Chen Yang smiled lightly: "Chen Yang, from Xia Country!"


An elderly foreigner blinked and suddenly laughed: "That's a beautiful country."

"Who said it wasn't?"

Chen Yang nodded and smiled, and left the market with the three girls.

"Eat something!"

"Haha! I want to eat! We have enough money now!"

"It's all thanks to Brother Chen Yang, I love you!"

Song Zuier stood on tiptoe and pecked Chen Yang's face quickly, but Gu Li Nazha was frightened.

In the live broadcast, this little girl doesn't know how to restrain herself?

"Oh, happy!"

Song Zuier waved his hand indifferently: "Let's stop thinking about it, let's go to the restaurant for a good meal first!"

"Yes! Good meal!"

There is no so-called Michelin restaurant here in Dubai, and even if there is, everyone can't afford it.

They picked a restaurant with a very Arabic character.

There were quite a lot of people in the restaurant, but the seats were not full. Song Zuer walked with white legs and glanced at it with wide eyes.

All of a sudden, I found a good spot for everyone.

Through the window, you can see pedestrians on the street.

Gu Linaza sat next to Chen Yang and helped him sort out the national towel a little:

"Don't get your clothes dirty for a while."

"I know." Chen Yang nodded indifferently.

The whole restaurant is very characteristic, the atmosphere is dark, and the gorgeous light show is reflected on the walls of the restaurant, which is very beautiful.

The lights hit Gulinaza and Song Zuer's faces, the two charming little faces were indescribably beautiful.

Gu Lina Zhacuo held a pair of white and tender thighs, raised her head and asked Chen Yang, "What to eat?"

All of this money was earned by him and should be distributed by him.

"Whatever you like."

Chen Yang said with a smile, he didn't have so many worries when he came out to eat, just be happy.

Even if Wu Wanzhou was killed, he would never have imagined that they would live so well now that they even drank small wine.

If this happened half an hour ago, it would have been unimaginable!


Wu Wanzhou sat in the waiting room of Hua Shaotuan with a dull expression on his face.

Fresh flowers

"Director Wu! The statistics are out!"

"Just now, the number of people in our live broadcast room exceeded 700 million!!! This is already a myth!"

The program planner was so excited next to him, drooling wildly, Wu Wanzhou glared at him in disgust, but he also had some doubts in his heart.

Small shake!


That's 700 million!

This is definitely a myth in the live broadcast world!

Looking ahead, which variety show live broadcast can have this effect?

Now the two most popular live variety shows in China, one is less flowers, and the other is the longing for life.

It is said that the highest record of living next door is 400 million, and Chen Yang has just arrived, and he has already let people in the live broadcast room

The number has risen to 700 million?!

This data is terrifying.

"This is a treasure!"

Wu Wanzhou took a deep breath, and seemed to think of something: "Hurry up! Hurry up, I remember that Chen Yang only signed the first issue.

?You go talk to him, let him be a resident guest, don't be a flying guest, no no no, I'll talk to him

The program planner was dumbfounded. How could he ever see Director Wu in such a panic?

Just because of one Chen Yang

"What about Chen Yiyang?" the program planner said.

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