"Let's get started."


Liu Yifei nodded slightly, but his eyes couldn't help but focus on Chen Yang's core muscles.

The group scratched a few times.

Both Chen Yang and Liu Yifei are "[-]" professionals.

Although Chen Yang has never taken model photos before, has he never eaten pork or seen a pig run?

What's more, Chen Yang's acting skills are there, and he can easily enter the role of a new sports youth.

So there is no pressure to pose, all the poses are just right,

Not only can you show your body a little bit, but you can also show the beauty of your clothes well.

Impress the cameraman.

On the contrary, Liu Yifei is in a lot of situations today.

Especially when there is physical contact with Chen Yang, his expression and eyes are always inappropriate.

Because this almost made the photographer jump with anger.

Liu Yifei could only smile awkwardly.

She is also very helpless, I can't blame her for the lack of expression and eyes!

If it weren't for the fact that so many people were here, she would have ranted at the photographer.

Are you able to come?

Will you get distracted when you touch the muscles on Chen Yang's body? Will you be overwhelmed?

See if you can't help but take a peek at Chen Yang's abdominal muscles?

I see that your eyes just wanted to fly to Chen Yang

After a whole morning, I finally took a set of photos.

lunch time.

When Chen Yangzheng and Li Ziqi were discussing whether to order takeout, Li Yifei and his assistant walked with western fast food

come over.

"Hey, Chen Yang. My assistant bought two more. Let's eat it for you. You are all ordered."

Chen Yang looked up at Liu Yifei, and Liu Yifei was gazing at his abdominal muscles.

Being discovered by Chen Yang, Liu Yifei hurriedly turned his eyes away and changed the subject:

"Are you going to eat or not?

"Eat, why don't you eat the free meal?"

Chen Yang took over Liu Yifei's "accidentally" order with a smile, gave Li Ziqi a portion, and then motioned to Liu Yifei

Sit down beside them and eat together.

Liu Yifei sat happily beside Chen Yang,

The three chatted and laughed.

Chen Yang found that Liu Yifei was different from the frosty image on TV.

On TV, Liu Yifei often plays roles like a cold fairy sister, even if he occasionally participates in

Variety shows are not very lively either.

But after getting along all morning, Chen Yang felt that Liu Yifei was not bad.

Lively and cheerful, and very talkative.

Start talking as soon as you sit down,

From [small dimples] to [Daoxiang], while talking, stars are almost popping out of my eyes.

Finally, I chatted happily with Li Ziqi.

"Oh, that's right, Chen Yang."

Liu Yifei suddenly remembered something, put down the fast food in his hand, and asked with big eyes:

"Adida will participate in the Victoria's Secret show for a while, will you participate then?"

"The Victoria's Secret Show? Probably not.

Chen Yang thought for a while, then shook his head.

"I don't like the feeling of walking on the catwalk in front of the public," Chen Yang explained.

Chen Yang is now an international celebrity. Although there is no official Tianwang certification, his influence is by no means lower than Tianwang.

Let him go to the Victoria's Secret show with a straight face?

Not quite.

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