"Brother Zhen, I was just joking! Don't worry!"

Lin Fan saw Zhang Zhen's face flushed with anxiety, raised his hand and patted Zhang Zhen's shoulder.

"Just don't blame me!"

Zhang Zhen saw Lin Fan's face full of ridicule, knowing that he was just saying it casually and didn't mean to blame, so he put his heart at ease.

"Brother, we have known each other for so long, am I that kind of stingy person?"

Lin Fan began to joke with Zhang Zhen.

"That's definitely not the case! Little brother, you scared me!"

The two walked forward while talking, and in less than a while, they arrived at the set.

"Okay, it's in front, you should perform well later!"

Zhang Zhen cheered Lin Fan,

He was not worried that Lin Fan would do something weird,

but he was still a little worried!

"Okay, Brother Zhen, I will!"

Lin Fan knew that Zhang Zhen was concerned about him, and nodded to him.

When Lin Fan walked into the set, he saw not only director Lu Yang, screenwriter Chen Shu, but also actors Wang Qianyuan, Li Dongxue, Nie Yuan, etc.

"Zhang Zhen, you are here!"

"This is Lin Fan, right!"

Lu Yang saw Lin Fan next to Zhang Zhen and had a vague impression of him.

There is no way, Lin Fan is so popular recently that it is hard not to know him!

However, he is more sunny and handsome than in the play!

Lu Yang nodded with satisfaction!

"Hello, Director Lu, hello, seniors, I am Lin Fan!"

Facing everyone's scrutiny, Lin Fan stood calmly in place and greeted everyone in a calm voice.

"Good! You came so quickly, which finally solved my urgent need!"

Because the previous actor had an accident and could not participate in the performance, Ding Xiu had a headache to find a suitable actor during this period!

Yang Mi still has a way!

This time, he found him a little expert in fighting scenes!

Lin Fan has become a little famous recently.

Both the Suit Thug and Wing Chun Zhang Tianzhi have been well received. This guy will play Ding Xiu!

He will definitely not be that bad!

"Lin Fan, seeing is believing. I finally meet him now!"

Li Dongxue is full of curiosity about Lin Fan!

After all.

Recently, Lin Fan has been praised to the skies online. In addition, he will play his senior brother, so he greeted him enthusiastically.

"I am also very happy to meet you all and work with you to film together!"

Lin Fan's low-key and gentle personality made everyone present like him a little.

It seems that with Lin Fan's participation,

the next few days will become much more interesting!

"Lin Fan, you should familiarize yourself with the script first. There will be a scene about you later!"

Seeing that everyone had almost finished talking, Lu Yang handed the script in his hand to Lin Fan while speaking.

"Okay, you guys get busy first!"

Lin Fan took the script, came to the side and started reading.

Zhang Zhen saw Lin Fan sitting in a corner again, knowing that this kid started to study the script again, so he didn't disturb him and went to work.

Lin Fan opened the script in his hand,

It was the play where Zhao Jingzhong found Ding Xiu and asked him to kill Jin Yichuan.

After reading all the lines, Lin Fan found that there were actually no two famous lines in his previous life, and he was thinking about it!

It can be said that the reason why Ding Xiu was called Jiaqian Jushi was entirely because of these two lines!

If this was missing,

there would be no soul!

While Lin Fan was thinking about the script, a beautiful figure came over from the side.

Lin Fan looked up and saw Liu Sisi in a long flowing dress in ancient costume, walking towards him elegantly and calmly,

full of classical charm, with a gentle and approachable temperament, coupled with that exquisite face,

She is worthy of being one of the four beauties of Xianjian!

The face of the costume drama!

Liu Sisi was a little shocked when she heard that Lin Fan had come to the crew!

This kid, he came so quickly!

So, he immediately walked towards the direction of the set, intending to thank Lin Fan!

Looking at Lin Fan's handsome face, Liu Sisi's tone was friendly.

"Lin Fan, I owe you a favor. If I can help you in the future, just ask me, don't be polite to me!"

"Sister Sisi, you are too kind. I have to thank you for giving me such a good role!"

After hearing what Liu Sisi said, Lin Fan responded politely.

Seeing Liu Sisi thanking him, Lin Fan knew that in order to get him to sign Jiaxing. .

