"If I don't have this ability, I can practice it!"

Li Guangmo countered with a weak tone,

Although he knew it was impossible, he still had a fantasy!

"That will take time!"

Jin Zhongguo also joked.

When everyone was talking,

the staff's voice sounded at the right time,

"Everyone has rested for a while, so let's play the next game!"

Then, the staff began to talk about the relevant rules and gameplay of the game,

Alarm task, set the time range between 20 seconds and 2 minutes,

And answer the corresponding questions, you will be eliminated when the bell rings!

After hearing this, Lin Fan nodded!

The most important thing about this game is the ability to respond flexibly and the control of time!

Coincidentally, he can control these two aspects very well!

So, this game is a piece of cake for him!

"Time bomb?"

After listening to the introduction, Jin Zhongguo summed it up in one sentence!

"Got it, this game is very interesting!"

Liu Zaishi raised a confident smile on his face.

"Lin Fan, let's see who will be eliminated first?!"

Nicholas Tse whispered to Lin Fan who was sitting next to him.

When he was in the mood, he said something with a smile.

Lin Fan knew that Nicholas Tse was in the mood to play and wanted to have some fun, so he readily agreed!

Then, everyone started to change positions!

Lin Fan, Chen Long, and Nicholas Tse were assigned to different positions.

After hearing the staff shouting to start,

Lin Fan looked at the phone in his hand and set the time for twenty seconds!

After that, Lin Fan turned his attention to Chi Shizhen who was standing next to him.

"How is the business?"

Lin Fan had already read their relevant information before participating in the show,

so he blurted out this question!

"Well, how is your relationship?"

Chi Shizhen answered briefly, and then threw the question back to Lin Fan.

Hearing this question, everyone looked at Lin Fan with some curiosity, wondering how he would answer this question.

Lin Fan glanced at the countdown, there were only five seconds left,

Looking at Chi Shizhen's expression of watching a good show, Lin Fan's mouth corners rose,

"Very good, how about you?"

Chi Shizhen took the phone in a panic,

The second Lin Fan let go, the phone rang!

Not too early or too late, just right!

"Ah, I haven't reacted yet, I'm out!"

Chi Shizhen looked at Lin Fan with a feeling of regret on his face, with a teasing tone,

"Lin Fan, do you think you are a time management master?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone looked at Lin Fan with a look of eating melons.

Chen Long was still thinking about coming out to help Lin Fan out if he couldn't handle it!

But after seeing Lin Fan's calm appearance,

he suppressed his urge to speak.

"Then you better be careful later, so as not to receive my time bomb at the last second, I will not show mercy!"

Lin Fan easily changed the topic, with a confident smile on his face!

"It seems that I have to treat you, my rival, well!"

Xie Tingfeng naturally took over Lin Fan's words,

So in the humorous tone of the two, everyone returned to the joyful atmosphere just now!

Chen Long gave Lin Fan an approving look.

"Being able to sit next to Brother Chen Long is a scene that I dared not imagine in my dreams before!"

"I didn't expect to realize this dream now, I'm so happy!"

Ha Dongxun saw Chen Long sitting next to him, and his eyes were always following Chen Long's figure closely.

And he was proud to be able to sit next to Chen Long!

Lin Fan watched everyone start to praise again, and sat aside waiting.

"Lin Fan, I'm going to eliminate you later!"

"This way I can get closer to Brother Chen Long!"

Li Guangmo's face radiated confidence, and he directly threatened Lin Fan!

This time, Lin Fan set the time to one minute and thirty seconds

"What is the name of the movie that Brother Long is promoting this time?"

Lin Fan handed the phone to Li Guangmo,

thinking that he could take this opportunity to promote the movie.

"New Police Story!"

"How do you evaluate the character you played?"

After Li Guangmo finished speaking, he directly asked Lin Fan in poor Mandarin.

Lin Fan estimated the time and found that there was still a lot of time. Thinking of his understanding of the role, he said simply,

"A Zu is rebellious, unruly, cruel and pitiful. His life is short and tragic.A very complex role!"

Lin Fan spoke in a steady tone, not panicking at all when facing the question!

"Excuse me, were you familiar with Brother Chen Long before?"

Feeling Lin Fan's gaze, Liu Zaishi took the phone from Lin Fan and nodded excitedly,

"Of course, from childhood to adulthood, I have never watched TV without Chen Long!"

"From movies, variety shows, various interviews, etc!"

After Liu Zaishi finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Li Guangmo on the side,

"Guangmo, what do you do when you are not filming?"

Li Guangmo looked a little flustered, he always felt that the time was almost up!

After he took it, he began to stumble and say,

"I usually go when I have time..."

As a result, the time was up before he could finish his words!

"It seems that I am always a little distant from Brother Chen Long! "

Li Guangmo glanced in the direction of Chen Long, his tone full of regret!

Then, in the next game session, everyone focused on Chen Long and kept asking questions to him.

Lin Fan was occasionally called, but he was able to answer fluently and quickly passed the phone out.

When the game came to the end, only Lin Fan and Chen Long were left!

"Brother Long, it's okay to have a final showdown with you in "New Police Story", but I didn't expect to have an ultimate PK with you in a variety show!"

Lin Fan's face was full of smiles, and he worked hard to promote the movie!

"Then of course I hope that like the movie, the final victory will still belong to me!"

Chen Long looked at Lin Fan with satisfaction, with a satisfied smile in his eyes!

This kid is really worry-free, and he is very suitable for variety shows!

Then, Chen Long took the phone and set a time, looking at Lin Fan with a mysterious smile,

"Next time we work together, what movie do you like? ”

“Kung Fu or art film?”

“Let’s make a movie together next time!”

Everyone exclaimed in admiration when they heard Chen Long’s words!

“Brother Chen Long, I want one too!”

The people around him started to talk about it with envy.

“Thank you very much for the invitation, Brother Long. I like them all!”

Lin Fan looked at the time above and answered slowly.

“Brother Long, what are you looking forward to for the upcoming movie?”

After hearing this, Chen Long gave Lin Fan a look,

You are the one who knows how to handle things!

“I hope everyone likes this movie and I hope the box office will be good! ”

“Lin Fan, what are your hobbies?”

Chen Long’s brain was constantly working, and after an idea came up, he asked directly.

Lin Fan took the phone and saw the time on it.

He knew that he could answer this question completely, and then handed the phone over.

However, the main venue of this variety show is Chen Long!

So he pretended to be anxious and spoke hesitantly.

“I like to exercise, such as boxing, running...”

At this time, the phone rang!

“Brother Chen Long is too awesome, right? !”

Liu Zaishi excitedly stepped forward and put his hand on Chen Long’s shoulder.

Everyone’s applause also rang at this moment.

“Brother Chen Long, Brother Chen Long...”

They kept repeating this sentence in fluent Chinese, and they also danced.

Chapter 6! Asking for gifts, five-star reviews, and urging for more! Twenty yuan gifts will add one more chapter, no upper limit!

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