It is already good to be able to come to his Juxian Village.

So Chen He was ready to be slapped, didn't expect Tom to talk so well?

"Haha, Mr. Tom, please take a seat."

Chen He laughed twice and sat down with Tom, then waved to the waiter: "Go get Mr. Tom-

Go for the full English menu. "

The waiter was ready and handed over the menu immediately.

Tom picked up the menu and looked at it with interest.

"My hand through your black hair?"

"The exchange of hot love?"

"Celebrities gather?"

"Well, the names of Huaxia's dishes are very special."

Tom couldn't guess the name of Huaxia's dishes at all, so he ordered them all in one go.

Chen He was also so happy, he was afraid that Tom would order less.

The more you order, the more likely it will be picked up by Tom and listed in Michelin magazine.

"Uh hahaha."

Chen He let out his signature laugh again.

Tom closed the menu, then looked at Chen He seriously: "Excuse me, is there any spicy cabbage here?"

Tom said the three words "spicy cabbage" in his not very proficient Chinese.

Chen He was stunned for a moment, then reacted.

"Oh, oh, spicy cabbage. We don't have-

Hearing this, the anticipation on Tom's face disappeared instantly, and he was also slightly disappointed.

Seeing that Tom's expression was wrong, Chen He immediately remedied: "However. The promotion ambassador of spicy cabbage is on his way.

almost there.

"Really? That's great, Zhengchou doesn't know how to contact him."

Tom nodded excitedly.

after an hour,

When all the dishes Tom ordered were brought to the table, Tom was very excited, because each dish was in very good condition.


But when Tom ate them one by one, it was not as good as he expected.

"How about Mr. Tom? Can my food be listed in Michelin magazine?"

Chen He looked at Tom expectantly.

Tom returned a helpless look:

"Sorry, Mr. Chen He, I'm afraid these dishes are not very good. It's not that they are not delicious, but the

Lin Magazine's requirements are too harsh. "

"These dishes are almost meaningless.

Tom's eyes were very apologetic, and Chen He pouted: "Is it really not good? You can also serve a dish."

"I'm really sorry, that's not true." Tom shook his head again.

"Alas." Chen He sighed.

Before he could say the next sentence, a waiter hurriedly pushed open the door.

"Brother He, Chen Yang is here."

With that said, Chen Yang walked in from the door.

Chen Hegang wanted to say hello with a smile, but he didn't expect Tom to jump up one step faster than him.

"Mr. Chen Yang!"

Tom walked quickly to Chen Yang and held his hand tightly, feeling extremely excited.

"Finally found you, I want to try your spicy cabbage! Want him to get a three-star seal from our Michelin magazine


Chen Yang looked at Tom with a sullen look,

Chen He was dumbfounded.


Why can't I have such a large table of dishes in the Michelin magazine,

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