Zhang Zifeng always likes to hold Chen Yang's arm when he is by Chen Yang's side. If he is sitting, he has to lean against Chen Yang.

Yang's shoulders will do.

Chen Yang also regarded the lovely Zifeng as his younger sister, and let Zifeng rely on her.

Zhang Zifeng wrapped his arms around Chen Yang and pressed his body close to Chen Yang, feeling the strong muscles under Chen Yang's shirt.

His face turned red.

"Mr. He, sit down."

Chen Yang motioned to He Jiong to sit down, but He Jiong was not polite, he pulled the chair and sat down comfortably.

"Hey, the chair is very soft and comfortable. I didn't expect Xiao Chen to understand life so well." He Jiong tried the soft chair

Son, can not help but admire.

"This is all due to Zi Qi. The office was cleaned up by Zi Qi, and the chair was changed by Zi Qi. Zi Feng, you too.

sit down. "

Chen Yangyi - while praising Zi Qi, - motioned Zhang Zifeng to sit down, - let Zifeng hold it, the two of them should not do it

Law sat.


Zi Feng reluctantly let go of his embrace, but still pulled the chair and leaned beside Chen Yang, with a sullen expression on his face.

Willing smile.

Chen Yang gave Zi Feng a funny and doting look, and then looked at He Jiong.

"Mr. He, you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, what are you two doing today?" Chen Yang asked.

He Jiong and Zhang Zifeng are both big stars, and they usually announce a lot.

And looking at He Jiong's unwillingness to speak, it was obvious that something was wrong.

"You see it all?"

He Jiong smiled embarrassedly, poked the back of his head and said:

"That's it, didn't you record us [Year 4] before? Guess what? The ratings exploded!"

He Jiong spoke in an exaggerated way, and stretched out four fingers: ". Four times more than usual!"

"Well, this is Brother Chen Yang. The ratings of the episode you came here are higher than the ratings of the previous episode with the highest ratings.

Zifeng raised her lovely face to look at Chen Yang, her big eyes full of admiration.

Chen Yang nodded when he heard the words, but he didn't find it strange.

Now his influence and popularity in China is no worse than He Jiong, and even higher than him.

He is almost as famous as Huazai and other Heavenly Kings, but his debut time was short and he didn't have enough time to settle down.

Not being crowned king.

"Will the show team invite me to stay in [Year 4]? If that's the case, forget it, I don't like it very much.

Chen Yang slowly shook his head,

He just doesn't like the feeling of signing a long-term contract, it's like selling himself.

Whatever you do, you must first consider the interests of the program group, and it is very uncomfortable to be tied up.

Otherwise, he wouldn't refuse the sky-high price of [-] million [Battle of Teana].

"No, I didn't mean to say this (okay). I know you're a guy who doesn't like restraint, so the director

When the group had this idea, I was yelled at. "

He Jiong laughed.

"I and Zifeng came to you to be a lobbyist, but we didn't want you to be a resident guest."

"What's that for?" Chen Yang asked Tuo.


[Longing 4] Isn't this the end of the recording? The live broadcast effect is so good that the investment principal will be returned directly

"So the program team and sponsors are thinking about expanding their influence and writing an exclusive theme song for Mushroom House."

"It just so happens that you have been to the mushroom house, and your popularity is the first in the entire Internet!"

"If you let me write, I can also let Mushroom House take a wave of your popularity.

"what do you think?"

He Jiong said, making a fist with his right hand and extending his thumb and little finger, making a "six" gesture.

"The program team is willing to pay [-] million to buy the copyright of one of your songs.".

Chapter 264 Zhang Jie: The concubine can't do it~

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