Everyone laughed.

While they were chatting, Chen Yang also joined everyone and greeted them in turn. Shen Teng stood up:

"Chen Yang, come, this is the hat I gave you. I might not be wearing it properly, so give it to you."

He felt that a good-looking hat had to be worn by a good-looking person.

Chen Yang looked at the green hat in amazement, and smirked twice: "You should wear it yourself."

"Is everyone here?"

The speaker is the assistant director of the program group.

The planning director Wu Wanzhou was already waiting in Dubai. This time it was a big production. He first took a group of people to explore the way.


Shen Teng nodded, he was the captain; he was also the tour guide in the team, responsible for everyone's food and daily life.

Then, amid the enthusiastic cheers of the fans, Chen Yang and others boarded the plane smoothly.

Gu Li Nazha's suitcase was too heavy to fit, so she gave Chen Yang a coquettish look!Pulled his sleeve:

"Chen Yang, can you?"


Chen Yang lifted it easily and put it directly into the cabin on the seat. After all, he was a master-level proficient.

It's a piece of cake.

Song Zuier saw that he also wanted to imitate Gu Li's style and act like a spoiled child to Chen 2.3 Yang, but Yue Yunpeng took the lead:

"Zui'er, come, your little brother Yue will help you!"

Although Xiao Yueyue is wide and fat, she still has strength, even if Song Zuier's box is indeed

After putting it away, Xiao Yueyue glanced at the group as if asking for credit: "It's put away."

Song Zuier didn't say anything, and gave him a resentful and aggrieved look, which made Xiao Yueyue panic, I did something wrong


There were one or two Middle Easterners on the plane.

Everyone's seats are very close, Song Zuer and Gu Linazha sit.

In the back row are Jia Ling and Shen Teng.Then next to him were Xiao Yueyue, Wei Daxun, and Chen Yang sitting together.

After the plane officially entered the stratosphere, everyone unbuckled their seat belts.

The assistant director came over from the next door.

Chapter 152 Everyone Knows I'm A Fool

As soon as Jia Ling put on the blindfold, she was shocked when she saw the assistant director coming over:

"Hey, why did you come here to swallow, you're still on the plane now?

Shen Teng said earnestly: "This is not good."

In the last issue, the nightmare that they were abruptly pulled up by the director team in their sleep has continued to this day, so when I saw the vice

When the director appeared, they were all scared for a while.

The assistant director smiled: "Don't be so nervous, I came here to group."

Wei Daxun asked: "Grouping? Did you go to Dubai, do you play in different ways?"

Assistant Director: "There are team assignments.

Shen Teng chuckled, "That's not easy. Wouldn't it be better to be divided into boys' teams and girls' teams?"

Song Zuier pouted and said coquettishly, "Uncle Shen, it's not fair! We girls are so delicate, what if we have to?

What kind of strength are you doing, how can we compare to you, you see your arms are so much thicker than mine!"

Wei Da was amused: "Then Sister Jia Ling's arms are also much thicker than mine, one of her pushes me two!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed, Jia Ling picked up the pillow on the seat and was about to fight, Wei Daxun hurriedly rushed into Yue Yunpeng's arms:

"Brother Yue, save me!"

"OK OK.*

The deputy director of 08 continued: "For grouping, we have a small game, word solitaire, and the losers are divided into groups!"

Wei Daxun smiled and said, "What I'm good at is word solitaire!"

"You can pull it down."

Yue Yunpeng rolled his eyes at him angrily: "Last time you said that you are best at the nine-nine multiplication table, but you don't even know the 7 times 3.

The crowd laughed.

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