Time soon came to the evening. After finishing his meal, Lin Fan went to the dressing room to prepare.

After putting on his makeup, Lin Fan put on the white jacket and vest suit again.

But this time, his makeup made him look a little haggard. Lin Fan looked at himself in the mirror.

He was still very satisfied. His appearance was ready.

Next, it depended on his acting skills!

Soon, the staff called him to get ready.

Lin Fan came to a small room.

The environment was a little dim, and the walls were made of stone. It seemed to reveal a chill.

This was the main location for his filming tonight - the prison cell!

Tonight, he had to shoot two scenes in total. The first one was relatively simple.

Lin Fan's hands were chained and he walked into the prison cell.

Then, the door was closed.

Lin Fan lowered his head listlessly, with his legs crossed.

Under the dim light, his face was not clear, and he felt a little mysterious!

After the filming began, Cao Shaolin, played by Lin Fan, kept this posture unchanged.

The camera passed in front of him and captured his quiet appearance!

The member of the defense team played by Jiang Yan came to the cell with a bowl of water.

When he stopped at the door, he took a look at the untouched food and his face became heavier.

"Don't you want to eat?"

Jiang Yan squatted down and looked at Lin Fan inside and asked unhappily.

At this time, a beam of light hit Lin Fan's face.

His face also became clear from the darkness.

The closed eyes seemed to be thinking about something. The handsome face was not affected by the light at all.

On the contrary, under the effect of the light, it felt a little more evil!

The camera was aimed at Lin Fan's face and gave him a close-up.

His eyes slowly opened with a bit of sharpness and cruelty.

He looked at Jiang Yan standing at the door and didn't speak.

After filming today's scenes, Wu Jing and Peng Yuyan stayed to watch Lin Fan act.

After seeing Lin Fan's slowly opening eyes, the emotions in his eyes were so real.

Even with just one look, he looked ferocious.

His eyes were full of drama, and he was completely immersed in the world of the character!

Seeing this, Jiang Yan put down the water in the bowl, and then picked up the bowl of rice and eggs.

"Hey, I see that your forehead is black, your nose hair is too long, and your ears are fanning. You won't survive tonight!"

After watching his movements for a while, Lin Fan suddenly showed an evil smile on his face.

With his murderous eyes,

the whole person can only be described as terrifying!

The tone of his voice was arrogant, and his lips kept moving as he spoke.

In the dimly lit room, he added a bit of weirdness.

Jiang Yan heard Lin Fan's words, with doubt in his eyes and a serious face. He picked up the bowl in his hand and was about to turn around and leave!

"Don't you believe me?"

"If you don't believe it, forget it!"

Lin Fan glanced at Jiang Yan, his tone was firm, and his eyes flashed with excitement that a good show was about to begin.

After he finished speaking, the evil laughter resounded in the room,

making the originally dark room look even more weird!

After hearing Lin Fan's laughter, Chen Musheng's heart also skipped a beat.

This kid, why does he act so scary for no reason? !

After Jiang Yan took a deep look at Lin Fan, he turned around and left.

The camera froze on Jiang Yan's back as he left, and this scene ended here!


After hearing the click sound, Lin Fan removed the expression on his face,

Standing up and walking around, the staff on the scene came in to prepare for the next scene.

As soon as Lin Fan walked out of the cell, he saw Peng Yuyan handing him a cup of hot water, looking at him happily.

"Teacher Lin, your eye acting just now was great!"

"Can you tell me about your experience?"

Lin Fan took the hot water handed over by Peng Yuyan, stroked his head, and felt a headache.

This kid, it's happening again!

"The most important thing about eye acting is the resonance between you and the character!"

"Only when you completely put yourself into the role can you control his micro-expressions!"

Looking at his eager-to-learn look, Lin Fan shared his thoughts with him.

"It seems that I have to think about my role carefully when I go back!"

After hearing what Lin Fan said, Peng Yuyan nodded in agreement and once again looked at Lin Fan with admiration.

"This kind of thingIt depends on your personal understanding. If you practice hard, you will continue to improve!"

Lin Fan patted Peng Yuyan on the shoulder, with an encouraging tone in his voice.

"Okay, thank you Teacher Lin!"

Peng Yuyan said gratefully.

"Yuyan, you are a little too much!"

"Why are you so reserved in front of Lin Fan? You are treating me differently!"

Wu Jing waited until the two of them had almost finished talking, then walked up and teased.

"Brother Jing, it's nothing!"

"I'm asking Teacher Lin a question, of course I have to be humble!"

Peng Yuyan laughed awkwardly, and his lies were flawless.

"It would be strange if I believed your lies!"

"I am an experienced actor right next to you. If you don't ask me when you have questions, who would believe this!"

"Right, Lin Fan! "

After Wu Jing finished speaking, he specifically called Lin Fan.

This kid was actually watching the show from the side. He had to be pulled in.

"What are you talking about? I have something to do over there. I'll go over first!"

Lin Fan saw that the two were about to start quarreling with each other, so he quickly found an excuse to leave.

After resting for a while, Lin Fan heard the staff calling him to get ready.

Lin Fan returned to the cell with iron chains on his hands.

"Teacher Lin, this is vitamin C effervescent tablets and milk. Foam will appear when you mix them in the bottle later! "

The staff handed the things in his hand to Lin Fan, and then walked out.

Lin Fan mixed the two things together, and after seeing the white foam coming out,

took a big sip, and then made an OK gesture to the stage manager.

As the camera slowly moved, Lin Fan picked up the clothes placed aside,

Zhang Wu, played by Hong Tianzhao, came to the outside of the cell with a nunchaku,

followed by a group of extras,

"You bastard! "

Hong Tianzhao kept hitting the cell with the nunchaku in his hand,

He was excited and irritable, and looked at Lin Fan with hatred in his eyes.


Yang Yu hadn't finished speaking yet, and after seeing the scene inside, he instantly stopped talking.

The camera began to switch to the inside of the cell,

Lin Fan had tied his clothes to the beams, and looked at the people outside the cell with indifference,

With sarcasm in his eyes, he slowly put his neck into the rope made of clothes,

With excitement in his eyes, he looked at the people outside the cell arrogantly and provocatively,

The evil laugh came out from the cell again, and his face was His face was full of smiles,

As if this was just a fun thing for him!

After laughing for a few seconds, Lin Fan kicked off the can on his feet,

his feet were suspended in the air, and he was directly hanging on the rope made of clothes.

When Wu Jing saw this scene, his heart trembled a little,

This kid didn't even use any safety equipment, and went on stage directly,

This courage has beaten half of the male actors in the entertainment industry!

After seeing Lin Fan kick the can away, Chen Musheng's heart was also up and down!

Originally, he didn't agree, it was really too dangerous!

I asked you to go to film, not to let you gamble your life!

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