At this time, Er Dongsheng finished watching the screen in the monitor, and saw that many people were around Lin Fan. He came over with interest, "What are you talking about?" "Everyone's face is smiling like honey!" Seeing this, Gu Tianle joked, "Director Er, when will I have the opportunity to act with you?" "This advantage can't be taken by Lin Fan!" Hearing this, Er Dongsheng understood what was going on. After seeing the expectation and smiles in everyone's eyes, he pretended to be helpless and said, "The opportunity has been given to you young people. I, an old man, should take a break!" Hearing Er Dongsheng's humorous words, everyone continued to laugh. After a while, Xiao Wang, the stagehand, came over,

"Director Er, the car is ready!"

Er Dongsheng nodded, then turned around and said to the people in front of him,

"The next scene will be filmed in the hotel!"

"Everyone get ready, and we'll set off!"

After that, Er Dongsheng went to arrange the work.

Bai Lu, who was standing aside, secretly winked at Lin Fan,

Lin Fan understood, walked to her side, and held her hand.

"Let's go!"

Bai Lu showed a sweet smile on her face,

letting Lin Fan hold her hand and keep walking forward.

After arriving at the hotel, everyone took a rest for a while,

then came to the set to start preparing.

Tonight's scene to be filmed is the scene of Lin Kun eating caviar!

The scene was being set up.

Bai Lu and Lin Fan sat aside waiting.

Bai Lu looked at the atmosphere of the scene and secretly said to Lin Fan,

"After the filming, can Teacher Lin please have dinner with me?"

Lin Fan looked at Bai Lu's naughty look and put on an unhappy expression on his face.

"Teacher Lin is very busy, let's talk later!"

Bai Lu looked at Lin Fan's deliberate look, gnashed her teeth, and pretended to be angry.

"Oh, Teacher Lin is so busy that he doesn't even have time to have dinner with me?"

"Then won't I have to make an appointment with you in advance next time?"

Hearing Bai Lu's direct series of questions, Lin Fan pulled Bai Lu's hand.

"Did I say no?"

Lin Fan touched Bai Lu's hair and helped her smooth out her flying hair.

"A man who plays hard to get is so abominable!"

After hearing what Lin Fan said, Bai Lu complained unhappily.

When the venue was set up,

the sound of the stage manager shouting "get ready" was heard,

and the actors participating in this scene also sat down in their seats.


At the order of the stage manager, the camera began to move slowly,

"1982, I'll open four bottles for you!"

A bottle of Lafite appeared in front of the camera,

With the introduction of the catering manager,

Lin Kun, played by Liu Dehua, looked at the label on the bottle with satisfaction,


Liu Dehua pointed to the red wine glass in front of him, with a gentle smile on his face.

As the red wine continued to pour into the glass,

the mellow taste spread in the air,

Liu Dehua fanned the top of the glass with his hand,

wanting to enjoy this intoxicating feeling.

"Don't drink so much!"

Lin Kun's wife, played by Yuan Yongyi, stopped the waiter's action,

and her eyes were on Liu Dehua, with a gentle voice, reminding Liu Dehua with concern.

Hearing this, the restaurant manager stopped what he was doing.

Seeing this, Liu Dehua politely said,

"Thank you!"

Ali, played by Lin Fan, looked at the elegant and polite Liu Dehua,

and sat calmly on the chair without any other movements.

Liu Dehua held Yuan Yongyi's hand, looking like a good husband,

"It's rare to come out to play, don't be mean to yourself!"

Looking at the tenderness and request in Liu Dehua's eyes, Yuan Yongyi smiled and didn't speak.

"Also, red wine lowers cholesterol!"

"It's okay to drink it with a big stomach!"

"Don't be afraid!"

Liu Dehua continued to persuade Yuan Yongyi,

After seeing Yuan Yongyi's smile,

he let go of her hand.

Liu Dehua turned his eyes to the two children next to him,

"Hey, let's eat caviar first!"

