
Having a wound in the water is trickier because seawater is salty after all, and it feels like putting salt on your wound.

this sour

Fortunately, Gulinaza is not a hypocritical actress. After the two of them landed, other members of the Hua Shao Tuan also gathered around.


"Is something wrong? Nazha.

They saw that there was a blood-red wound on the original white and tender white leg of Gu Qian, and the wound was not deep.

But when one party was infected, Chen Yang still bought some clean water and dealt with it first.

"It hurts a bit, you have to bear with it."

Chen Yang put her white legs on his own and said.


Gu Li Nazha nodded like pounding garlic, and his little nose made a humming sound, but he still endured it.

Song Zuer pouted Lao Gao, squatted on the edge with his white legs bent, and said:

"Sister Zha, why are you so careless? You're not as good as me."

When she was snorkeling just now, she came across a sea turtle. She chased the sea turtle with great interest, but was slapped by Gu Lina.

screaming back.

Gu Li Nazha covered her pretty face, a little embarrassed, and waved her hands quickly: "You guys can go play again, I'm fine."

Yue Yunpeng and Wei Daxun hurried over, wet and wet, and stepped on the beach, one foot deep and one foot shallow.

Yue Yunpeng said anxiously: "Nah! That prick! You scared me to death! Wei Daxun insisted that your feet were hooked by seaweed, and you were caught by water.

Choking, how is it, are you still alive?"

Gu Lina gave him a white look: "If I were to die, what would I be talking to you now? A female ghost?"

Wei Daxun rubbed his chin: "It's not impossible ↓"

Gu Li grabbed a handful of sand angrily and threw it at Wei Daxun, but the wind blew all over Song Zuer's face.

Song Zuier twisted his face, closed his eyes quickly, and stretched out his fragrant tongue, pooh pooh:

"Sister Zha! All the sand went into your mouth ↓rua!"


Everyone laughed, and even Chen Yang couldn't help laughing, thinking that Song Zuer was a little treasure, innocent and warm.

Gu Linaza was injured and could not go into the water. Fei Ling wanted to accompany her, but Chen Yang said it would be fine for him to come.

In fact, he lacks interest in snorkeling, and he has almost played it just now.

Gu Linazha's big eyes flashed with happiness, and he quickly waved his hand to let Jia Ling leave. Song Zuer also said that he would stay.

She must not give Gulinaza and Chen Yang a chance to be alone.

But he still couldn't resist Jia Ling and was dragged away directly.

On the road.

"Hey, Sister Jia Ling, why are you stopping me!"

Song Zuer was a little unhappy, and his face was tense.

Jia Ling rubbed her little head and said:

"What are you thinking? Sister Jia Ling doesn't know yet? I know that you and Nazha both like Chen Yang."

Song Zuier's face turned red one by one, and his voice became weaker: "That's not it." "

"Still pretending to be confused with Sister Jia Ling?"

Jia Lingbi Jing is a past person, and she knows the thoughts of Song Zuer and Gu Li Nazha like the back of the hand, saying:

"Don't worry, even if you leave them alone now, they won't do anything, it's still live broadcast,

Do you think Nazha is the kind of irrational person? Even if she is, Chen Yang is not."

"Also, I can feel that Chen Yang actually likes you too."

Song Zuier raised his face in surprise: "Really?"

Jia Ling smiled: "Of course."

"Think about it, when that big guy was going to beat someone last night, did he protect you and Nazha for the first time?


"No, isn't Brother Chen Yang also protecting you in front of you?"

"One more thing, when you were in line for snorkeling today, you two didn't let him see beautiful and normal men, such as

Think about it, how would you react if you changed Wei Daxun? Think about Chen Yang again

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