After Lin Fan heard Bai Lu's words, the images of these two movies began to emerge in his mind!

He had seen the original movies, and he had also roughly seen the two movies he participated in shooting!

He still had an idea about this version!

Although these two movies made the movies more eye-catching because of his participation,

but for the overall movie, the improvement was not very big,

after all, he was not the protagonist!

The audience's attention must be on the main plot,

although he was outstanding, it would not have a huge impact on the box office of the movie!

"Lu'er, don't be anxious!"

"You will know when the time comes!"

Although Lin Fan knew the answer, he deliberately kept it a secret!

He used humorous words to divert Bai Lu's attention!

"That's right, then I'll look forward to it!"

"Of course, what I hope most is that the box office of both movies can set new records!"

"After all, it's my man who played the role, I must support him!"

Bai Lu thought that after a few days when she was done with her work, she must go to the cinema to support it!

"Okay, I'll go with you when you come back!"

Lin Fan had no objection after hearing this and agreed directly!

After the two chatted on the phone for a while,

Ke Ke began to urge Bai Lu,

Bai Lu reluctantly hung up the phone.

Although he did not go to the premiere,

but Zhang Zhen was put there!

Lin Fan thought about it, edited a text message and sent it to him,

"Come on, Brother Zhen!"


On the day the movie was released,

Xiao Chen was a fan of Liu Sisi and came to the cinema to watch it!

As the lights in the cinema went out, the movie slowly began!

The dragon logo appeared,

"During the Tianqi period of the Ming Dynasty, the great eunuch..., caused chaos in the court for eight years,

At that time, the court officials... were known as the eunuch party. After Emperor Chongzhen ascended the throne, he eliminated Wei Zhongxian..."

As the preface of the movie came out, everyone focused on the movie.

After the introduction,

the first scene that started was a capture scene!

On the screen,

Shen Lian, Lu Jianxing, and Jin Yichuan worked together and cooperated tacitly to capture Xu Xianchun!

The plot was compact and not dragged out at all!

The fighting scenes were exciting and beautiful, and exciting to watch!

At the beginning,

the audience was amazed!

As the plot of the movie progressed,

Liu Sisi's fans looked a little dissatisfied!

Looking at the movie screen in front of them anxiously, they kept muttering,

"Where is Sisi?"

"Where is the heroine?"

The fans were getting a little impatient!

After all, they came to watch the movie just for Liu Sisi!

But now a few minutes have passed, and Liu Sisi, the heroine, still hasn't appeared!

So everyone has some emotions about the movie!

After seeing Liu Sisi, everyone's emotions stabilized.


There are too few shots!

It's not enough to watch!

So I focused on watching the movie, not wanting to miss any scene with Liu Sisi!

The movie came to the scene where Ding Xiu was carrying a big knife in his hand and walking forward unrestrainedly.

Ding Xiu took the purse thrown by Zhao Jingzhong, and when he heard Jin Yichuan's name, his face was full of disbelief!

Seeing this, everyone still didn't react, just felt that Ding Xiu's face was a little shocked!


"Don't you know, he is my junior brother?"

When this sentence came out, the audience thought that Ding Xiu would reject Zhao Jingzhong, with deep brotherly love in his eyes!

However, Ding Xiu changed his words and his expression became disdainful, as if he loved money like his life.

"This person is my beloved relative, brother?"

"You have to pay more!"

After hearing Lin Fan's two sentences, everyone's faces flashed with surprise!

"Did I hear it wrong just now!"

"Brother? You have to pay more?"

Someone began to ask the friend next to him, with a puzzled look on his face!

Obviously, there was a deep brotherly love in the previous second, but in the next second, a greedy look appeared on his face, showing his love for money like his life to the fullest!

"This role is very colorful!"

"It's a big reversal!"

Someone couldn't help but praise it!

At this time, someone murmured,

"Why do I feel that this role is very familiar?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Ding Xiu on the screen, and the more they looked, the more familiar they felt!

"I see, isn't this the suited thug who was all the rage online?"

"Isn't this the desperate Lin Fan who kicked Nicholas Tse off the rooftop?”

As soon as this sentence came out,

Everyone in the cinema began to discuss quietly!

“I didn’t recognize him just now, it’s really too immersive!”

“Yeah, I was optimistic about this guy in “SPL 2” before, and I didn’t expect that he would surprise me again now!”

After everyone said a few words, they focused on watching the movie!

At the same time, they were looking forward to the development of the plot in the movie!

After Ding Jiu took Zhang Yan out of his arms,

then threw her to Jin Yichuan on the side,

Then, Ding Xiu drew out the knife in his hand,

and said with a face full of enjoyment,

“You have a good eye!”

“That girl is very smooth!”

Hearing this, everyone was instantly excited!

Originally, everyone was a little depressed when they saw the three brothers being persecuted!

But as soon as Ding Xiu’s lines came out, coupled with his ecstatic expression, everyone smiled!

“Oh my God, this expression is really amazing! ”

“I didn’t expect you to be such a Ding Xiu!”

“Lin Fan really played this role very carefully!”

Some people whispered and were full of curiosity about the role of Ding Xiu!

At the same time, they also recognized Lin Fan’s acting skills more!

As the movie continued to play, it was now the last scene of the movie!

Everyone was surprised to see Ding Xiu rushing towards the Jin soldiers in front of him without hesitation, with undiminished momentum and murderous intent!

After seeing Lin Fan fall off his horse, he was not injured, but quickly got up and swung his knife to kill the Jin cavalry in front of him, extremely brave!

When everyone saw this scene, a complex expression flashed in their eyes!

For a moment, it was hard to tell whether Ding Xiu was good or bad!

On the big screen,

Lin Fan’s knife was fast, fierce and accurate, and he was clean and sharp. Kill the enemy in front of him!

Facing the siege of the crowd, Ding Xiu did not show any fear on his face.

With full aura, he chopped directly at the enemy in front of him!

The knife in his hand was so flexible and light!

After a while,

When Shen Lian looked over,

Ding Xiu was seriously injured and leaning against a tree,

and the Jin cavalry had fallen in a pool of blood!

The fans watched the scenes in the movie and forgot who they came for a while, and watched Lin Fan's every move seriously!

When the movie was over, everyone was still reluctant to leave!

When leaving, he talked with his friends while walking,

"This is a person who wiped out an entire team! Ding Xiu is so awesome!"

"So cool, do you know who was the guy who was so good at fighting just now?"

"Of course, isn't that the recently popular Desperate Sanlang, the cool suit thug before? ”

“Lin Fan’s fighting scenes are still as exciting as ever!”

“The tickets for this movie are worth it! I must recommend it to my sisters!”

At the same time, with the release of “Blade of the Assassin” across the country, it also sparked a heated discussion online!

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