Chen Yang looked at these sisters who looked like living treasures, and said with a smile: "If Reba is here, I would eat

's clean. "

Hearing this, the women thought it was a nod.

In the Jiaxing world, the most delicious food is still Dilireba.

She is a well-known snack food in the entertainment industry,

But don't look at Reba's love of eating so much, she is always willing to eat, she can eat as much as she can.

But people just don't get fat.

A few assistants couldn't help but sigh when they thought of Reba, who was not fat no matter how she ate,

Also, who doesn't have a friend who doesn't get fat no matter how much he eats? It's been a long time.

Chapter 247 Three Lively and Cute Sisters

After having a happy dinner, Chen Yang asked Li Ziqi and four assistants to go back first.

Send Yang Mi back by herself.

Early the next morning, when Chen Yang came home, Li Ziqi tidied up the house again and made breakfast.


While eating breakfast, Chen Yang asked Li Ziqi, who was busy, and said, "Ziqi, how did you prepare?

How's it going? Have the schedules been adjusted?"

"It's adjusted, just because there aren't any important schedules recently, I've adjusted them all for you."

Li Ziqi stopped the work at hand, - thinking of going to shoot a Douyin video with Chen Yang, Li Ziqi was inexplicable

of excitement.

"About what time.

Chen Yang took a sip of the porridge and savored it carefully. It tasted very good.

"Three days later." Li Ziqi said.


Chen Yang nodded: "Just take advantage of three days to start preparing well."

During the three days of "Nine Six Seven", Chen Yang studied Li Ziqi's video in depth.

I found that Li Ziqi's videos are full of gourmet yuansuo, and the special customs of some places are not mentioned.

And, occasionally, it is also mentioned inadvertently.

This is a very promising point.

This also made Chen Yang realize a problem.

Now many people and programs do not realize the importance of promoting Chinese traditional culture,

This is an opportunity. If he grasps it well, Li Ziqi doesn't even need to attack the entertainment circle again.

Maybe it will directly become an image ambassador for promoting Chinese culture.

It's not impossible.

As long as Chen Yang helps Li Ziqi in the show a little bit, and at the same time let Yang Mi use Jiaxing World's

resources to push.

Li Ziqi can be completely packaged.

On the evening of the third day, Li Ziqi sent Chen Yang the information about the small mountain village he was going to visit the next day.

It is a small mountain village located in Jiangnan Province.

There are not many households in the village anymore. Young people have gone to school and work, leaving only some old widows and old people.

People stay behind in the small village, waiting for the return of the child, while guarding the culture of the mountain village.

It matches the working conditions of Li Ziqi very well.

Early the next morning, Li Ziqi prepared a lot of luggage for Chen Yang.

Just two large suitcases.

"What are you doing? How do you prepare so many things? "

Chen Yang asked in surprise.

"Mr. Xiao Chen and I went to shoot Douyin for the first time. Maybe there are many places in the small mountain village that I am not used to.

Bring something along that might come in handy. "Li Ziqi explained.

"Then why did you bring a travel bag?"

"I'm used to it, so it's enough to bring some normal toiletries."

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