A meeting, the whole film crew is talking about the thing that made you stay. "

"It's nothing else. After all, it can be seen that you are quite happy in Hua Shao Tuan."

"I'm quite happy." Chen Yang didn't deny it.

Wu Wanzhou continued: "It's nothing more than salary. We gave you 400 million for the first phase.

The price is already higher than the average newcomer! The price of the first phase of the newcomer is only ten thousand

After he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Yang and found that Chen Yang didn't react at all, and Wu Wanzhou murmured in his heart.

This is the master.

He said before that the price of the first phase of the newcomer was 200 million, and he gave Chen Yang 400 million, just to make him feel that I

Our show team has already taken good care of you, but in fact you are not worth the price in the first place.

He even wanted to lower the price.

But Chen Yang didn't ignore you at all, "please start your performance", which made him a little uncomfortable.

"Of course."

Wu Wanzhou laughed awkwardly, and continued: "I know your worth, it is definitely not comparable to a newcomer, your

Talent looks at the entire Hua Shao Tuan, and no one can compare. "

"But you also know that in our entertainment industry, we pay attention to seniority, and seniority always precedes talent.

Chen Yang raised his head and smiled: "Director Wu, don't treat me like a child.

"In the entertainment industry, it's true that seniority precedes talent, but when it comes to salary, it's not appropriate to use this reason, Shen Teng has

Seniority, right? Jia Ling has seniority? Why is their seniority higher than Guli Nazha? But the salary they receive is not as old

Linazzado. "

Wu Wanzhou was stunned, and then smiled awkwardly: "Yes, this is true, but the situation of Gu Li Nazha is a little different.


"She is traffic after all."

Chen Yang took the lead and said:

"I know that Gulinaza has 2000 million Weibo fans, she can bring more fans to the show team,

With a lot of data, she should get the most money.In this day and age, traffic is king.

"But this was before."

"Although I haven't watched the live broadcast very much in the past two days, I guess I know that the data I brought to our show has exceeded

she was.

(Li Zhaohao) "Because, you can personally ask me to come here, this is the best proof."

After Chen Yang finished speaking, Wu Wanzhou coughed dryly and nodded:

"You are right.

In my heart, I was scolding, I wipe, this sophisticated tone, why does it look like a newcomer?

Wasn't he a delivery boy before? How did he know so much?

Chen Yang took a sip of tea and continued:

"Just as you said before, it came with the greatest sincerity. If so, then show your sincerity first.

let me see

In fact, Chen Yang doesn't like negotiating very much, and he doesn't like negotiating money with others. It feels like he is selling to others.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

But now is a special situation, special treatment, after all, he bought a mansion, and now is the time when he needs money


Chapter 197 4000 million per season! Sky price!

Wu Wanzhou was surprised.

He didn't even expect Chen Yang to perform so well in negotiation.

After thinking about Chen Yang again, he was relieved.

Genius, it is normal to be excellent in all aspects.


Wu Wanzhou pondered for a while, looked at Chen Yang seriously, and said, "Our program team has unanimously decided to offer 2000

What do you think about the quarterly price?"

"2000 million?"

Chen Yang smiled, in fact, 2000 million is already a lot.

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