Lin Fan fixed his sight, his voice was still so gentle,

but the murderous aura in his eyes seemed to be able to overthrow people.

"Do you know me?"

Lin Fan spoke slowly, looking at the panic on Jiang Shuying's face as if appreciating it, and his hand was still slowly stroking the child sleeping beside him.

"I know him!"

Jiang Shuying's panicked voice came, her whole body was tense, and she watched the movements of Lin Fan's hands vigilantly.

"Come and have tea!"

Lin Fan turned around, picked up the teapot on the table and poured it into the teacup.

At this time, there was only the sound of water and footsteps in the entire studio, which seemed even quieter and more depressing!

The staff next to him held their breath carefully, fearing that they would affect the progress of the filming because of themselves.

After filling the teacup in front of him, Lin Fan drank slowly,

That natural look, as if he was at home, very casual.

"Please let the people here go!"

At this time, Jiang Shuying stood beside Lin Fan, with fear and tension constantly interweaving on her face.

After drinking a few sips of tea, Lin Fan directly put his hand on Jiang Shuying's arm,


The murderous aura on his face had been put away by him, just like the prelude to the coming of a storm,

His personality and thoughts are unpredictable!

"Do I look like a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately?"

Lin Fan was like a nobleman at this moment, exuding a noble aura all over his body,

Looking at the panic-stricken Jiang Shuying in front of him, there was a smile in the corner of his eyes.

Jiang Shuying's eyes were on Lin Fan's hand that was stroking the child's head, and a look of wanting to cry appeared on his face, and then he shook his head.

"That's it!"

After seeing Jiang Shuying's actions and facial expressions, Lin Fan's voice was full of excitement and excitement,

The smile on his face became brighter, as if he had heard a joke.

"Will I really have no anus if I give birth to a son?"

Then, the expression on Lin Fan's face suddenly changed, and a puzzled look appeared on his face.

"What will happen if I give birth to a daughter?"

When saying this, Lin Fan's brows had begun to frown, with a sadness that was hard to ignore.

"What did I do wrong?"

The more Lin Fan spoke, the angrier he felt. His eyes were already filled with anger, and he kept questioning Jiang Shuying in front of him.

"We are just ordinary people, we don't know each other, why do you want to kill people?"

Jiang Shuying's words rang in his ears, and Lin Fan's expression began to change, revealing a weird smile,

Looking closely at Jiang Shuying, he was already ready to move!

"Does killing need a reason?"

When Lin Fan said this, the photographer next to him felt that he had taken a breath of cold air,

This was said so naturally, and his character of taking human life was well interpreted,

The casual words made people feel his cruelty and perversion!

"I started killing people when I was eight years old!"

"My father told me at that time, son, it's okay!"

"Kill whoever you want, because you are Cao Ying's son!"

Lin Fan's weird smile became brighter and brighter, and it looked a little creepy.

After he finished speaking, a sinister smile came out of Lin Fan's mouth, pushing the atmosphere to a more tense point.

"This is a perverse logic!"

Jiang Shuying shook her head, tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

Lin Fan sighed helplessly, and put his hands around his chest.

"You are a teacher, but you don't understand such a simple truth!"

"How to educate the next generation?"

Lin Fan frowned, his tone was questioning, and his words were a bit disdainful.

"With power there is no justice. When you have power, others will be afraid of you!"

"Not afraid of your..."

When saying this, Lin Fan's face was numb and vicissitudes.

When he said the latter part, a series of weird smiles popped out of his mouth.

The abnormal personality was slowly revealed, and the whole person looked very complicated.

"That's a dead end!"

After laughing, Lin Fan said this sentence calmly, looking at Jiang Shuying's painful expression with appreciation.

"I'm playing a game with you. If you lose, I'll leave immediately!"

"Win, you all have to die!"

In just two sentences, Lin Fan successfully interpreted what a dual personality is.

The gentle and evil temperaments are constantly intertwined, and the transition is natural, which makes people feel very involved.

After hearing Lin Fan's threatening words, Peng Yuyan has brought himself into Bai Ling'sIn this role,

felt threatened, his back was constantly cold,

As expected of his idol, this strength is really amazing!

"Let's bet whether your cousin put chopped green onions in the noodles!"

Lin Fan's eyes turned to Jiang Haowen who was cooking noodles outside, and his eyes were already murderous.


"If you don't choose, I will, because he keeps scolding me!"

"I'm sure there are a lot of chopped green onions in the noodles!"

Lin Fan saw Jiang Shuying didn't speak, talking to himself, and occasionally sneered,

making people feel depressed and nervous!

Lin Fan's performance is so real and vivid, making people feel the chill from the bottom of their hearts.

In contrast to the two, Jiang Shuying obviously felt that she couldn't catch up with Lin Fan's play, and seemed a little sluggish.

After seeing this scene, Chen Musheng immediately took the intercom and shouted "ka", and then continued,

"Okay, let's take a break on the scene and then continue shooting!"

Lin Fan was still immersed in the role, and suddenly heard a "ka", and he was a little confused,

Isn't this affecting his performance?

"Lin Fan, I'm really sorry, I didn't control my emotions well, and affected your performance!"

Jiang Shuying took the tissue handed over by the staff and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes,

After seeing Lin Fan's somewhat confused look, she said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's okay, you adjust your emotions first, and then you can perform well later!"

Lin Fan waved his hand, indicating that he had no problem!

Seeing Lin Fan so considerate, Jiang Shuying breathed a sigh of relief and came to the side to chat with Chen Musheng.

"The noodles are ready, do you want to try them?"

"I'm telling you, my cooking skills are pretty good, you have to give it a try!"

At this time, Jiang Haowen brought in a bowl of noodles and placed it in front of Lin Fan.

The heat was rising, Lin Fan smelled a fragrance, and his appetite suddenly came up,

"Thank you, Brother Jiang!"

"But I like to put chopped green onions in my beef noodles!"

The shooting had been paused at this time, and if this bowl of noodles was not eaten, it would be wasted later,

Lin Fan was not polite, and after adding chopped green onions, he started eating.

"How is it, are you satisfied?"

Seeing Lin Fan's enjoyment, Jiang Haowen asked this question with some expectation.

"It's authentic Tieniu beef noodles, it tastes great!"

"Brother Jiang, you have the potential to be a chef with your cooking skills!"

After finishing the last mouthful of noodles, Lin Fan gave the most pertinent evaluation.

He was telling the truth. A simple bowl of beef noodles, whether it was the taste or the concentration of the soup,

it was a must!

"Haha, Lin Fan, you are in luck, Lao Jiang's cooking skills are really great!"

"It's just that this guy is lazy and doesn't cook often!"

Liu Qingyun came to the two of them at this time, looking at Lin Fan with some envy.

"Lao Jiang, why don't you cook a bowl for me too?"

Jiang Haowen's face was filled with a satisfied smile. After hearing Liu Qingyun's words, he waved his hands,

"The less things there are, the more precious they are. Save your share for next time!"

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