The water friends in the live broadcast room also laughed (aiae) and exploded.

This Chen Yang is really funny as always.

Next, Chen Yang continued to open the second letter, and his eyes lit up:

"Well, this letter is so beautifully written! - I can imagine from reading this letter, the person who wrote this letter must be a gentle and pure


"Hello Chen Yang, I'm your female fan!"

When reading this, Chen Yang smiled, showing a look of "I knew it", "See, female fan!"

Wei Daxun was envious, "I have never had a female fan write to me.

Chen Yang continued to read: "I have liked you for a month, since you sang [Little Dimples], I have been in love with you all the time.

Love you, love your voice, love your poetry, love your talent, everything about you.Hee hee, I am from your face

Fans become talent fans.

"Besides that, I like your character more, you risk your life, you fly to save people and save a family! Try

Ask which star in the entertainment industry can be like you? Some people say that liking someone starts with looks and talent.

Be loyal to your character, maybe that's how I feel about you. 2

After reading this, all the stars were silent.

This is a real fan!

From Chen Yang's debut until now - I have been following him and I have always liked him.

I went to buy your album, I spent more than five hours in line just to buy your copybook.""


Jia Ling sighed, "This female fan is really moved!"

Wei Daxun and Yue Yunpeng are jealous. They have more passers-by fans, but very few true fans.

True love fans are the most high-quality type of people among fans. For celebrities, of course, the more true love fans, the better.

Gulinaza and Song Zuer also revealed - Si Xian

Chen Yang didn't know what the stars were thinking, and continued to read:

"Today is a special day. After hesitating for a long time, I mustered up the courage to write this letter. With the help of this day, I think

to you

Shen Teng watched the fun and didn't think it was a big deal, and called out: "This is about to confess!"

Then, Chen Yang's voice continued:

"Can you please say a happy birthday to my husband, he is watching this show right now.

There was a brief silence in the hall for a few seconds.

The crowd was stunned at first.


Gu Li Nazha was the first to react, with a puff of laughter, then everyone laughed, and Yue Yunpeng was still laughing.

fell to the ground.

Chen Yang grabbed the letter from the fans, pretended to be annoyed and turned into anger, kicked the envelope out of the screen with one foot, and pointed his finger hard.

Poke the camera hard:

"Next time you have something to say, you can omit the foreshadowing!"


The crowd laughed again.

Chapter 150 This time it's a huge investment!

"No way! I'm dying of laughter."

"Hahaha, it's so funny, after so long, it turned out to be saying happy birthday to my boyfriend, this year's fan

Silk is too skinny!"

"God's turning point, I really thought this was the rhythm of confession!"

"I have to say, Chen Yang's fans are all skinny!"

"Look, Chen Yang is so angry, hahaha, it's so funny!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Husband is so handsome! He's so handsome when he's angry!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was boiling.

"Chen Yang, keep reading, don't you still have letters from fans?"

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