Seeing that Wu Jing was already busy, Lin Fan came to the studio and started watching!

After Wu Jing's review yesterday, Deputy Director Liang and Deputy Director Zhou were a little nervous.

Wu Jing picked out three or four problems with one shot yesterday, all of which were problems with details.

They all showed full enthusiasm on their faces, wanting to do their best!

After the preparations on the scene were completed, Wu Jing came to the studio to check the preparations.

"Photography team, when Zhou Xiaoou falls down later, remember to give him a close-up!"

"Demolition team, remember to control the time of the explosion, accurate to every second!"


"Lao Liang, Lao Zhou, you will always pay attention to the situation on the scene and make sure there will be no more problems, okay?"

Wu Jing's stern voice sounded in the studio, which was completely different from usual!

"Another day of learning!"

Lin Fan sighed in his heart.

Looking at Wu Jing's orderly arrangement of the work on the scene, he had the demeanor of a great director.

He cycled what he saw in his mind and turned it into his own.

After hearing Wu Jing's words, everyone cheered up and nodded seriously.

"Okay, let's work hard together. I believe you can do it well!"

After Wu Jing finished speaking, he went directly to the shooting site.

When the shooting started, Lin Fan watched Deputy Director Liang start to direct seriously,

and wrote down his professional words and points of concern one by one, and when small problems occurred,

the reactions and solutions that would appear were all turned into his own things,

and he was still thinking about what he would do if it were him.

Lin Fan saw that even though Wu Jing was under the scorching sun and his eyes were blurred by sweat,

he could lie on the ground motionless, and his aura was still so strong, and he was fully committed to the shooting.

He still admired Wu Jing very much,

and he could switch between the roles of director and actor freely.

This time, the members of the director team did not fall behind and completed the shooting smoothly!

Following the order from the crew, Wu Jing came to the side and took off the equipment on his body.

Then, he immediately came to the studio to check the situation of the shooting just now!

I have a deeper understanding of Wu Jing's professionalism and strictness!

"This time, the shooting is very good, and this picture is also very good, but I think it can be more perfect!"

Afterwards, Wu Jing said a lot of encouraging words,

Lin Fan listened very seriously and carefully!

Wu Jing's words were not tough, and he was moderate in his advances and retreats.

It not only made people feel affirmed, but also made people aware of their mistakes.

This leadership ability is still very strong!

After Wu Jing finished speaking, everyone said that they would continue to work hard!

Lin Fan looked at the team's positive and united appearance,

Finally, I know why Wu Jing can take care of both the director and the actor.

Apart from his strictness, the team members are very powerful, and everyone has enthusiasm and seriousness in their eyes.

It seems that Wu Jing also spent a lot of effort in selecting members!

Lin Fan became somewhat interested in the director's job, and thought that he would supplement his knowledge in this area when he went back at night!

"Junior brother, I see you are listening carefully, do you want to try it?"

Wu Jing had noticed Lin Fan's expression since he came in.

Thinking of how eager this kid is to learn, and since he doesn't have a role now,

it's just right for him to show his ability, and maybe he can bring him unexpected surprises!

"Brother Jing, I don't know much about this knowledge, so I won't go over to make trouble!"

Lin Fan has learned about the director's process and details in the past two days,

but he is not afraid of learning it, but afraid of learning it!

"It's okay, you just come and learn, and it's okay to give it a try!"

Wu Jing looked at Lin Fan's refusal and insisted on letting him try it.

If nothing else, Lin Fan's requirements for quality are stricter than his.

With him in charge, maybe he can really bring himself some surprises!

"Okay, then I'll learn from the side. I hope you don't think I'm in the way!"

Lin Fan saw Wu Jing's encouraging eyes and simply gave up.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Deputy Director Liang saw Lin Fan and there was no contempt in his eyes. He had noticed it just now.

Lin Fan was learning very seriously. Maybe he really has talent in this area!

When the shooting was about to start, Deputy Director Liang handed Lin Fan a headset and asked him to put it on.

Lin Fan nodded and put it on.

Then, he heard the variousThe team prepared the sound,

Everything was ready. At the signal of Deputy Director Liang, the stagehand on the side shouted loudly with a loudspeaker.

Deputy Director Liang observed the situation on the scene attentively.

Although it was the first time for Lin Fan to sit here and command the whole scene,

but there was no panic in his eyes, which made people see his calmness under the calmness.

At this time, Lin Fan saw that the blood bag on Zhou Xiaoou's head was about to explode,

and suggested to Deputy Director Liang next to him,

"Deputy Director Liang, I think after Zhou Xiaoou falls to the ground, the camera can stay for a few seconds longer, so that it can better reflect his unwillingness and hatred!"

After hearing Lin Fan's words, Deputy Director Liang thought for a moment,

and agreed, and took the walkie-talkie to arrange it.

Then, the camera stayed on Zhou Xiaoou lying in a pool of blood,

with disbelief and unwilling eyes,

The acting is very vivid and impressive!

"Lin Fan, your suggestion is good!"

"Looks like you have great talent!"

Deputy Director Zhou was a little skeptical of Lin Fan, but when he saw Lin Fan sitting here calmly from beginning to end,

and was able to find the highlights, he immediately changed his opinion of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan just smiled at the compliment and didn't say much.

After Deputy Director Zhou finished speaking, his eyes were completely focused on the scene, and his spirit was tense.

After the scene was over, the tense atmosphere on the scene was relieved by the sound of the stage attendant.

At this time, Wu Jing walked in from outside and began to check the screen in the monitor.

While watching, he nodded in agreement.

After seeing the scene of Zhou Xiaoou lying in a pool of blood, he asked with some doubts,

"Who added this?"

After hearing Wu Jing's words, everyone's originally relaxed hearts were lifted up again,

for fear that Wu Jing would feel that the scene was added temporarily and would be very dissatisfied!

"Brother Jing, I suggested adding this clip. I think that adding this clip can better reflect the opposition between good and evil!"

Lin Fan is very confident in his own ideas. After Wu Jing asked, he stood up and answered directly.

Everyone at the scene looked at this scene nervously, fearing that Wu Jing would frown in the next second.

No matter how good your relationship is, as long as the quality does not meet the requirements, you will be scolded.

When it comes to the quality of the movie, Wu Jing is very ruthless!

"It's a good addition, junior brother, it seems that I really made the right choice!"

Wu Jing smiled and looked at Lin Fan with a satisfied look in his eyes.

Seeing the smile on Wu Jing's face, Deputy Director Liang and Deputy Director Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Jing, your junior brother is very powerful!"

"It seems that I have to save a place for him!"

Deputy Director Zhou looked at Lin Fan and was very satisfied with his performance just now.

That confidence and calmness are not necessarily possessed by actors who have been in the industry for many years!

"It's really amazing, Lin Fan, if you are interested, you can come to the studio to take a look when you are not filming!"

After hearing what Deputy Director Zhou said, Wu Jing immediately affirmed it and said to Lin Fan beside him.

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