"Catch a Chen Yang alive, sisters come quickly."

"Chen Yang turned me over. Look at my heart."

Chen Yang looked at the number of likes that were still growing, and felt that it was not enough, so he logged on to WeChat.

Blog posted a message.

[Jiangnan trip, encounter mushroom house - go to Douyin and I avoid food. @李子柒. ]

Not only that, five minutes after Chen Yang posted on Weibo.

He Jiong, Huang Lei, and Zhang Zifeng have posted on Weibo to promote Chen Yang.

"Only pickled cabbage can know its deliciousness. Is there any one? By the way, let me whisper: Xiao Chen presses

The trick is very authentic. "

"Hmph, you fooled me with Buddha jumping over the wall. Fortunately, you have a little conscience and left us a few jars of spicy cabbage. I want to eat it.

My friends went to find Chen Yang together. "

"It's really fun to pickle cabbage with Brother Chen Yang, do you want to join the team of Brother Chen Yang's pickled cabbage? Here's the link"

The Weibo of the three of them followed.

More and more people knew that Chen Yang had participated in the recording of Food Douyin, and they came to watch.

The number of likes has doubled again!

With the Weibo accounts of Chen Yang, He Jiong, and Huang Lei, it is not just netizens who follow this video.

Many celebrities in the entertainment industry have also begun to pay attention.

No surprises.

Almost every star who watched the video was attracted by the simple atmosphere of the villagers and the fun of pickling cabbage on the video


Especially when the spicy cabbage finally came out.

The crystal-like red cabbage leaves make countless people feel its spicy taste through the screen.

There are also many foodies who almost didn't salivate.

More and more people are starting to retweet.

"Praise the big star Chen Yang, and personally promote Chinese cuisine."

"Looking at me, I'm thirsty. I'm going to pickle some tonight."

"Can you give some points to fans? [email protected]Chen Yang."

Celebrities, public accounts, and big Vs all consciously forwarded it.

eight pm.

The video has been posted for eight hours,

Millions of likes, more than [-] comments, and [-] retweets!

And the numbers are rising fast.

The number of Li Ziqi's Douyin fans has also skyrocketed from more than five million to nearly seven million.

This video even hangs on the top of Douyin's hottest video list of the day! .

Chapter 260 Chen Yang raised the price of cabbage!

Late at night is the time when all the people are on Douyin.

The spicy cabbage video was the most viewed on the day, and was naturally pushed to the majority of netizens by the platform.

As soon as countless netizens open Douyin, it is a video of spicy cabbage.

"This video is so long, but it looks interesting."

"I watch all Chen Yang's videos. Five minutes is a shit."

"My husband is charming. Pickled cabbage has the temperament of Michelangelo."

"Chen Yang, an online pickle."

"Love, love, who doesn't love a man who is handsome and can cook?"

"Chen Yang and He Jiong? My God, my two favorite stars are in the same frame?!"

"Spicy cabbage looks delicious - ah, I'm thirsty."

Wu Jing, Guo Degang, Chen He, Deng

Countless stars are retweeting it.

Overnight, spicy cabbage feasts on the Internet.

[Chen Yang urged the group]

"Chen Yang, come out for me!"

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