Lin Fan studied in the studio for an afternoon, correcting several details, which made the director team more confident in his ability. However, Lin Fan just saw that Wu Jing's expression was not smooth, and it seemed that this scene had to be reshot! After the scene was over, Wu Jing walked into the studio and began to check the clips. After watching for a while, his brows began to frown. "Brother Jing, is there any problem?" Deputy Director Liang asked nervously when he saw Wu Jing's expression. "The shooting point is very good, but I am not satisfied with my performance. I may have to trouble everyone to do it again!" After watching this clip, Wu Jing said to everyone with apology. "It's okay, Brother Jing, keep improving!" After hearing Wu Jing's words, Deputy Director Zhou opposed and comforted him. "Then I will trouble you later!" After saying this, Wu Jing was ready to go. Lin Fan listened to Wu Jing's words and felt that Wu Jing was ruthless and even paid attention to his own details.

What he said was even more measured, which made the crew members convinced of him!

After all, his strength is here, and he never hides his shortcomings and strives for perfection.

This character alone has surpassed many big leaders!

When this scene was finally filmed, it was already dark.

Lin Fan took the lunch box of the crew and saw that there was still only one meat and two vegetables.

Thinking about giving the crew extra meals tomorrow!

Lin Fan was picking at the lunch box in his hand when he saw Wu Jing holding the lunch box in his hand and walking towards him.

"Junior brother, I heard from Deputy Director Zhou that you performed very well in the studio this afternoon!"

Wu Jing thought of the pride and admiration on Deputy Director Zhou's face when he praised Lin Fan, and a smile rose on his face.

"Brother Jing, I'm just a little more sensitive to these points!"

Lin Fan's words were very calm, and even the expression on his face did not change, as if it was a very ordinary thing.

"Come on, keep pretending!"

Wu Jing didn't believe a word of Lin Fan's humble words!

This kid is definitely very talented in this area!

Lin Fan just ate the lunch box in his hand silently after hearing Wu Jing's words.

"Why don't you change your career to become a director? When the time comes, we will definitely be able to produce many excellent works together!"

Wu Jing saw that Lin Fan ignored him and began to instigate him.

"I haven't planned to do that yet!"

Lin Fan thought that he should act well first, and then talk about the rest later!

"That means you have this plan. If you change your career at that time, you must tell me in advance!"

Wu Jing looked at Lin Fan's somewhat careless look, hit Lin Fan with his elbow, and said seriously.

"Okay! I'll tell you then!"

Lin Fan looked at Wu Jing's serious and eager eyes and answered helplessly.

"Then I will look forward to that day!"

After Wu Jing said this, she began to eat the lunch box in her hand.

After dinner, Lin Fan and Wu Jing returned to the hotel together.

Lin Fan thought of what Bai Lu said to him in the afternoon about taking photos.

He made a video call to Bai Lu.

In less than a moment, the call was connected.

Lin Fan saw Bai Lu in an exotic red dress.

There was a feeling of elegance, gentleness and mystery.

Bai Lu's delicate face was painted with special makeup. The wine-red eyeliner was charming and energetic.

Every frown and smile was full of charm, which made people unable to look away!

"Lu'er, how was the photo shoot today?"

Lin Fan looked at Ke Ke standing behind Bai Lu with a camera and asked with concern.

"My photos are definitely top-notch!"

After hearing Lin Fan's words, Ke Ke interrupted directly, her words full of confidence!

"It's OK, but not as good as yours!"

After hearing Ke Ke's words, Bai Lu blinked at Lin Fan,

After saying that, she turned her eyes to Ke Ke.

"Okay, if you have the ability, ask him to take photos for you!"

Ke Ke rolled her eyes speechlessly and said in a pretended angry manner.

"Okay, okay, you take the best photos, okay!"

Seeing Ke Ke's expression, Bai Lu quickly comforted him.

After hearing this, Ke Ke gave Bai Lu a look that said "you're smart".

Lin Fan looked at Bai Lu's happy expression on the other end of the video, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Afan, how are you doing in the crew?"

Bai Lu turned the topic back, and seeing Lin Fan's somewhat tanned appearance, Guanasked with a smile.

"I'm doing well in the crew, everyone takes good care of me, and I've learned a lot!"

Then Lin Fan briefly told Bai Lu what happened today.

"That's fine, I bought you a few bottles of sunscreen, remember to use them when the time comes!"

After hearing Bai Lu's words, Lin Fan took a look at his skin,

He was really tanned, and his skin color began to become uneven.


Lin Fan nodded, and after chatting with Bai Lu for a few words, he heard Ke Ke's excited voice,

"The roof over there is so beautiful, go over there!"

After hearing this, Lin Fan said to Bai Lu,

"Then you go take pictures first, be careful!"

After the call was hung up, Lin Fan washed up and planned to go to bed directly!

When he got up the next day,

Lin Fan went to a large supermarket nearby and started purchasing supplies,

Because the last large-scale purchase, the clerks already knew him and arranged a vehicle for him directly,

It was still the same two masters before!

Lin Fan thought of the sunscreen that Bai Lu had mentioned to him yesterday, and added it to the purchase this time.

After buying it, Lin Fan took the truck driver's car to the crew.

After the last incident, Wu Jing knew that it must have been bought by Lin Fan as soon as she saw the truck.

After the truck stopped, she came to the door and waited for Lin Fan to jump out.

"Junior brother, you are really sensible!"

Wu Jing saw all of Lin Fan's behavior and silently remembered Lin Fan's kindness.

The words he said were not as sensational as before, but more teasing.

"Brother Jing, a little bit of thought, as long as everyone is happy!"

Lin Fan saw that everyone moved the things down in an orderly manner, with a bright smile on his face, and responded to Wu Jing.

"Teacher Lin, I just ran out of sunscreen. You are so thoughtful that you even thought of this!"

A female staff member held the sunscreen in her hand, with a full of excitement in her tone.

"I just saw it and bought it!"

Lin Fan responded politely, and stood calmly in the face of everyone's thanks.

"Speaking of this, I just realized that you are tanned. Bai Lu must have disliked you!"

Wu Jing didn't believe that Lin Fan could think of sun protection. He must have been complained about when he was on the phone with Bai Lu.

She said to Lin Fan with a smile in her eyes.

"Brother Jing, dark spots are healthier!"

Lin Fan looked at the teasing in Wu Jing's eyes and did not answer his question directly.

"You kid, you are deliberately avoiding it, right!"

Wu Jing looked at Lin Fan and was more certain of the answer in his heart.

After the two chatted for a while, Wu Jing started to get busy.

Last night,

Wu Jing and the crew members wrote out the scene of Leng Feng and Long Xiaoyun's confrontation,

but during the filming, Yu Nan's expression was not in place,

so in the afternoon, continue to shoot this scene!

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