"Lin Fan, thanks to you today, otherwise I don't know what kind of trouble would have happened!"

Director Wu's grateful voice sounded behind Lin Fan.

"Director Wu, you're welcome!"

"I feel very happy to be able to contribute to the crew!"

Lin Fan's eyes were on Director Wu, and he waved at him and said in a light tone.

Just after the two chatted for a few words, Director Wu's phone rang,

"Okay, okay, great, there's nothing wrong, you can have a good rest first!"

"Everything is going well with the filming. There were a few problems today, and they were all handled by Lin Fan!"

"Don't worry, with Lin Fan and I here, the progress will not be delayed!"


Lin Fan listened to the side, and from time to time he felt Director Wu's eyes on him,

Knowing that Lin Chaoxian was fine, a smile appeared on his face!

After Director Wu hung up the phone, he announced the good news to everyone,

There was a burst of cheers at the scene!

"Lin Fan, Director Lin said that you worked hard for the film, and he wants to raise your salary!"

"I praised you all over the phone!"

Director Wu said to Lin Fan excitedly, looking at Lin Fan as if he were treating a treasure.

"It's okay to raise the salary, I like this!"

Lin Fan laughed and said jokingly.

"That's a must, otherwise I'd be sorry for your hard work!"

After the two of them talked for a few words, Lin Fan walked towards the bus.

After he sat down, he heard the vibration from his phone.

It was Lin Chaoxian who sent him a long list of thanks, and the words were sincere and sincere.

He also said that when he came back, he would treat Lin Fan to a big meal!

After Lin Fan replied, he closed his eyes and began to doze off.

After a day of high-intensity work, he felt that his body was already tired!

During the filming the next day, Lin Chaoxian returned to the crew with his feet wrapped like dumplings.

"Lin Fan, thanks to you yesterday!"

"The shooting process has not been delayed at all!"

Lin Chaoxian sat on the chair and saw Lin Fan with a satisfied smile on his face.

After seeing him, Lin Fan did not feel strange. After all, Lin Chaoxian was famous for his strict requirements and dedication.

"Director Lin, why don't you take a few more days off? Can your body handle it?"

Lin Fan's caring words seemed to have magic, making people feel the warmth of being cared for.

"I'm fine, how dare you say that to me?"

"I'm like a desperate man!"

Lin Chaoxian pretended to be angry and looked at Lin Fan, and said what he thought!

"Haha, it seems that we are evenly matched!"

Lin Fan smiled and answered when he saw this.

When the scene was almost set up, everyone came to their work place.

The scene to be filmed later is the fight between Fang Xinwu and Weng Sha!

Before the filming started, Dong Wei had designed the scene for them, but during the practice, it was not very smooth, because Chala Ensalong was not very skilled in action scenes, and under Lin Fan's attack, it seemed too useless and not worth watching! Seeing this, Lin Fan had no choice but to do it himself and disassemble his actions, and explained the fighting techniques and positions to him bit by bit! Dong Wei, who was standing aside, felt that he was no longer needed on the scene, so he left! After the staff shouted to start, Lin Fan and Chala Ensalong entered the state of the role. Fang Xinwu, played by Lin Fan, jumped down from the sentry stand nearby, and directly pierced the thatched roof and jumped into the room. After seeing this scene, everyone was very satisfied with Lin Fan's jumping posture. The posture was neat and beautiful in the camera! There was no wirework at all, it was all Lin Fan's own strength that counted,

This was enough to show how strong Lin Fan's jumping ability was!

When Lin Fan jumped into the house, thick smoke filled the air, and he couldn't see the environment in front of him clearly.

After following the designed position, he moved swiftly like a leopard,

At this time, only two blurry figures could be seen in the camera,

Everyone looked at the picture in the monitor expectantly, waiting for the two people's fighting scenes!

At this time, Wengsha, played by Chala Ensalong, took a gun and started shooting at the front,'

A series of gunshots rang out in the house, and the sound of objects being smashed was particularly clear!

Lin Fan suddenly jumped up from Chala Ensalong's feet,

Quickly, he grabbed his gun barrel directly and tried to take the gun away,

Then he took Chala Ensalong's gun.Ensalong was restrained, and his right hand was pressed behind his back.

The smoke was so thick that Lin Fan's face could not be seen clearly, but his agile skills were particularly obvious.

Chala Ensalong took out a knife from his body with his left hand and attacked Lin Fan.

Lin Fan quickly retreated, staring at the waving knife with vigilant eyes, looking for a breakthrough port.

As Chala Ensalong attacked him, Lin Fan dodged flexibly.

At this time, the room had gradually become clear.

Lin Fan's resolute face and agile skills were particularly prominent on the monitor.

Everything was so perfect.

Chala Ensalong kept waving the knife in his hand with a strong killing intent.

He was already blood-thirsty and kept waving it at Lin Fan.

The sharp knife was emitting cold light and brushed across Lin Fan's neck.

The dangerous action tested the actor's reaction ability and speed.

Lin Fan easily avoided it and then found the right time.

He directly pressed one of Chala Ensalong's hands and performed a series of actions in succession.

He pressed Chala Ensalong to the ground. The knife also lost its strength at this time and fell directly to the ground!

As Chala Ensalong fought back fiercely, Lin Fan's right leg was held.

He broke free from the restraint with a force.

The two started a close-range fight.

After a contest, Lin Fan's legs clamped Chala Ensalong's head.

As the camera began to shift, Chala Ensalong's screams came out.

This scene ended here!

After the voice of the stage manager sounded, Chala Ensalong was so tired that he collapsed on the ground.

He didn't care about his image anymore. He was too tired!

Lin Fan touched the sweat on his face, took the water bottle handed by the staff,

and drank it slowly.

In the previous scene, he felt that he was not satisfied with the fight.

The opponent's strength was really too weak, and he could not be an opponent at all!

But Lin Fan only complained in his heart, and didn't show it on his face!

"Are you okay?"

Lin Fan saw Chala Ensalong who was still taking a breath and asked with concern,

"I'm fine, just a little tired!"

"It's so comfortable to act with you!"

Chala Ensalong put his eyes on Lin Fan and said excitedly.

After hearing this, Lin Fan felt that the corners of his mouth were twitching,

You are comfortable, but I have no experience at all!

"Let's go out first, it's too stuffy here!"

Lin Fan called him, and then they walked out together.

"The fight scene just now was very good. It seems that Teacher Lin has put a lot of effort into it!"

After taking a look at the picture in the monitor, Lin Chaoxian showed a satisfied smile to the two of them.

"That's all Lin Fan's guidance. It's fine as long as it passes!"

"Otherwise, I will be pressed to the ground and rubbed again!"

Chala Ensalong shrugged his shoulders as if he was a little scared, and said jokingly.

"That's not an opportunity anymore!"

"Congratulations, you've finished filming!"

After seeing his expression, Lin Fan's first half of the sentence was a little funny,

but when he said the second half, he became serious.

After hearing Lin Fan's words, everyone congratulated him.

After today's scenes were over, everyone rushed back to the hotel together!


Thank you for the gifts! The author will work hard to persevere! No matter what, I can't let down the gifts you gave me! Thank you! Thank you very much! ! ! !

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