Unexpectedly, such severe pain was relieved so much by Chen Yang's hands.

Teacher He's eyes lit up, and he looked at Chen Yang in surprise and surprise.

This technique is much more experienced and effective than many full-time massage therapists.

Chapter 254 The main food is not ordered




As the strength of Chen Yang's elbows increased, He Jiong originally wanted to say that he was a little more reserved. After all, he was still broadcasting live.

Have to hold back the sound.

Can endure it.

Still can't hold back.

That's not the point.

The key is.

His voice sounded to make people blush and his heart beat faster. He didn't look at the picture and just listened to the voice.


Chen Yang's scalp felt numb when he heard it.

He suddenly stopped what he was doing.

"Huh? Why didn't you press it?"

He Jiong felt Chen Yang's hand removed, opened his eyes, and looked at him suspiciously.

Chen Yang had a dark face and said:

"Can't you keep your voice down? It's a shame."

Crowd: Ahahahaha!

Zhang Zifeng blinked his big eyes, - Ying's little head leaned over, squatting on the ground with her white legs bent, holding her little hand in her hands.

Face, naively and curiously asked:

"Teacher He, are you really that comfortable?

"How comfortable!"

He Jiong nodded approvingly, gave Chen Yang an ambiguous look, and said, "Your brother Chen Yang's hand is like a magic hand, I can clearly feel every inch of my skin

I came back to life, as if all the fatigue of the day had disappeared, and I felt like I was going to heaven. "


The corner of Chen Yang's mouth twitched, and he even took a chair and overthrew He Jiong directly to the ground.

"I know you're bragging, but why does it sound so weird to me?"



Ding Kai, Li Ziqi and others all fell to the ground with laughter, and even Huang Lei let out a barbell-like laugh.

He knew his old buddy was a host.

And it is still a well-known golden microphone in the circle.

Needless to say in terms of eloquence and emotional intelligence, looking at the domestic hosting industry, there are really few people who can surpass him.

But the words He Jiong blurted out just now almost didn't make him laugh.

There was also a frying pan in the live broadcast room.

"Hahahaha! Chuan" heart"

"This is not for kindergarten"


"Mr. He is too funny, and Chen Yang is even more funny. Putting these two together is so funny!"

"Magic hand, I'm about to go to heaven when I press it, hahahaha, I burst out laughing."

Many netizens all began to complain about He Jiong.

A good pastoral yearning program just makes you drive.


Chen Yang helped He Jiong, who fell to the ground with a laugh, and then looked at Huang Lei:

"We're going to have dinner tonight."

Huang Lei nodded and patted his chest:

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