"Purple wind?"

Chen Yang looked at the white T hot pants in amazement, and at this moment was a shy-faced Zhang Zifeng.

Zhang Zifeng is a national sister, a young actor who is very popular among audiences all over the country, and is very well-known, especially

is in the circle.

So Chen Yang is no stranger to her. At the same time, like most people, Chen Yang also feels that Zhang Zifeng is a little girl.

The mother is very happy.

Especially the sweet and quiet feeling, I am afraid that anyone who sees it will inspire a brother-like security.


"Chen, Chen Yang?.

Zhang Zifeng couldn't believe his eyes.

When she came into the house just now, she saw so many strangers, and she was instinctively a little shy and resisted.

But she didn't expect to come out of the house - Chen Yang, a big star whom she admires very much!

Especially after seeing the lines full of male hormones "seven or sixty" on Chen Yang's body, he couldn't help but directly

Face blushed.

But at the same time, there are bound to be some doubts.

Why is Chen Yang here?

Is it a mysterious guest invited by the show team?

The show team was so bad that they didn't say anything in advance. Fortunately, she came down to give gifts to Granny Wang.

"Brother Chen Yang, are you a mysterious guest invited by the show team?"

Zhang Zifeng finally moved his eyes away from Chen Yang's core muscle group, and then met Chen Yang's deep eyes.

Handed over, and instantly retracted his gaze.

The flushed face is very attractive.

Although it was the first time that she and Chen Yang met, she was young and was recognized as a younger sister in the circle, so I met her.

After Chen Yang hesitated for a while, he called his brother according to his usual habit.

"Program? What program?.

Chen Yang wiped the sweat from his face with a towel, his movements full of man's hormones.

"Ah? Brother Chen Yang is not a mysterious guest?"

Zhang Zifeng's eyes flashed a trace of disappointment.

"Zifeng is here to record the longing life?"

Li Ziqi interjected at this time.

"Well, yes. The mushroom house is not far from the village. Brother Chen Yang and everyone else are going to be guests.


Zhang Zifeng pointed in the direction of the mushroom house, his big eyes full of hope.

Although she met Chen Yang for the first time, she was Chen Yang's number one fan, and she often followed Chen Yang on the Internet

All the dynamics of Yang.

As soon as [My Heart Will Go On] and [To Alice] became popular on the Internet, Zifeng fell into the charm of Chen Yang.

How can someone be so handsome and good-looking, yet so talented?

This is simply a character that can only appear in a novel.

Zhang Zifeng, who was still in adolescence, once fantasized about whether Chen Yang would come out of anime or novels.

who came?

Otherwise, how could it be so good and so charming?

"Huh? Go to the mushroom house?"

When Ding Kai and others heard the words, their expressions suddenly became pleasantly surprised, and they all looked at Chen Yang with anticipation in their eyes.

Although the protagonist of this trip is Li Ziqi, it is Chen Yang who really plays a decisive role.

Chen Yang felt so many hot eyes, how could he not know their psychology?

Although the teams of Li Ziqi and Ding Kai have gained a lot of popularity in the Internet celebrity circle, they are not in harmony with the real Ming Dynasty.

The stars are still a lot worse.

[Longing for Life] is also one of the popular variety shows in the entertainment industry. Who doesn't want to be on it?

Now that the opportunity is in front of you, those who don't want to seize this opportunity are fools.

Not only Ding Kai, Ma Xiaoxiao and others are looking forward to it, but even Zhang Zifeng who sent the invitation is looking forward to it.

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