"Lin Fan, you have to balance work and rest, don't make yourself too nervous!"

"When I have time, I'll take you to relax!"

Nicholas Tse continued to encourage Lin Fan.

"The paparazzi are so powerful nowadays, aren't you afraid of being photographed?"

Lin Fan saw that Nicholas Tse insisted on taking him, so he changed the subject.

"Then I'll take you out to sea on a yacht some other day!"

Nicholas Tse didn't think so much before, but was awakened by Lin Fan's words and immediately changed his words.

"Okay, okay!"

Lin Fan nodded.

"Everyone, get ready, get ready to come and participate in the opening ceremony!"

The assistant director shouted to the crew with a loudspeaker.

Lin Fan thought that he had joined the crew halfway before, and this was his first time to participate in the opening ceremony,

and he couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Lin Fan followed everyone to the temporary stage.

Seeing that many people had already arrived, he was about to find a position at the back.

Lin Fan saw Chen Long waved at him, indicating that he should stand next to him!

Seeing Chen Long's action.

Lin Fan was stunned.

The standing position at this time is very particular.

As the most famous actor in the entire crew, Jackie Chan is standing in the absolute C position.

When taking a group photo later, he will also be the absolute center.

Calling me over at this time?

"Fan Zai, come here,"

Seeing that Lin Fan was slow to move, Chen Long shouted again.

Lin Fan hurriedly walked to Chen Long's side and stood.

The opening ceremony is mainly to celebrate the start of the film and pray that the film can be successfully completed!

Every crew will perform this ceremony after the filming starts!

It is also to let the public know that the filming of this movie has started!

Attract the audience's attention!

Afterwards, the host of the opening ceremony read an opening speech, introducing the movie and the crew!

Lin Fan took the incense in his hand and began to worship with the actors of the crew.

Everyone prayed together, hoping that the movie would be successfully completed!

Then Chen Musheng gave everyone present a red envelope,

It was the first time that Lin Fan received a red envelope at the opening ceremony, and his face was full of smiles!

After a while,

Everyone unveiled the red cloth covering the camera together,

and took a group photo!

The opening ceremony ended here!

Next was the press interview session of the opening ceremony.

When Chen Long was asked by the reporter what he thought of the future of kung fu movies.

Chen Long smiled,

"I am old, and I still have to look to the young people in the future."

At this point, Chen Long patted Lin Fan on the shoulder.

"The future of kung fu movies depends on you, Fanzi!"


The reporter took a breath.

She got a very explosive news.

The reporter wanted to ask more.

Jackie Chan glanced at Nicholas Tse, who was standing on the other side without saying anything, and added

"Well, there's Fengzai!"


After the opening ceremony,

Lin Fan came to the set and read the script.

The scene to be filmed later is the scene of A Zu and his teammates robbing a bank!

This is also the first scene of Lin Fan's appearance in the movie!

After waiting for a while,

Lin Fan heard the sound of the stage manager calling everyone to get ready.

"Everyone, take your positions,

"New Police Story" first shot, first scene, first time!"


With the order of director Benny Chan,

everyone, take your positions!

The camera slowly moved.

A Zu, played by Lin Fan, and his teammates sat on the rooftop of a high-rise building,

The wind blew across their faces, and the raised hair added a bit of publicity to them.

Several people shouted loudly,

trying to release the pain and negativity suppressed in their hearts through sound.

Lin Fan slowly put on the red fire fox mask,

with no fear in his eyes, he looked forward casually!

At this moment, he was an arrogant gangster!


Liu Tian, ​​played by Andy On, threw the bag in his hand downstairs,

adding a bit of danger to this dull night!

Afterwards, several people buckled the safety buckle on the rooftop synchronously,

jumped down without hesitation!

When Chen Musheng saw Lin Fan's crisp action, he felt his heart in his throat!

This scene can be said to be very dangerous.

If something unexpected happens and he falls from the upstairs,

where can he find such a suitable and excellent actor at that time!


last night,He told Lin Fan about the danger of this scene!

He wanted to find a substitute for him to ensure Lin Fan's safety!

But Lin Fan refused!

No matter how he persuaded, Lin Fan would not change his mind and insisted on going on stage in person!

Chen Musheng was surprised by Lin Fan's courage!

This is too dedicated!

Lin Fan felt the wind whistling in his ears, and his face looked like he was enjoying it.

He shouted wantonly and opened his hands to feel the excitement of this moment!

Seeing this scene, everyone admired Lin Fan's courage!

After all, this height is still very scary!

Chen Long looked at the expression on Lin Fan's face,

and was a little surprised!

After all, it is difficult to maintain the expression on his face in a dangerous situation!

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan was completely unscrupulous and interpreted the character's personality to everyone.

When they arrived in front of the broken window, the ropes on several people were pulled, and then they quickly jumped into the bank.

Chen Musheng clapped his hands when he saw Lin Fan's perfect performance!

This movie got the first one-shot shot!

This is a good trend!

Lin Fan took out a rifle from the bag and walked in front calmly, his arrogant steps revealing his flamboyance at the moment.

Then, he stopped in front of the safe.

Several people released the man in the bag,

"Open the safe!"

Lin Fan raised the gun in his hand and pointed it in the direction of the man, with arrogance on his face and a threatening tone!

Seeing that the man did not move,

Lin Fan's eyes changed instantly, and his murderous intent was revealed!

The gun in his hand was directly against the man's forehead, and he looked fierce as if he was going to shoot the man in front of him in the next second!

"Don't say it, Lin Fan is like a robber now! Or the kind of robber who doesn't love money!"

Cai Zhuoyan looked at Lin Fan in the monitor, thinking that the temperament of this robber was too distinct, and it was impossible to ignore it!

"The acting is too similar. I suggest checking it out!"

"Yeah, if this guy didn't give me a sunny and cheerful feeling, I would have thought he used to do this!"

An actor next to him also muttered in a low voice.

Cai Zhuoyan thought, this is not just his own idea, everyone thinks so!

The man nodded in fear.

Then Lin Fan let go of the muzzle of the gun against the man's head,

returned to the calm state just now,

and interpreted the character's moodiness to the fullest!

As the safe was opened,

the other people rushed in and shouted wildly.

Lin Fan stood at the door, looking at the wall of money in front of him, his eyes were calm.

"Do you have a phone?"

Lin Fan pointed the gun at the man in front of him and said indifferently.

"I have one!"

"Call the police!"

Lin Fan said this sentence without hesitation, looking down at the man sitting on the ground!

"Call the police!"

After seeing the man's confused state, Lin Fan said it again in an extremely impatient tone.


After the stagehand shouted, the scene ended here!

The more Chen Musheng looked at Lin Fan,

the more satisfied he felt.

Few of the Cheng family's martial artists were as skilled as Lin Fan.

He had discovered a rough gem!

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