

Everyone saw all kinds of drinks in the car, and they were all excited!

The other car was full of various cooked food, including duck legs, chicken legs, and trotters. Some people couldn't help swallowing their saliva just by looking at them.

"Junior brother, how can I let you spend money on this!"

"I'll transfer the money to you when the time comes!"

Wu Jing thought that Lin Fan had already helped him a lot, and it would be a shame if he accepted so many things!

"Brother Jing, you are being too polite!"

"This is a little gift from me to everyone, and I hope you don't dislike it!"

Lin Fan punched Wu Jing in the chest, and seeing the grin on his face, he knew that he had accepted it!


"What are you still standing there for? Don't you want to have more food?"

Wu Jing was very touched, but he would not show this emotion.

There was only a touch of admiration in his eyes when he looked at Lin Fan!

Thinking that this kid was really thoughtful and generous, he couldn't treat him unfairly!

After hearing Wu Jing's words, everyone expressed their gratitude to Lin Fan.

"Thank you, Brother Jing, thank you, Teacher Lin!"

Wu Jing saw everyone looking at him with gratitude, waved his hand, and said,

"Why thank me? Just thank Lin Fan. This kid feels sorry for you guys because you're working so hard!"

As soon as Wu Jing said this, everyone looked at Lin Fan more eagerly, and thanked him one after another.

Lin Fan responded with a smile when he saw everyone's enthusiasm.

After the food on the truck was moved away, Lin Fan came to the two truck drivers.

"Master, you've worked hard this time. The weather is so hot. Take some drinks to cool down!"

Lin Fan took out the two hundred yuan on his body and gave one to each person.

The truck driver saw Lin Fan's warm heart and had a great impression of him.

"Teacher Lin, this is what we should do. If you need it next time, you can call us again."

The truck driver took the money and smiled brightly.

Lin Fan thought that the food on the crew was too bad, and it would be nice to give them extra meals every now and then, so he agreed and nodded to them. After the truck driver left, Wu Jing put the things in his hands away, and looked at Lin Fan who was walking over, and took the initiative to approach him, "Junior brother, this dish is added at the right time!" "Not too early or too late, just at mealtime!" Wu Jing took the lunch box from the crew, added some dishes to it, and chatted with Lin Fan while eating. "I was afraid that it would not taste good if it was left for too long, so I brought it here at the right time!" Lin Fan looked at Wu Jing eating happily, and a smile appeared on his face. "You are thoughtful!" Wu Jing did not say anything sensational this time, but just kept every bit of Lin Fan in his heart! "You don't have any scenes these days, so you should familiarize yourself with the script first, and you can go out for a walk when you have time!"

Wu Jing took a bite of rice, looked at Lin Fan, and said seriously.

"Brother Jing, don't worry about me, I will arrange it myself!"

Lin Fan saw Wu Jing's worried look and joked.

"I'm afraid you'll be too bored in the crew, so I asked you to find something to do!"

Wu Jing raised his eyebrows when he heard Lin Fan's joke, and looked at Lin Fan helplessly!

"I know, Brother Jing!"

Lin Fan saw the expression on Wu Jing's face, and his eyebrows were also stained with smiles.

After lunch, everyone rushed to rest.

Lin Fan saw Wu Jing fall asleep in a second,

knowing that he was working hard for this movie and his nerves were too tense.

Seeing that everyone was asleep, Lin Fan came to walk around nearby.

The sun at noon was getting bigger and bigger, and the floor was emitting heat.

An hour later, Lin Fan saw everyone immediately stand up from the bed,

then quickly put on their equipment and waited for the next filming!

The next filming was about Leng Feng, played by Wu Jing, shooting Wu Ji, played by Zhou Xiaoou, to death with three shots.

Lin Fan saw the explosionThe team was placing explosives on the side,

Thinking that I had nothing to do, I went over to help.

The staff of the blasting team wanted to refuse,

but seeing that Lin Fan looked very professional and serious, he let him help.

After seeing that Lin Fan was rigorous and professional in every aspect, whether it was the placement or the speed of installation,

the leader of the blasting team checked and gave Lin Fan great affirmation.

"Teacher Lin, your skills are very professional. Could it be that you were in this business before?"

It's no wonder he asked this question. It's really that Lin Fan's skills are too professional, and anyone would be a little curious.

"No, I saw how others installed it before, and I learned a little bit!"

When several people heard Lin Fan's words, they couldn't help but look up to him.

"Teacher Lin is too modest. Our team leader is very strict and never praises people easily!"

A staff member came to Lin Fan and looked at him with admiration and love.

After hearing this, Lin Fan just smiled and didn't say much!

After all the explosives were installed, the sound of the field staff calling for everyone to get ready was heard.

Lin Fan sat down and started watching.

When filming the scene where Wu Jing jumped down from the rooftop and changed positions,

This scene required Wu Jing to turn over and jump down from the railing on the rooftop,

jump directly to the platform on the house, and the sniper rifle on his body should be firmly placed behind him,

There should be no pause during the whole process, and the action and posture of landing should be steady and powerful,

Finally, he stood up from the ground in a coherent manner, took the sniper rifle in his hand,

moved forward, knelt on the ground, and aimed the sniper rifle directly at Zhou Xiaoou.

Wu Jing failed to take a satisfactory shot after filming several times, and his face was a little serious.

He glanced at the group actors around him and said,

"Let's take a break first!"

After Wu Jing finished speaking, he did not take a break, but continued to practice on the rooftop.

In this scene, he did not use wires, but relied on his own hard skills.

Seeing Wu Jing still practicing, Lin Fan walked up from the stairs beside him.

"Brother Jing, I just observed your movements and think this can be improved a little."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he demonstrated it to Wu Jing in person.

Lin Fan supported himself on the railing with both hands, and kept his steps steady.

He opened his hands and waved them, putting his strength on his lower body.

After removing the impact force, he landed directly and steadily.

Then he stood up and slid forward with a sharp look in his eyes, picked up the gun in his hand, and looked at the scope with a sharp look!

There were no extra movements, and it was completed very smoothly.

If Wu Jing hadn't tried it himself, he would have thought it was as simple as Lin Fan demonstrated!

The key point of this part is how to avoid getting hurt and quickly stabilize his body after jumping off the rooftop.

Lin Fan added a movement of opening his hands and waving, which can achieve a good effect.

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