After saying this, he picked up the champagne glass on the table and glanced in the direction of Lin Fan.

Satisfaction and pride were revealed in his expression.

"Caviar should be paired with champagne!"

"Today, I'll let you two little ones have a glass as an exception!"

Liu Dehua's attitude was gentle, creating a warm feeling at the scene.

"Come on, cheers!"

Lin Fan and Bai Lu also picked up champagne from the table when they saw this.

"Can you stop treating me like a child?"

"I want to drink whiskey!"

Lin Kun's eldest daughterRebellious and flamboyant, she said to Liu Dehua with some dissatisfaction.

"If you make your father angry again, I will slap you right away!"

Yuan Yongyi's gentle tone was fierce, and she directly suppressed her eldest daughter's arrogance.


The eldest daughter didn't dare to refute after hearing it, but turned her head away a little unconvinced.

Lin Fan saw that the atmosphere on the scene became tense because of the eldest daughter's rebellion,

and immediately raised the wine glass in his hand,


The polite and gentlemanly smile was just right, which eased the atmosphere on the scene!


Liu Dehua looked at his eldest daughter seriously,

staring at her and became a little nervous, and also obediently picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Liu Dehua.

At the same time,

a waiter put a weighing scale on the table and put the caviar on it.

Liu Dehua saw the data on the scale,

After taking a sip of the champagne in the glass,

his expression continued to sink, and he became cold and stern.


There was indifference and anger in his tone, and his attitude changed drastically!

Lin Fan looked at Liu Dehua's face that changed instantly, and sighed in his heart.

"We charge by weight!"

The restaurant manager explained with a friendly expression.

"Are you kidding me? If the foreigners next door see it, they will think I can't afford it!"

Liu Dehua's eyes were blazing, and his tone was full of anger.

Pointing at the foreigners on the side, he said to the restaurant manager with confidence.

"No, no, no... they are all the same!"

The restaurant manager was a little flustered at this scene, but he still explained patiently.

"What do you mean they are all the same?"

"It's just a little bit, who can eat it?"

Liu Dehua looked at the caviar in front of him, and was furious.

"One more can, one for each person!"

Then, he said to the waiter in a strong and unquestionable tone.

"Take it away!"

Seeing this, the waiter immediately stepped forward and wanted to take the caviar away.

Seeing this, Liu Dehua became even more angry and pointed directly at the scale in front of him with a very aggressive tone.

"Take it away, take the scale away!"

After the waiter took it away,

Liu Dehua cursed while picking up the caviar.

"You are so stupid, you think I am a fool, right?"

"Come on, eat!"

Then, Liu Dehua directly scooped it out with a big spoon and put it on Yuan Yongyi's plate.

Pick up the spoon and eat it in big mouthfuls.

Lin Fan was watching in a daze.

Bai Lu, who played Lin Kun's sister-in-law, looked at Lin Fan with love.


Lin Fan's thoughts were pulled back.

He immediately regained his calm expression.

He raised his glass and said to Bai Lu calmly.



The camera stopped at the scene of the two drinking, and then the sound of the stagehand calling for a stop was heard.

"That's all for today's scene!"

"Everyone is tired all day, go back and have a good rest!"

The stagehand said loudly to the actors on the scene.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Lin Fan and Bai Lu walked out.

On the way here,

the two saw a delicious restaurant nearby on the Internet,

so they planned to have a midnight snack.

As they walked, they chatted.

"Afan, the caviar just now was so bad!"

Bai Lu's expression was a little disgusted.

"Same, so I'll take you to eat delicious food later to make up for your injured heart!"

After hearing this, Bai Lu nodded with satisfaction!

The two ran hand in hand towards the restaurant.


The results are a bit poor, the data is falling every day, and the author's mentality is a bit broken! The author timidly makes a small request. If you think the author's writing is okay, can you help to promote the book shortage? Thank you! This chapter is a thank-you gift for all the readers, please don't criticize! Be gentle!

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