Next [Mr. Yin Yang] Ah, I like listening to-

Hearing [Mr. Yin-Yang], Shen Teng, Yue Yunpeng, and Wei Daxun were also in high spirits, "Yes, yes, I almost

Forget about Mr. Ming Yang!"

Jia Ling asked, "Mr. Yin Yang? What is that?"

She doesn't pay much attention to this kind of information, so it's normal that she hasn't heard of it.

Gu Linaza answered her, and Jia Ling nodded, "It turned out to be a ghost story.

She can't say that she likes ghost stories, or even has no feelings for them. She only thinks that those things are deceptive, so she has not done much.

Have you heard.

At this moment, she put on the blindfold and lay down directly to sleep.

Chen Yang looked at everyone's kindness, but nodded: "Okay, then I'll tell you a paragraph.

Song Zuer happily rushed to Chen Yang and hugged him. Mr. Yin Yang was really wonderful. She has since listened to it.

After that, - thinking about it.

But she couldn't wait for the following plot, which made her feel unbearable.

Hearing Chen Yang let go at this moment, the excitement and excitement in his heart can't be suppressed at all!

Chen Yang's arm could feel the deformation of her soft squeezed, pretended not to care, and patted her shoulder;

"Okay, go back to your seat first."

Song Zuer didn't notice, "um", and happily returned to the seat, knelt on it with two white legs, and got down.

Ba leaned on the back of the chair, looking like a primary school student listening to lectures, which was very warm.

Others are also looking forward to it.

Chapter 153 Do not wear flattery!

"In that era when computers and mobile phones were not yet popular, everything in the outside world was novel.

I am even more obsessed with ghosts and gods.

There was a little noise on the plane, mostly other people whispering and talking.

Chen Yang's voice was also very quiet, his voice became low and hoarse, Gu Linaza and Song Zuer stared at him fascinatedly.


This is the taste.2

When they were listening to the radio station, Chen Yang used this voice, the speed and rhythm of speaking.

Shen Teng, Wei Daxun, and Yue Yunpeng are all like little chickens, listening intently, even Wei Da, who likes to make jokes

Xun, it's been a lot quieter now.

"There are stories that I basically go in to my left ear and go out to my right ear, or as the years go by, I just listen to it and forget it

Even if I remember it before, it is very vague now, but some stories are still fresh in my memory.

Chen Yang closed his eyes, as if recalling something, and opened them after a few seconds:

"They seem to have taken root in my mind, merged with my memory and won't go away

"I remember the village chief once told me a story

"A. A story about standing chopsticks.

"If someone in the family got [hysteria], the old people in the village would fill a big bowl with water,

A chopstick is placed in a bowl. If there is something unclean in the house, the chopstick will stand upright from the water by itself.

Get up, very weird.

Just after finishing speaking, Jia Ling, who was still wearing a blindfold and sleeping with his eyes closed, suddenly pricked up his ears.

She used to live in a township. Although it was not a very poor and backward place, she often heard about old people

Talk about some ghost stories.

She used to forget what she heard, but what Chen Yang said about "standing chopsticks" just now awakened a trace in her mind.


She seemed to have heard the adults in the village say it once.

This made her a little strange.

Aren't you talking about ghost stories? How did you get involved with this kind of legend?

She also thought that ghost stories were the kind of ghosts, ghosts and the like, to deceive children.

However, after ten minutes, I continued to listen.

Jia Ling couldn't sleep even if she wanted to.

It wasn't because Chen Yang's voice was so loud that she couldn't sleep.

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