Seeing Lin Fan's modesty, several people laughed.

If this kid had debuted a few years earlier, he would have had a place in the film industry!

A day later, Lin Fan arrived at the shooting site early.

"Director Zheng, Deputy Director Lin, good morning!"

The two saw Lin Fan coming over and nodded with a smile.

"Lin Fan, you're here so early! Are you used to sleeping on the set?"

Zheng Baorui looked at the energetic Lin Fan, thinking of many new actors who had insomnia on the first day of the crew, and asked with concern.

"Everything is used to it, thank you director for your concern!"

Looking at Lin Fan's handsome and polite appearance, the two looked at each other with some relief!

This Lin Fan, not only has good acting skills, but also good character!

After a while, everyone came to the shooting location one after another, and Lin Fan greeted everyone one by one.

"Brother Le!"

Lin Fan felt a little strange. He didn't have any scenes today, so why did he come here?

"You acted so well yesterday. I'm here to see your fighting scenes!"

Gu Tianle looked at Lin Fan's puzzled expression and answered him.

After hearing this, Lin Fan was a little excited, but he kept a calm expression on his face.

"Then I'll show off my skills in front of an expert today!"

Lin Fan looked at everyone's expectant eyes and said jokingly.

After all, many people present were experts in fighting scenes. Although he was still confident in his fighting scenes, he should be low-key in front of all the seniors!

"Lin Fan, you are too modest!"

Gu Tianle laughed and said to Lin Fan.

"Keep doing your best. I'm rooting for you!"

Gu Tianle heard the director's voice, encouraged Lin Fan, and sat aside.

"Everyone, get ready. We're going to shoot a prison riot!"

As the director's voice fell, everyone got ready.


As the camera moved to the prison gate, everyone's eyes were fixed on the screen.

Lin Fan walked in quickly from the prison gate, adjusting his suit as he walked, which formed a sharp contrast with the surrounding environment!

Liang Liyan looked at Lin Fan's action of adjusting his tie, and cursed in his heart, "A gentleman scum!"

"Give Lin Fan a close-up of his eyes!"

Zheng Baorui saw that Lin Fan was about to pass by Tony A, and immediately said to the intercom.

Lin Fan walked in front of Tony A, glanced at him with a sharp look, and walked forward without looking back!

The director was also shocked by Lin Fan's eyes. A warning and threatening look, coupled with an iceberg-like cold face, looked like a ferocious feeling.

When he walked to the door inside, Lin Fan stopped, stood sideways beside the door, and looked in the direction of Tony A again.

Gu Tianle looked at Lin Fan, even if he was standing there, he made people feel that he was intimidating without anger, and his whole body exuded a violent aura, and with that suit, it was too heady!

After the police officer took a woman out of the prison and locked her in a room, Lin Fan quickly walked to the place where the riot happened!

Deputy Director Lin looked at Lin Fan's vigorous steps and upright figure in the monitor, and said that Lin Fan completely integrated himself into this role and perfectly integrated with the scene.

Lin Fan saw the rioting crowd and directly kicked the man in front of him with a whirlwind kick. The action was fast and fierce, and he kicked the man in front of him and fell to the ground one meter away!


The director shouted excitedly when he saw this scene!

Lin Fan's kick was neat and tidy, elegant and deadly, and it was unforgettable!

Lin Fan looked at the prisoners who were still rioting on the second floor, kicked the man in front of him away, and opened the way to the second floor through a crowd of people.

The action was fast and fierce! The sweep, vertical chop, hook and hang were done in one go, which made people excited!

Lin Fan looked at the prisoners who kept coming, and knocked down a man in front of him with a back sweep kick, and kicked him hard, kicking him down the stairs!

Gu Tianle looked at the full-fledged Lin Fan and shouted in his heart!

This kid is still modest! This is not just a few tricks, it is obviously extraordinary!

Lin Fan looked at the group of people blocking him in front of him, and directly grabbed the railing on the door and jumped up, his movements were smooth, natural and real!

Wu Jing looked at Lin Fan's skills in the monitor and smiled with satisfaction. This skill is comparable to his own, and there are even signs of surpassing himself!

After Lin Fan jumped down, he used Baguazhang techniques and started to attack the people behind him.In two strokes, they were knocked to the ground!

Then he went straight into the prison room, looked at the prisoner who rushed over, first blocked the man's movements with his legs, then blocked the elbow with his right arm, and then knocked the man to the ground.

"Cool, the kicking action is so cool!"

Deputy Director Lin looked at the screen in the monitor and shouted directly, his excitement was beyond words!

Looking at the hand knife that was about to chop over, Lin Fan's flexible body was like a loach, he immediately dodged sideways, then grabbed the man's hand, turned directly behind him, and kicked him fiercely.

Hearing the man's wailing, Lin Fan's eyes were full of bloodthirstiness, looking at the prisoner in front of him with a cold expression, and fully interpreted the feeling of treating human life as worthless.

The director looked at the scene of Lin Fan standing in the prison and immediately shouted,


Hearing the director's shout, Lin Fan looked at the crowd in front of him and asked worriedly,

"Are you all okay? Are you injured?"

Looking at Lin Fan's nervous look, the crowd waved their hands and told him that they were fine!

"Brother Lin, your jumping ability just now is too amazing!"

The man standing next to Lin Fan thought of Lin Fan jumping directly into the air just now, and his eyes were full of envy!

"Yes, Brother Lin, if you were in ancient times, you would be a martial arts genius that is rare in a century!"

Hearing the exaggerated words of the guys, Lin Fan hurriedly shook his head and said,

"You guys are too flattering, I just practiced too much and got used to it!"

Seeing the humble Lin Fan, everyone felt closer to him, and looked at Lin Fan with admiration in their eyes!

After Lin Fan changed his clothes back, he walked towards the director.

"Director Zheng!"

Seeing Lin Fan still full of energy after a fight scene, Zheng Baorui nodded with satisfaction!

"You kid, you have something!"

Zheng Baorui thought of Lin Fan's free and easy movements and the interlocking fight scenes, and began to praise him.

"Yes, Lin Fan, you are wearing a suit, coupled with the wonderful fight scenes, I am really satisfied watching! Let's exchange some moves when we have time!"

Gu Tianle walked in front of Lin Fan and said to him excitedly.

"Okay, then please teach me, Brother Le!"

Hearing Lin Fan's words, everyone laughed.

"Lin Fan, your ability to counter the moves is really amazing! I am looking forward to fighting with you!"

Tony·A looked at Lin Fan with expectation.

"Okay, Brother Jia, I am also looking forward to playing against you!"

Lin Fan responded with a smile to Tony·A.

"You have combined elegance and ruthlessness into one, which makes this character more full-bodied. It's great!"

Liang Liyan looked at Lin Fan's interlocking movements and his explosive acting skills. He had a feeling that this character would be a big hit!

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