Chen Yang's figure is not the kind of big muscles, but well-proportioned. For girls, a man's well-proportioned body

Material is the best.

Dressed to be thin, undressed with meat.

Not that big, bodybuilding-like muscle, which is horrible.

Song Zuier looked at it dumbfounded, and was stunned for a few seconds↓ before he realized it, he trotted in front of Chen Yang with a blushing face.

Take out a bath towel to block:

"Don't look, don't look!"

Gu Linaza also woke up like a dream, Song Zuer blocked the left, she blocked the right, airway;

"That's right, what are you looking at!"

The stinginess of the two girls made other girls very dissatisfied, and took a look at what happened.

Wei Daxun said: "Hey, you are stingy, aren't you? Isn't it just for people to see when you come to snorkel?"

"It's up to you to show it to others!"

Gu Li Nazha went back and glanced at Chen Yang's figure secretly with her small eyes, and her excited little heart was pounding.

Fei Ling came out to smooth things out: "Chen Yang is from our Hua Shao Tuan. It's up to us to see, fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields!"

Gu Linaza, Song Zuer cast a grateful look at her, nodding like garlic.

When everyone got on the boat, the Asian coach smiled and said:

"Dude, how do you train your muscles, come back and teach me.

The Asian coach is in good shape. He works out every day. He has been exercising for 5,6 or [-] years, but his muscles are not in shape.

Yang is beautiful.

"Blind practice."

So what do you usually pay attention to? Protein powder? Or do you buy that kind of instant chicken breast online?"

"cooked rice."

The Asian coach was speechless. He thought it was because Chen Yang refused to tell the truth, so he didn't make fun of himself.

Yue Yunpeng laughed: "Chen Yang, well done, let him mock me earlier!"

Everyone came to the center of the sea on a yacht. The water on Palm Palm Island was very clear and looked like emerald.


Looking down, you can also see tropical fish swimming in the water.

However, the sun above his head was very dazzling, Song Zuer lay on Chen Yang's shoulder, his face flushed red.

Not sure if it was hot or bad.

"It's our first time snorkeling, don't swim too far, just be around, pay attention to safety, remember, be sure to pay attention


The Asian business coach reminded the stars of the Hua Shao Group.

Chen Yang was the first to dive back into the water, splashing a burst of water.

It is worth mentioning that when you just dive in, the water temperature is very high because of the direct sunlight, but the more you dive in, the lower the water temperature is.

The lower it is, the heat is cleared away, which is very refreshing.

Shen Teng, Yue Yunpeng, and Wei Daxun entered the water one after another.

Song Zuer and Gu Li Nazha, with the help of Chen Yang, also went into the water.

Song Zuer was very excited, her little face was full of excitement, her big eyes swept across the water, and she called out:

"Brother Chen Yang, look!"

When Chen Yang looked at it, Song Zuer's Bai Nen swiped with a small hand and poured a little water over. Fortunately, Chen Yang was wearing a mask.

Otherwise, the salty sea water splashed into the eyes, that kind of sour

I feel scared thinking about it.

"You are too naughty."

Chen Yang was a little funny, he put his arms around her small waist, and she kept thrashing in the water, giggling, and screaming for mercy.

She even asked Gu Li Nazha to come and save her.

Gulinaza hurriedly dived into the water, with two long and white legs around Chen Yang's waist, dragging him forward in the water

A few meters, but because of physical exhaustion, he floated up to gasp for breath.

"Haha Naza sister, hahaha you can, haha, it's really useless!"

Song Zuier didn't have the strength to laugh at all, and his soft body lay on Chen Yang's body.

I haven't snorkeled yet, I'm already exhausted from playing.

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