Our big Mi Mi.

Sister Mi!

It seems that she is really persistent!

She directly sent out a person of Liu Sisi.

"You are Mi Mi's friend, so you are my friend. WeThere is no need to be so polite when talking to each other."

"I am a few years older than you, so just call me sister from now on."

When Liu Sisi saw Lin Fan for the first time, she liked his personality very much and had a better impression of him.

"Okay, then I will call you sister Sisi like Sister Mi."

"Afan, let me tell you about the personalities and taboos of the director and other leading actors in our crew."

"It will be convenient for you to deal with them in the future. "

Liu Sisi said so.

She sat next to Lin Fan and talked about the preferences and taboos of the director and the leading actors.

She acted as a guide for Lin Fan in the crew of "Embroidered Spring Blade".

Lin Fan listened to Liu Sisi's introduction patiently, and felt that it was good to have such an enthusiastic big sister.

After a while, he heard the sound of preparation.

Lin Fan looked at the script and had an idea!

Since it is a highlight, it should not be buried!

He was thinking about telling Lu Yang, and heard the voice of director Lu Yang calling everyone to prepare!

It's too late,

Then just play it as you like!


"Everyone, take your positions,

"Embroidered Spring Blade" 30th scene, fifth shot, first scene!"

"Action! "

The camera focused on Lin Fan.

Ding Xiu, played by Lin Fan, was seen carrying a Miao Dao in his hand,

walking wildly on the streets at night.

An evil spirit and arrogance merged with him at the same time,

full of the atmosphere of Jianghu!

Lu Yang's eyes lit up when he saw this scene!

Lin Fan fully performed the arrogance and unruliness of the character!

I didn't expect that it was just a temporary rescue, but he found the character himself!

Suddenly, Lin Fan held the knife on his shoulder and looked back with sharp eyes.

The sound of horse hooves was particularly prominent in this quiet street.

Lin Fan's murderous aura was revealed, and he looked at the source of the sound.

As the camera moved,

Zhao Jingzhong, played by Nie Yuan, rode a horse and looked at Lin Fan in front of him with a solemn face.

"Eunuch! "

Lin Fan put the knife on the ground, seemingly standing there casually, but in fact he was ready to fight at any time, with arrogance in his eyes, not taking Nie Yuan seriously at all.

"You are good at martial arts, kill someone for me!"

"Two hundred taels!"

Lin Fan was straightforward and unscrupulous, with a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth.

He took the purse thrown by Nie Yuan, looking like he loved money like his life.

"This hundred taels is the deposit!"

Lin Fan squeezed the purse in his hand, and fully demonstrated the state of being blinded by money.

"Who do you want to kill, eunuch?"

Lin Fan changed his tone, looked at Nie Yuan with a playful smile.

"Jin Yichuan, the flag officer of the Northern Pacification Division! "

Nie Yuan's words were emotionless and extremely cold.

Originally, the plot should have ended here.

Seeing this, Lu Yang was about to shout "cut", but seeing that Lin Fan was still immersed in the play and had no intention of stopping, he waited for a moment!

He wanted to see what this kid was going to do!

Lin Fan thought of the lines in the previous life play, and he said it naturally.


"Don't you know that he is my junior brother, father-in-law? "

Lin Fan was shocked, with disbelief in his eyes, as if he was about to refuse.

After hearing what Lin Fan said, Nie Yuan felt a little weird!

There was no such line in the script at all,

Lin Fan added the scene without permission!

However, for him, this was nothing!

If he couldn't even answer this sentence, he wouldn't be in the entertainment industry!

Zhang Zhen was a little scared when he saw this scene!

This temporary addition of scenes, and a new actor, is absolutely a taboo!

So, he looked in the direction of Lu Yang worriedly.

After seeing Lu Yang's solemn expression, he felt sweat on his forehead!

So, he kept his face cold

"People like you still care about these?"

After hearing this, Lin Fan's expression began to change in an instant, put away his seriousness, and said cynically,

"Father-in-law, you misunderstood!"

"This person is my beloved relative, brother! "

His tone was full of cherishment for the relationship, but suddenly, his tone changed,

"You have to pay more!"

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