Chapter 130 This profiteer

! As a result, Guotao had just finished his recruiting with Roar, a person with three educations and nine ranks, and said with a smug: “I see it, this is called knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, now we are more stable here?”

Turning around, Mr. Xie’s son secretly took Baoyu away and gave it to a woman.However, since Ning Hao was the first director, and several clues at the same time, it seemed a bit messy.

Ye Qiu found a piece of paper and drew the shots for him.

Since the movies of the previous life are in Ye Qiu’s mind, it is also very simple to draw the shots.


When Ning saw these sub-shots, her mouth opened wide.

Although it is the first time that he has been a director, he still has no shortage of professionalism. It can be seen by just a glance. These sub-shots can definitely be drawn by a very professional person. Seeing these sub-shots, Ning almost knelt down. Ye Qiu, the director’s understanding of this aspect should be very simple.

But it turns out that Ye Qiu can be regarded as this aspect in this aspect, not even like the kind of… entry level but a real master.

According to these sub-shots, the next shooting was really smooth.

Ning Hao said: “Brother Qiu, this is just here, or else, let’s have a literary show to overtake, and tomorrow I will be filming a coercive scene.”

The temperature today is actually a bit low, not suitable for filming.

But there is no way, because the early stage of “Crazy Stone” wasted a lot of time because of the establishment of the photography venue, and according to the original plan, the filming was finished in these few days, and then I was able to participate in the film festival selection.

Although Hao Ning became a director for the first time, his spirit was still very high.

Moreover, because Ning Hao is also a new director, if the film can be directly awarded and come back to be released, the box office will definitely be a big hit. “No need, just follow the original plan.”

Ye Qiu said that in his heart, nothing is more important than filming.

Now that Ye Qiu said that there is no problem, Ning is even happier here.

Because Ye Qiu’s coffee position in this movie can be regarded as the largest, the other people, although they have some reputation, are not as good as Ye Qiu, and naturally they nodded in agreement.

The Ning in the back sat in front of the monitor, and the two sets of cameras started shooting at the same time.

Ye Qiu changed into tights and ropes.

Soon the image of a Jiang Yang thief appeared in front of everyone.

The next scene to be filmed is the master Mike going down from the roof and going to steal the jade.

“Lighter, lower the brightness for me, this is a night scene, it doesn’t need to be so bright”

Ning shouted while holding the walkie-talkie.

“Go check the machine and see if there are any problems”

“I put all the props over there.

This bottle will be used in a while”

“There are people in front of you. If you are ready, step back, Shunzi, look at the preparations made by Brother Qiu.”

Because it will be a long shot next, it’s not half a mistake.

“Director, I’m ready”

A few minutes later, Ye Qiu was ready.

The makeup artist messed up Ye Qiu’s hair, darkened his skin, and added a little wrinkle, and also put a lot of mud on his face. This way is to paint the character’s makeup into the ugliness. , Showing that the character just came out of the ventilation duct and looked embarrassed.

Generally speaking, black comedies like this are generally drawn

This kind of makeup can make the audience more immersed in the plot instead of playing.

Definitely, because of the influx of some small fresh meat into the movie market, they are worried that applying ugly makeup will affect their image, so not only will they not paint ugly makeup, but they will also desperately use foundation and eyeliner.

It is impossible to pretend to be ugly.

“This makeup artist is fine”

“I can’t recognize Ye Qiu anymore.”

After Ning saw Ye Qiu, she said in surprise.

“I can’t help it, I must be embarrassed when my character comes out of the tunnel.”

“Hey, you are usually so handsome, it’s rare to be ugly”

As soon as Ye Qiu came out, Xu Zhen and others surrounded him, laughing straight, and soon Ye Qiu became the object of their discussion.

“Director, I’m ready here.”

When Ye Qiu walked to Ning Hao, he said.


Ning’s head.

“Okay, prepare for the thirty-fourth scene, the first act::, start”

Huang Bo was standing next to him with a gray head and face. He has been playing a sewer-drilling scene. If the makeup on his body is cleaned up, it will take another two or three hours to reshoot later.

So he didn’t bother to remove his makeup.

“Let me see how this kid acts”

Compared with the black skin played by Huang Bo, Xu Zhen is much more comfortable.

He plays a big boss in the play, wearing a suit and tie.

There was also a follower behind, and he didn’t even need to open the door by himself.

Simply comfortable and cozy “”

Soon Ye Qiu followed the rope flexibly from the roof.

“Wow, this skill is really amazing”

Huang Boqing couldn’t help applauding, this is simply high-tech.Compared with the black skin he played, it is simply the difference between bandit and regular army.

“Hey Ye Qiu’s body, there is nothing to say”

Xu Zhen also followed and said with a smile.

He has a vigorous posture and quickly came to the platform.This flexible posture is like a thief in an international blockbuster, but it is also as if looking at the jade that is about to be handed, Ye Qiu smiled.

So many days of busyness are just for this thing.


When he reached out to touch, he was shocked when he realized that Ye Qiu could not be reached, and then reached out to grab it, still a little bit too close. “I’m pushing your lungs, Ye Qiu has a cold sweat on his head. I want to go and grab the jade. With his hand, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at his rope. The Nima rope is not long enough. “A full ten meters, quality and quantity”

The boss’s words are still in my ears, “this profiteer”

Ye Qiu gritted his teeth and cursed in Cantonese, he was already going crazy.


At this time, I saw Ye Qiu unable to control the balance of his body, shaking in the air.

“so funny”

The whole crew was amused by Ye Qiu.

Even Hao Ning couldn’t help laughing here.

The comedy effect performed by Ye Qiu just now is really good.

He gritted his teeth and glanced at the jade again.

I stretched out a chopstick, and then used the chopsticks to move the jade little by little.

Ye Qiu breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the jade being moved a little bit by himself

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