In this way, after studying in the crew for a period of time, Lin Fan welcomed his own role!

This is a scene where Lin Fan chases the drug dealer and takes him away!

Lin Fan followed the crew to a train and began to act with Chen Jin, the actor who played the drug dealer.

After seeing Chen Jin's somewhat restrained and nervous look,

Lin Fan relieved his nervousness through humorous words,

and gave him detailed guidance on the action, and his patient look instantly relieved Chen Jin's heart.

But when it came to filming, the process became a little unsmooth.

In the scene where Chen Jin jumped off the train,

the action was not smooth enough, and the overall look was a little inconsistent.

In addition, there were too many extras, and some people progressed a little faster, causing the filming to be interrupted.

"It's okay, filming is a process of continuous improvement!"

"Keep calm!"

Lin Fan saw Chen Jin's somewhat guilty eyes,

and knew that he was feeling guilty for delaying the filming process.

He walked to his side and comforted him.

Because he is not a professional action actor, it is inevitable that he will not perform well in action scenes.

During the break, Lin Fan and he came to the train and demonstrated it to him several times.

He even explained clearly where the hands should be placed and when the feet should start moving.

After Chen Jin performed this scene perfectly,

Lin Fan began to praise him without hesitation, and praised Chen Jin so much that he felt embarrassed.

"Teacher Lin, you are so nice!"

"Thank you very much for your patient teaching!"

After seeing the movement here, the other extras also looked over with envy.

Lin Fan looked at everyone's expectant eyes and taught them by the way.

The extras quickly adjusted their positions under Lin Fan's on-site guidance.

When shooting started, this small clip was directly passed in one go!

Because of the delay in the morning, the scenes that were supposed to be filmed in the morning had to be postponed to the afternoon.

Because of the climate, the weather in Siam is still very hot.

Sweat kept flowing down Lin Fan's face. Lin Fan looked up at the dazzling sun in the sky and

felt that his whole body was surrounded by heat.

"Lin Fan, come over for lunch!"

Seeing that Lin Fan was a little wet, Lu Huiguang called him to the shade to blow the fan,

and handed him the lunch box in his hand.

"Thank you, Brother Hui!"

Lin Fan reached out and wiped the sweat off his face, and casually found a corner to sit down.

"Why do I feel that you are busier as an actor than a director?"

"All day long, I can see you busy on the set!"

Seeing that Lin Fan was eating slowly even when he was hungry, Lu Huiguang smiled and joked.

"If you don't learn some skills when you are young, it will be difficult to learn them later!"

Lin Fan looked straight at his teasing eyes and answered seriously.

"You are right! Now your skills are getting better and better!"

Lu Huiguang imitated Lin Fan's tone of voice, making the atmosphere a little funny.

"Now I have only learned the basics, I still need to work hard!"

Lin Fan is still very clear about his own strength. There is no end, if you don't make progress, you will regress,

so he has always been strict with himself!

"There are too many surprises in you, it is really hard to imagine how far you will go in the future!"

"Work hard!"

Lu Huiguang patted Lin Fan on the shoulder, said something encouraging, and then started to eat.

After lunch, Lin Fan returned to the business car,

changed his clothes that could squeeze out water,

and then started to take a lunch break!

An hour passed quickly, and it was time to get busy again.

After getting up, Lin Fan went to the dressing room to put on his own beard and hair.

Everyone had long been accustomed to Lin Fan's look,

but they would still occasionally tease him!

Lin Fan responded to everyone's teasing with a smile.

When Lin Fan was ready, the preparations on the scene were also done.

As the sound of the stage attendant shouting "start" rang out in the studio, Lin Fan quickly entered the scene.

The camera was moving slowly, and the photographer looked at Lin Fan who was driving a car not far away,

moving the camera to him,

Fang Xinwu, played by Lin Fan, parked the car neatly at the rear end of the train,He wore a floral shirt and black sunglasses, and his temperament was flamboyant, with an urgent look on his face.

After parking the car, he picked up the tools on the side, opened the door and jumped out.

Everyone watched Lin Fan jump into the train with agility on the monitor.

Only a hurried back figure was left, which made people feel his urgency and nervousness.

After walking into the train, Lin Fan took off the sunglasses on his face.

He kept scanning around with sharp eyes, and his long legs were moving quickly.

Even if he was dressed a little sloppily, he couldn't resist the coldness emanating from him!

Suddenly, his sight was directed to the direction outside the window.

After seeing his target, Lin Fan quickly came to the door of the car,

grabbed the door with one hand, and leaned out with his whole body.

When he saw Chen Jin being carried into the car,

the camera gave a close-up of his face at this time, his dark face was tense,

his eyes became serious, his face was full of anxiety,

his frowning eyebrows made people feel his mood at the moment.

After Chen Jin was completely pushed into the car,

the camera began to move towards the house next to it, and this scene,

ended here!

Lin Fan put away the expression on his face, and in a moment he put on a smile,

the speed of his face change was really amazing!

Everyone felt a little uncomfortable in this hot temperature, and after the stage manager said that this scene was passed,

they all went to the shade to rest!

After filming this scene, Lin Fan did not have any plans.

After looking around, he had an idea in his mind!

After saying goodbye to Lin Chaoxian, he temporarily left the crew and went to a nearby supermarket.

He bought some ice water and drinks, and then took a truck back to the crew.

Faced with the sudden appearance of the truck, the extras present were a little curious and didn't know what happened.

When Lin Fan got off the car, everyone rushed up and asked Lin Fan if he needed help.

Lin Fan saw the enthusiastic extras and nodded to them.

When the door of the truck was opened, cool air immediately rushed out.

Seeing the full ice water inside, there was a cheer at the scene!

"The weather is too hot. I'll buy some ice water for everyone to cool down!"

After saying this, Lin Fan took a box of ice water from the car.

After arriving at the studio and seeing Lin Chaoxian, he handed him a bottle of ice water.

"Director Lin, you've worked hard. Drink some water to cool down!"

After saying this, Lin Fan handed the box to one of the staff members and asked him to distribute it.

"Lin Fan, you're thoughtful!"

Lin Chaoxian put all his energy into filming and ignored this aspect.

After seeing Lin Fan's behavior, he was somewhat moved.

This kid is not only outstanding in work ability, but also in character. He is absolutely top-notch!

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